Friday, October 2, 2015

High Street Sass

10:50 monkey_boy: I think Alice Eve is really pretty, and from the interviews I've seen she seems a bit introverted and smart. I dig that.
10:53 tzcheezyP: she's cute, but i never figured how introversion works with performing arts.  especially acting.
10:53 tzcheezyP has left IRC (Quit: meeting)
10:59 knarf: no idea who that is
10:59 knarf: once again monkey_boy is more into pop culture than i am
10:59 monkey_boy: she was in the star trek reboots
10:59 knarf: i saw them...still no idea
11:00 monkey_boy: haha, k
11:00 monkey_boy: guess she made more of an impression on me than you
11:00 knarf: i only remember the black chick from GotG
11:01 monkey_boy: the new Ohura gal?
11:01 knarf: yeah
11:05 monkey_boy: Alice played the daughter of the admiral?
11:05 monkey_boy: she was a science officer I think
11:07 knarf: gosh, i saw it a few times, but can't visualize her. 
11:07 knarf: i guess she did make a better impression on you than me
11:09 monkey_boy: I'm a sucker for an attracive woman with a high street british accent 
11:10 knarf: high street british? is that like code for "hooker" across the pond?
11:15 monkey_boy: it is not.
11:15 monkey_boy: high streets are the term the UK uses for larger streets
11:16 monkey_boy: and generally have more expensive stores
11:16 knarf: so a british snob
11:16 knarf: makes sense
11:18 monkey_boy: haha
11:18 monkey_boy: pretty much actually
11:19 monkey_boy: damn, I am a snob
11:19 knarf: :D

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