Monday, January 16, 2006

helga likes pooh

[helga_] why's it so quiet?
[monkey_boy] helga_: because ClydeFrogger is a major downer.
* chellers shrugs
[monkey_boy] I was all pumped when I came into chat and HomieKnarf told me he's grumpy
[helga_] "pumped"?? like, you were pumping your arms in the air?
[monkey_boy] oh yeah
[monkey_boy] I had my morning yogurt
[monkey_boy] I did my jazzercise
[monkey_boy] and eeyore over there just placed a mini stormcloud over me
[chellers] eeyore is cool
[helga_] eeyore is a downer
[helga_] i like pooh... he's into sweets, like me
[HomieKnarf] makes sense with filler too...he likes you...and if you are like just works out
[helga_] LOL
* helga_ is still laughing at that one
* HomieKnarf gets up out of his chair with his hands up...
[HomieKnarf] thanks you! g'nite!!
[chellers] hahahahaha
[chellers] nice

Wednesday, January 4, 2006


*** monkey_boy has changed the topic on channel #chataus to Happy Bastielle Day!.
* knarf give monkey_boy a a happy bastille hug
[monkey_boy] yay!
[monkey_boy] aw-shawn-tay!
[glitta] Happy Honolulu!
* knarf giggles at the "kick me" sign on monkey_boy's back
[monkey_boy] :(
* monkey_boy realizes now why the french hate the filthy americans
[knarf] nobody appreciates a good joke anymore
* knarf kicks monkey_boy in the butt and runs away
* monkey_boy plots and schemes against knarf but in his heart knows nothing will ever really come of it.
* knarf lends monkey_boy his copy of The Anarchist's Cookbook
[monkey_boy] nevermind the bollocks!
[monkey_boy] I wanna be anarchy!
[ClydeFrogger] sandra bollocks?
[monkey_boy] maybe.
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: we kartin?
[ClydeFrogger] chure
[ClydeFrogger] wow....
[knarf] it was that long ago we were talking about this
[knarf] psychos
[monkey_boy] so does this mean you're not coming to my pumping party this weekend ClydeFrogger? I got the finest industrial grade floor wax to inject into you
[ClydeFrogger] i dont know
[ClydeFrogger] i wanna
[ClydeFrogger] but...
[monkey_boy] I double checked the label. I doesn't say ANYTHING about not injecting it.
[ClydeFrogger] well if the label doesnt say
[monkey_boy] yay!
[monkey_boy] party!
[monkey_boy] pumping party!
[monkey_boy] (sung to the tune of pizza party, the board game)
[knarf] i bet hes already pre-order DK Pumpin Party
[monkey_boy] yay!
[eppy] dumb firefox wont come up...i bet windows is blocking it somehow
* monkey_boy stares at eppy in mute amazement
* knarf opens and closes firefox repeatedly
[eppy] came up
[eppy] yesterday it wouldnt
* eppy winks at monkey
[glitta] for all you fatties out there..
[glitta] its actually kinda sad
[knarf] wow
[knarf] i cant enter the site
[knarf] i dont have an eating disorder and im not in recovery
* knarf wonders what eating disorder glitta is hiding
[glitta] it was a link off of cnn..
[knarf] uh-huh
[glitta] well
[glitta] you know how they have links at the bottom
[ClydeFrogger] video killed the radio star
[ClydeFrogger] what exactly is "unauthorized use of a vehicle"
[monkey_boy] that's when you ask the car, "Mr. car can I use you?"
[glitta] prob like if you were a go kart place worker adn you took a go cart to the exxon down the block for some snack..
[monkey_boy] and it says, "posh and poppycock! I think not you ruffian!"
[ClydeFrogger] "look, im writing profanity on the wall"
* ClydeFrogger write "poppycock" on the wall
[eppy] haha...poppycock?
[sistersuds] wow monkey is really getting into the spirit of bastielle day
[ClydeFrogger] write=writes
[eppy] 1. poppycock v. to eat the last of someone's food without asking and in typical cases, without admitting to it upon questioning afterward. Originated in New Haven, CT. Can also be used as an noun. See poppycocker.
* monkey_boy starts constructing a guillotine to cleanse the french government
[monkey_boy] The OED is silent on its origin, but most modern dictionaries know well where it comes from: the Dutch word pappekak for soft faeces.
[monkey_boy] (OED is oxford english dict)
[eppy] other defs agree with its basically b.s.
[monkey_boy] this sir is insubordination!
* monkey_boy pulls off one of his riding gloves and slaps eppy accross the face with it
*** sistersuds has left #chataus.
*** sistersuds has joined #chataus.
[sistersuds] man i hate when i hit the escape key by mistake
[knarf] yatr
[knarf] yar
[knarf] sistersuds: tell ray thx for the mp3 site
[knarf] i finally checked it out last nite
[sistersuds] knarf: sure. i think he still uses it too
[sistersuds] works out pretty well
[knarf] yeah
[knarf] cheap too
[sistersuds] yup
* eppy pulls off his glove...fills it with bricks and slaps monkey_boy across the face

Lindsay Wastin' Away

[knarf] ok...i will agree lohan is looking gross now
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: tell her the mary-kart diet is worth it
[ClydeFrogger] hahah, mary-kart
[chelle] hahahaha
[chelle] ClydeFrogger is already thinking about kart time
[ClydeFrogger] chelle: more like just lunch
[ClydeFrogger] im hungry
[chelle] ClydeFrogger: what's for lucnh today
[chelle] ?
* ClydeFrogger shrugs
[knarf] crap
[knarf] i forgot my lunch
[knarf] i suggest chic-fil-a
[ClydeFrogger] we did that yesterday
[monkey_boy] lindsay doesn't look hot anymore.
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: no, she doesnt
[monkey_boy] she looks a-wafair-theeeeein
[knarf] she reaching alley mcbeal proportions
[ClydeFrogger] im just gonna remember the old days
* ClydeFrogger pictures the "santa dance" from mean girls
[monkey_boy] why lord? why? why to they take hot girls and make them bean poles?
* monkey_boy tries to focus after ClydeFrogger's last comment.
[monkey_boy] that scene legal now to gawk at now that she is legal?
[monkey_boy] or since she was illegal at the time is it still wrong?
[knarf] monkey_boy: the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away
[monkey_boy] why can't the lord taketh away from the morbidly obesese instead of the cute and porpotioned?
[ClydeFrogger] i think she was legal when she did it
[monkey_boy] that's your story and you're sticking to it, mr. rewinder?
[monkey_boy] ok, I just saw the picture of her in an ornage dress and cowboy books.
[monkey_boy] boots
[monkey_boy] she's officially unhot now.
[chelle] hahahahaha
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: it is our duty to fly to LA, tie her down, and feed her till she gains 20 lbs
[monkey_boy] all in her boobies, like before.
[ClydeFrogger] most
[knarf] how you gonna feed her boobies
[ClydeFrogger] she needs to add some ba-dunk-ka-dunk too
[monkey_boy] maybe we should make her eat the weight gainer bars.
[monkey_boy] like from mean girls.
[ClydeFrogger] caltene bars
[monkey_boy] tell her they're a sweedish diet.
[monkey_boy] I bet she won't even remember, she's so weak from lack of food.
* ClydeFrogger is proud of monkey_boy for remembering a mean girls reference
[monkey_boy] it was hard to remember things with all the eyecandy on screen.
[knarf] monkey_boy liked the gay dude
[ClydeFrogger] we should totally have a mean girls viewing in honor of HOT lindsay
[knarf] or
[monkey_boy] only if we all wear black.
[knarf] we could just say we had one and not
[monkey_boy] \msg ClydeFrogger I don't think knarf realizes LL is actually not hot now.
[monkey_boy] \msg ClydeFrogger I think he's in denial.
[ClydeFrogger] knarf: have you seen mean girls yet
[knarf] no, shes gross
[knarf] yeah
[ClydeFrogger] you can borrow if you want...oh
[chelle] wow
[chelle] i'm the only one that ahsn't seen mean girls yet?
* helga_2 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[ClydeFrogger] chelle: and that is why you arent a good judge on HOT girls
[chelle] has eppy already seen it too?
[chelle] :P

Tuesday, January 3, 2006


[Glitta] Breaking News: Someone Got Engaged This Weekend.. Guess Who?
[chelle] it was just nice to be by the ocean
[knarf] YOU!?
[chelle] BRIAN?
[Glitta] Strike one
[Glitta] Strike two
[chelle] EPPY
[knarf] DAVE!?
[Glitta] ha ha Strike Threee YOOOOUUUU OUT
[knarf] elmo?
[Glitta] No
[chelle] NOODLE?!!
[knarf] wow
[chelle] WOOOO-HOOOOO!!!
[Glitta] at least thats what eppy told helga and helga told me
[knarf] haha
[Glitta] and i couldnt keep it in anylonger
[Glitta] and apparently Grant Called eppy with the news?
[Glitta] they are in NYC
[knarf] you guys got suckered
[chelle] wow
[Glitta] no way.. helga wasnt too suprised.. supposedly when he went to el paso with her this summer.. he asked her dad for her hand in marriage
[Glitta] or his blessing.. or whatever it is that you do when you ask the dad
[Glitta] and so peeps where just waiting for the actual popping of the question
[Glitta] i had no clue
[ClydeFrogger] suck, stupid IBM
[ClydeFrogger] my back doc dont accept the new health plans
[chelle] Glitta: wow. i'm surprised grant called eppy w/ the news
[Glitta] yeah.. thats what is kinda unbeleivable for me
[Glitta] im still in shock .. i guess i wont believe it till noodle gets back and tells us
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: are you signed up lready? cant change it?
[ClydeFrogger] well, all the plans are aetna
[ClydeFrogger] and they dont accept aetna
[knarf] ouuu...i havent even looked
[chelle] Glitta: yup
[Glitta] chelle:did you know about any of it? like that they were even planning on getting married?
[monkey_boy] brb
Signoff: monkey_boy ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.11")
[chelle] Glitta: no ma'am
[chelle] Glitta: i just knew that grant had finally met the family but that's all
[Glitta] its exciting!

[eppy] /msg knarf i dont think they know yet
[helgaTHEgreate] who knows what?
[monkey_boy] helgaTHEgreate: oh great, you're gonna encourage him
[Glitta] :/ i spilled the beans
[knarf] nothing...its tru...were not talking about marraige
[helgaTHEgreate] monkey_boy: i can't help it
monkey_boy checks his backlog for any stray beans...
monkey_boy sees no beans...
[knarf] msg eppy way to go dude
[chelle] eppy's preggers?
[helgaTHEgreate] hahahaha
[monkey_boy] the sordid affairs of eppy
[monkey_boy] coming to BBC America this fall!
[eppy] lets see i told them they got engaged at a museum
[ClydeFrogger] uh, can i borrow a dollar from someone
monkey_boy waves a dollar in front of ClydeFrogger...
[monkey_boy] what are you gonna do for it?
[ClydeFrogger] kick you in the nuts
[eppy] Glitta: you told them about deb & grant?
monkey_boy waits for glitta to make a gay ref.
[monkey_boy] eppy: no, but now you did! :D
[Glitta] eppy: :| no.. yes.. no.. Yes! I couldnt take it
[Glitta] but you can tell it again since then it will be STRAIGHT FROM TEH SOURCE
[ClydeFrogger] so about that dollar
[ClydeFrogger] anyone
[eppy] grant told me they announced at times square...and i think she said yes
[helgaTHEgreate] i only have a five and a 20
[ClydeFrogger] eppy: you know that sentence made no sense, right
[Glitta] whoa.. who announce what and huh?
[eppy] bad
[Glitta] ha ha no sense
[ClydeFrogger] they
[helgaTHEgreate] eppy: are they registering at tiffany's?
[ClydeFrogger] two people proposed?
[eppy] they=he
[knarf] haha
[Glitta] translation: grant proposed at time square and debbie may or may not have said yes
[eppy] ClydeFrogger: you got a stick in your butt
[Glitta] how do you not know if debbie said yes?
knarf makes mental note not to take sticks from ClydeFrogger
[Glitta] i thought it was in a museum in from of a painting
[monkey_boy] knarf: LOL
[Glitta] from = front
[eppy] brb
monkey_boy changes the name of the channel to #The_View.

[eppy] i hafta fess up
[knarf] this should be good
[ClydeFrogger] uh-oh
[eppy] i never talked to grant
[knarf] hahahaha
[ClydeFrogger] nice
[eppy] it was jess jokes...dont be too mad
knarf was looking forward to watching a skinny pale jet black haired goth girl stripping
[djPoppinJ] what?
[djPoppinJ] you ACE..i'm glad I played it off when I called her and she wasn't home. I left a message "hey debbie, give mem acall, blah blah"
[djPoppinJ] dave - so this all started with me? on the phone saturday ? you just decided to be mean?
[chelle] hmmm...yeah maybe eppy's trying to cover his ace
[djPoppinJ] i'm kornfused now
[Glitta] whooooaaaa
[djPoppinJ] he did that beacuse they went out of town
[eppy] i know...ive out done myself
[helgaTHEgreat] wow
[djPoppinJ] and I even tried calling when they were out of town, duh
[Glitta] i thought something was up when you said he did it in time square and helgaTHEgreat said he did it in a museum
[knarf] wow
[knarf] let the ppl vacation in peace
[chelle] hahahahahahaha
[djPoppinJ] dont make me call grant and tell him to ask her!
[djPoppinJ] cuz I will MAKE HIM
[ClydeFrogger] that might give eppy the "Ace of the Year Award"
[helgaTHEgreat] no wonder noodle hates eppy
knarf makes preprations for eppy's trophy
[Glitta] helgaTHEgreat: you didnt know either.. or where you part of the scam..??
[knarf] eppy: you prefer Ace of the Year or Ass of the Year?
[helgaTHEgreat] Glitta: i wasn't part of the scam
[eppy] im gonna hafta go with ace
[Glitta] so eppy tricked you too???
[ClydeFrogger] hahaha
[knarf] ace it is
[ClydeFrogger] eppy has no bounds
[helgaTHEgreat] glitta: looks like it
[chelle] well then why did helga say it took place in a museum?
[Glitta] helgaTHEgreat: break up with him.. we all have your back
[knarf] wow...he counted on you girls spreading the lies like wild fire...good ol rumors
[knarf] chelle: eppy messed up his own lie
[Glitta] makes me realize how bad it is to spread rumors.
[chelle] i dunno i'm gonna go with eppy spilled the beans and is trying to cover his ace
[knarf] youd think he wouldf got it str8
[chelle] knarf: nah we're talking about eppy here
[knarf] exactly
[Glitta] too many lies and deceptions in this chat room
[chelle] hahahahahaha
[knarf] oh oh...make a #wedding-talk
[Glitta] im still suspicious that helgaTHEgreat is in on it
[ClydeFrogger] i did find it weird that grant would call eppy and not noodle call eppy
[knarf] maybe she started it then got eppy to cover for her this morning...
[knarf] that would esplain why eppy effed it up
[helgaTHEgreat] don't blame this on me
[Glitta] why would they wanna start a rumor like that
[Glitta] that just mean
[knarf] cuz they knew ppl would eat it up?
[Glitta] should have made it more outrageous.. not something thats believable.. thats my theory
[knarf] is the believable rumor more easy to spread?
[monkey_boy] you can always blame me.
[knarf] ^nt
[knarf] bastard.
monkey_boy hangs his blabbing mouth in shame
[helgaTHEgreat] i thought its a very believable rumor
[Glitta] eppy: what do you have to say for yourself.. why did you do it???
[Glitta] the people wanna know
[Glitta] maybe eppy was just trying to get helgaTHEgreat??
[eppy] no...i told this to cracker too
[helgaTHEgreat] he knew i'd tell you, Glitta, at the race on sunday
[eppy] i did know helga was going to the run on sunday
[Glitta] yeah.. i know.. thats funny
[knarf] BURN
[chelle] i remember when we tried to get eppy to keep a secret..first person he called was glitta
[chelle] :D
[ClydeFrogger] hahaha
[Glitta] what if noodle did think he was gonna ask the big question and he didnt.. and shes sad
[Glitta] and here we are spreading rumors that it happened
[chelle] i'll just wait until noodle comes back
[helgaTHEgreat] what if it really happened and eppy didn't even KNOW?!
knarf is glad he didnt spread rumors
[chelle] i have 2 theroies
[chelle] oops theories
[chelle] 1) eppy's telling the truth and now feels bad he spilled the beans
[chelle] 2) eppy wanted to punk peeps
[knarf] back and to the left
[knarf] back...and to the left
knarf thinks helgaTHEgreat is the other shooter on the grassy noel
[Glitta] We just got PUNKD
[helgaTHEgreat] yeah, unintentionally
[Glitta] now im sad
[helgaTHEgreat] i'm pissed at eppy, for bringing me into his web of lies
[Glitta] helgaTHEgreat: you should be.. where is the TRUST in the relationship
[Glitta] helgaTHEgreat: break up with him.. teach him a lesson
[helgaTHEgreat] i just might
[Glitta] helgaTHEgreat: make him cry too
[chelle] maybe eppy's feeling out the waters with helga
[chelle] see if its time to pop the question
[helgaTHEgreat] well, that would be a dumb idea now
[Glitta] ooooooooooh
[knarf] i thought it was barely like 2...its gonna be 4 already
[knarf] ouch man
[Glitta] i have to say im suprised eppy caused all this.. we will be talking about it for years to come
[knarf] can i go home now?
[Glitta] helgaTHEgreat: i was gonna say you did a good job playin it off with the Aaron Dream.
[Glitta] sucked me right in
[helgaTHEgreat] Glitta: that did happen
[Glitta] thats funnny
[helgaTHEgreat] i even told aaron about it
[Glitta] ha ha..
[eppy] i hafta fess up
[eppy] again
[eppy] the weddin's back on!
[helgaTHEgreat] who trusts you?
ClydeFrogger raises hand
[eppy] nah really...this is the truth
[Glitta] yeah who cares.. im waiting for debbie
monkey_boy thinks the perfect way to tell is by reinstating the old methods to determine if someone is a witch
[Glitta] Quit playing with my Emmotions!!!
[monkey_boy] if we drown eppy and he lives, he's lying!
[chelle] ooouuuu
[monkey_boy] if he dies, he told the truth. QED
[chelle] monkey_boy: good suggestion
[monkey_boy] nothing quite like a good witch trial.
[monkey_boy] noodle would like it too...all gothic and halloweeney
[Glitta] im soo confused i dont know what to feel anymore.... happiness, excitement, or deception
[helgaTHEgreat] i don't believe it
[eppy] would i try to dup you again?
[monkey_boy] eppy: yes
[ClydeFrogger] its the truth
[helgaTHEgreat] of course
[Glitta] yes.. cause its even better the second time around
[monkey_boy] fool me once....
[monkey_boy] fool me twice...
[knarf] eppy: is telling the truth now
[monkey_boy] three times a lady!
[Glitta] yeah..
[Glitta] ha ha ha ha
[knarf] it happened at the museum
[ClydeFrogger] he wanted to trick you all this morning with the whole times square thing, but you all didnt fall for it
[Glitta] i think all the kart boyz are in on it now
[helgaTHEgreat] was this a grant kart plan?
[helgaTHEgreat] grant = grand
[Glitta] i'll wait for the real deal...
[Glitta] helga: the grant kart plan works too
[helgaTHEgreat] Glitta: yeah
[ClydeFrogger] haha, now know one is gonna believe what eppy says
[Glitta] monkey_boy: in order to find out the truth.. i nominate you to call Noodle right now
[monkey_boy] ok
[monkey_boy] gimme her #
[Glitta] ok
[helgaTHEgreat] like her cell phone is really on
[ClydeFrogger] 867-####
[chelle] it might be
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: dialing.
[chelle] in case family needs to get a hold of her
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: ringing
[Glitta] um.. i have two numbers for her cell
[Glitta] 297####
[Glitta] 297-####
[monkey_boy] they both local?
[Glitta] yeah
[eppy] i talked to grant
[Glitta] 731-####
[eppy] that one's old
[Glitta] DJPoppinJ: which one is it
[monkey_boy] calling 1st
[chelle] i'm still confused as to why grant would call eppy
[monkey_boy] runging
[Glitta] yeah.. are they that tight??
[eppy] im a fun person
[chelle] i'm not believing anything until i hear it from deb
[knarf] the plan was hatched early this morning...before kart
[knarf] when he came on, i msg'd him and told him to say he was joking
[knarf] he figured out hte rest, saying times sqaure instead of museum so you could "piece together his lie"
[chelle] Glitta: yeah i dunno
[monkey_boy] I just called her.
[monkey_boy] SHE SAID YES
[Glitta] ok.. i dont give eppy that much credit
[knarf] wow
[monkey_boy] (and she was weirded out by me)
[monkey_boy] :)
[ClydeFrogger] hahaha
[knarf] poor eppy
[monkey_boy] but Grant said we should have lied.
[eppy] jess jokes
[helgaTHEgreat] monkey_boy: do you weird out girls a lot?
[monkey_boy] (we being Noodle and he)
[monkey_boy] helgaTHEgreat: almost all of em, yeah.
[monkey_boy] :)
[Glitta] HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!1
[monkey_boy] Glitta: you owe me
[monkey_boy] :)
[eppy] do i still get my ace trophy?
[Glitta] :D Yes I do monkey_boy
[monkey_boy] ;)
[chelle] i say we all get to roshambo eppy
[Glitta] The questions still remains.... why did Grant call Dave and tell him the good news???
[Glitta] monkey_boy: did she say when she was coming home???
[chelle] and helga should go first
[Glitta] helga should go twice
[chelle] there ya go
[helgaTHEgreat] noodle likes a man who takes charge
[monkey_boy] Glitta: she was more along the lines of completely overwhelmed by me that I didn't want to prolong the pain
[Glitta] Strippers Back ON!!!!!!!!!
[monkey_boy] Glitta: so no, she didn't mention it. :)
[chelle] Glitta: i still don't get that part either
[Glitta] monkey_boy;ha ha ha
[ClydeFrogger] who let the cpus out
[helgaTHEgreat] why is notes slow today

Chappelle Fun

[LilPuppetTheBlue] filler did you go to the show last night?
[fillerBunny] yeah...did you?
[fillerBunny] i was bummed that i was missing mos def
[LilPuppetTheBlue] yeah
[LilPuppetTheBlue] yeah me too
[fillerBunny] wasnt sure which you were going to
[LilPuppetTheBlue] I looked for you but I didn't see you there
[fillerBunny] where were you?
[LilPuppetTheBlue] then I got drunk and went home
[fillerBunny] haha
[fillerBunny] i to center stage
[LilPuppetTheBlue] first I was by the resturaunt on the porch
[fillerBunny] where were your seats bunghole
[LilPuppetTheBlue] there where no seats
[LilPuppetTheBlue] standing
[LilPuppetTheBlue] =p
[fillerBunny] im confused
[LilPuppetTheBlue] I moved around after each beer
[LilPuppetTheBlue] the stubs show
[fillerBunny] im sorry dude
[LilPuppetTheBlue] was only standing, no seats like always
[fillerBunny] i thought you were talking about dave chappelle
[fillerBunny] did you go to both?
[LilPuppetTheBlue] chappelle hasnt happened yet
[fillerBunny] that was last night
[fillerBunny] haha
[glitta] oh oh.. this is gonna be good
[LilPuppetTheBlue] mos def was last night
glitta pulls up a chair to catch the action
[fillerBunny] lol
[LilPuppetTheBlue] na hell na
[fillerBunny] this is too good
[glitta] archive it
[fillerBunny] my sides hurt
[glitta] i think LilPuppetTheBlue is the biggest Chappelle fan i know
[fillerBunny] ah-yessss
[fillerBunny] poor lil triump and leo are getting a beating tonight
[glitta] [LilPuppetTheBlue] when did you think the Chapelle show was??
[glitta] May have been better if he showed up to the Erwin Center and tehre was a a Basketball game going on
[glitta] or something else
[LilPuppetTheBlue] f*ck
[LilPuppetTheBlue] I couldnt go anyway
[LilPuppetTheBlue] diane was in SFO
[glitta] boy shes got you on a tight rope
[LilPuppetTheBlue] well that would be f'd up if she called her and I said, hey the chappelle show is on, sorry I sold your ticket
[debora_] done packing
[debora_] night all
[LilPuppetTheBlue] at least I missed out too
[glitta] [LilPuppetTheBlue] you could have sold both
[glitta] and made lots o cash
[LilPuppetTheBlue] yep
Signoff: debora_ ("Leaving")
[LilPuppetTheBlue] well I gotta go
[fillerBunny] k
[fillerBunny] sorry dude
[glitta] bye
[LilPuppetTheBlue] no biggie
[LilPuppetTheBlue] I feel worse for her
[fillerBunny] what!?
[glitta] you t hikn she would have got mad if you went to the show
[fillerBunny] sorry...cant help myself
[glitta] not your fault the days were mixed up
[LilPuppetTheBlue] oh hell yeah shed be mad
[glitta] but its an honest mistake
[glitta] not like you did it behind her back
[glitta] i think she wouldnt have wanted you to waste the money for it
[glitta] at least you could have said.. well at least i made you 100 bux
[LilPuppetTheBlue] yeah, but I know she really wanted to see it and shed be hurt that I went
[LilPuppetTheBlue] this way we both got screwed so I'min the clear
[fillerBunny] how was mos def?
[glitta] yeah you are definately in teh clear
[LilPuppetTheBlue] f#cker didt show up
[fillerBunny] no way
[LilPuppetTheBlue] he problably went to the chappelle show
[LilPuppetTheBlue] since they are friends
[fillerBunny] how 'bout talib...and pharoh monk?
[LilPuppetTheBlue] I got drunk so I didn't stay for them, I saw K laaa and Jean Gray
[LilPuppetTheBlue] K Laaaa was badass
[fillerBunny] never heard of him
[LilPuppetTheBlue] Rapping Somalian
[LilPuppetTheBlue] played a african drum while he rapped.
[LilPuppetTheBlue] well I gotta go shoot myself
[LilPuppetTheBlue] syall
[glitta] bye
[fillerBunny] peace