Thursday, November 13, 2003

Trash Talk

[ClydeFrog] chinese lunchers, ready
[chelle] rdy
[ClydeFrog] rdy
[Monkeyboy] I'm going down.
[pepito] rdy
[knarf] 1
[knarf] 2
[knarf] 3
[knarf] not it
[ClydeFrog] not it
[pepito] not it
[chelle] no it
[Monkeyboy] not it
[ClydeFrog] haha, pepito has to drive
[ClydeFrog] out
[Monkeyboy] out
[chelle] out
[knarf] in
[ClydeFrog] HeAdRuSh: we out
[pepito] out
[helga] in
[HeAdRuSh] coo
[knarf] guess its just me and you helga...
[knarf] you wanna talk trash about the rest of the chat peeps?
[Cracker] yeah, right
[helga] oh! oh! oh! can we, knarf?
[Cracker] he gave us permission
[helga] who's first? monkeyboy
[helga] ?
[knarf] sounds like a good place to start
[helga] let's save eppy and clyde for last
[knarf] ok...besides, they are easy
[Cracker] dont say anything about Brian - he's a sweetheart
[knarf] says you
[Cracker] yup - says ME
[helga] ok, he is. . . and a gentleman, too. he offered to give me a ride home the other day in the rain when my car window was broken
[knarf] apparently you havent seen the monkey sweatshop in his closet!
[helga] but what is this FASCINATION with monkeys?
[Cracker] that's sexy... the closet
[knarf] those poor monkeys
[Cracker] bobbi - it's a just a childish dorky thing to dwell on
[Cracker] but we just let him - we try not to stifle him
[helga] what does he make them do in the closet? are they cranking out the power to generate all his computers and servers?
[Cracker] yup - he's got a few tredmills
[knarf] yes, one group anyways
[knarf] the others are cleaning his DND dice
[Cracker] the others are working on building a machine to create the super monkey
[helga] and he only feeds them 5 ounces of water and 2 bananas a week
[knarf] some are cleaning spare computer parts
[knarf] IF they do good...otherwise they go the week with only water
[helga] what a hard-a$$
[helga] we better stay on his good side... superficially at least
[Cracker] yeah, brian's only happy when he's pushing his monkey to the limit
[knarf] i dont want to get into it any brings me down to think of those poor monkeys in there
[helga] what did the monkey ever do to him?
[knarf] thats just it...he tried to be a part of the monkey society and they rejected him
[knarf] his love hate relationship of monkey tribes is off the deep end
[helga] prolly cuz he's so tall. mean little buggers, those monkeys are
[knarf] and hes not very harry either
[knarf] plus he cant hang from his butt....they laughed at him good for that one
[knarf] can you imagine a tribe of monkeys pointing and laughing at you!?
[helga] jay was a giant monkey for halloween. maybe bri can boarrow the monkey suit?
[helga] does monkeyboy have giant hanging trees in his living room? i bet every night, he tries and tries and tries to learn to hang from his butt, but he STILL hasn't realized he doesn't have the tail.
[knarf] its sad really...
[knarf] ok, whos next? how about Cracker?
[helga] she's here to butt in... (hahaha--monkey joke) wait till she goes to her meeting
[helga] what about chelle?
[knarf] oh yeah...besides, shes easy.
[knarf] no pun intended.
[knarf] ok...chelle it is.
[knarf] theres several ways we can go...
[knarf] theres the whole UT vs. utep thing...
[helga] i have to leave in 8 min, so we gotta hurry
[helga] lets dog on UTEP
[knarf] ok
[knarf] their doughnuts suck
pepito is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) [BX-MsgLog On]
[helga] they don't have a world series winning baseball team
[knarf] do they even have a baseball team?
[helga] no wonder the team isn't a world series winning team!
[knarf] that school is so poor...they play baseball with sticks and rocks
[helga] i saw their little "gold dancers" at a football game. they sucked
[knarf] canut style
[knarf] gold diggers
[helga] what a dumb name
[knarf] yeah...and the flag girls it a requirement that you HAVE to have a spare tire!?
[knarf] i havent seen more outta shape women since i accidentally walked in on a weight watchers meeting in 908
[helga] and the football team? don't they know they're suppossed to try to win? that's the object of the game!
[knarf] ok...can we get one more in?
[helga] sure
[knarf] eppy and clyde together?
[helga] oh, that'll be fun
[knarf] i think their hate for each other is pent up sexual frustration
[knarf] its another one of those love hate relationships
[helga] oh yeah. i see clyde's been growing his hair out... it looks so long. i think he's trying to imitate eppy
[knarf] eppy really knows how to play pong, but he fakes like he doesnt so he can get ClydeFrog to give him private lessons
[helga] when you play pong, does eppy just let clyde win, cuz it makes clyde happY?
[knarf] then he lets down his fabio-esq hair and flaunts it in clydes face
[helga] lol
[helga] and clyde makes fun of eppy's hair, but secretly, he thinks its so beautiful and shiny
[knarf] yeah, he takes a dive in each game...i think clyde let him win was funny, cause eppy was trying to lose AND clyde was trying to was a long game
[helga] i wonder what else was on those el paso ping-pong "training" tapes
[helga] i bet if we analyze them, we'll see eppy and clyde, starring into each other's eyes
[knarf] theres footage there of clyde taping himself with a womans wig, acting like he was eppy....
[helga] and eppy walking around, acting all mean, just like clyde
[knarf] [clyde as eppy] hi clyde...theres something ive been wanting to tell you for a long time...
[helga] [clyde as eppy] cuz you know clyde... you're so strong and handsome. why don't you come over here and show my that ping-pong move again....
[knarf] [eppy as clyde] hey eppy, you know i hate you right. [under his breath, i really love you] does this do anything for you? [eppy jump stomps]
[helga] ok, i gotta run.... but i could do this all day!
[knarf] that was fun...
[knarf] cya!
[helga] lates
[knarf] [:|]


[knarf] ClydeFrog: Pablo: does your -n still work if your greping a file not in the same dir?
[knarf] huh? does it!?
[knarf] thats what i thought
[chelle] huh?
[chelle] man that laci peterson case is so sad
[ClydeFrog] knarf: yes it does
[knarf] im not talking one dir deep
[knarf] im talking like 5 or 6 deep
[ClydeFrog] let me try that
[ClydeFrog] knarf: yup
[knarf] fibba
[ClydeFrog] SO
[Pablo] mine works too
[knarf] im spinning...ohhhh-oh-whoa im spinning
[Pablo] mine even complimented me "Thanks for the nifty grep, Paul"
[ClydeFrog] Pablo: yours too
[Monkeyboy] knarf: quick hack...
[Monkeyboy] find . -type f -exec grep search_query {} \;
[Monkeyboy] will search all files.
[Monkeyboy] including subdirs.
[ClydeFrog] Monkeyboy: you think your so smart
[Pablo] Monkeyboy: away with your wizard magic
[knarf] thx Monkeyboy, these losers are pathetic
[ClydeFrog] Monkeyboy: but can you do this...
* ClydeFrog moves arms around frantically
* knarf flies thru the matrix and cuts off ClydeFrog's hands
* ClydeFrog grows back hands cause he too is a matrix master
[knarf] you cant do that
[ClydeFrog] just did
[knarf] youre dreaming it
[knarf] youre really handless
[ClydeFrog] then how am i typing
[knarf] you THINK you are typing
[ClydeFrog] whoa, i can think it and it happens
[Monkeyboy] hahahahahahaha
[Monkeyboy] you kids ar efunny.
[ClydeFrog] sweet, these powers are even better
[Monkeyboy] :D
[knarf] or youre just typing with your nubs
[knarf] cause you have no powers
[Monkeyboy] can I just have ice cream?
* knarf cuts off ClydeFrogs hands again to be safe
* ClydeFrog thinks knarf is really a ducked billed platypus
[ClydeFrog] ked=k
[knarf] nope...still me
[knarf] HAHA
[Pablo] are there non-duck billed platypi?
[ClydeFrog] thats cause your dreaming
[knarf] just another hopeless soul lost in the matrix
[ClydeFrog] Pablo: good question
[knarf] Pablob: only non-ducked ones
[Monkeyboy] Pablo: all over australia.
[ClydeFrog] Pablob, who is that
[ClydeFrog] Monkeyboy: those are kangaroos
[Monkeyboy] do *NOT* pick up a platypus. they are poisonous (at least the males are).
[knarf] heck yeah
[Monkeyboy] they have spurs behind their hind legs that they smack onto.
[ClydeFrog] so no throwing platypi at people?
[Monkeyboy] (kinda like a cowboy on a horse)
[Pablo] they secret poison from their teats right?
[knarf] ClydeFrog: yes, you just gotta becareful
[Pablo] secrete
[Monkeyboy] dude, that poison is so strong morphene can't block the pain it causes.
[knarf] nope
[ClydeFrog] Monkeyboy: wanna bet
[Monkeyboy] so be careful with platypi.
[Monkeyboy] ClydeFrog: no thanks.
[knarf] your not saying the plural of platypus right
[Monkeyboy] ClydeFrog: but I will laugh if you ever pick up a male platypus.
[knarf] can i watch?
[Monkeyboy] knarf: you betcha.
[knarf] i need a good laff too
[ClydeFrog] Monkeyboy: ill wear my ultra-non porous gloves
[Monkeyboy] knarf: the dude that was talking about gettinh hit by a platypus still can't use his hand correctly.
[Monkeyboy] it's serious shit.
[knarf] ClydeFrog: then you can be one of those rednecks on animal re-enacting their encounter with a platypus
[knarf] animal=animal planet
[Monkeyboy] knarf: he could be the next corc hunter!
[Monkeyboy] err croc
[ClydeFrog] thats it, im getting a platypus as a pet and teaching it to attack you all
[knarf] Monkeyboy: i know, ive seen their power
[knarf] ussies
[knarf] Pablo: ussies
[Monkeyboy] bad bad bad... :P
[Monkeyboy] so this is chat w/o any ladies. :P
[knarf] oh crap, chelle is here i think
[knarf] chelle: type /clear
[Pablo] tsk tsk
[noodleLeg] does anyone have a cough drop?
[knarf] chelle: do not read Pablo nasty comments
[chelle] hahahahaha
[ClydeFrog] noodleLeg: i do, but i just gave it to my platypus
[knarf] great...they travel in packs
[chelle] i'm not the only lady....noodle's here
[chelle] geez
[chelle] no, we go to the bathroom in packs
[chelle] get it straight man
[Monkeyboy] hahahahahahaha
* knarf flies thru the matrix and kills ClydeFrog platypus
[Monkeyboy] chat == "the funny" today.
[noodleLeg] clyde: :/
[ClydeFrog] knarf: why you gotta be hating on my platypus
[chelle] noodleLeg: sorry no cough drops
[Monkeyboy] noodleLeg: I have altoids if you want one.
* knarf laffs cause matric ClydeFrog's arms are black and swollen from his dead platypus
[Monkeyboy] noodleLeg: kinda far tho... :S
[knarf] ric=rix
[noodleLeg] monkey: thanks for trying
* ClydeFrog thinks of having another platypus
[ClydeFrog] alright, me and my platypus are out of here
* knarf buys ClydeFrog another platypus
* knarf flies thru the matrix and kills ClydeFrog platypus again
[knarf] [:|]
[chelle] bye clyde
[Pablo] lates clyde
[Pablo] poor little egg-laying mammal :(

Domestic Violence

[labchelle] man...i'm so excited and noone is here to see this stuff on the screen :(
[pepito] hmmm...we're suppose to work 8 hours
[helga] classfrog: did you install a motion detector in my office, that signals your machine, to keep track of my comings and goings, that you keep in a file on your root directory?
[labchelle] thanks for coming to see pepito :)
[pepito] sure...they were the prettiest plines ive ever seen
* knarf pats chelle on the back
[knarf] labchelle: good work
[labchelle] why thank you kind sir....hopefully i'll have some styled lines up before the end of the week
[pepito] how 'bout a cube?
[knarf] im counting on it
[helga] this one's for chelle: all-riiiiight... all-riiiiiight... all-right, all-right, all-right!!!
* pepito rolls eyes
[knarf] [sigh]
[helga] eppy's just jealous cuz he never gets the all-rights
[pepito] :o
[labchelle] knarf: thanks :) it's fun to actually see something on the screen
[ClassFrog] helga: actuially i have heat sensorsin your office
labchelle ^5 helga
* knarf looks at eppy with his fingers in the shape of an L on his forehead
* pepito pulls helga aside
[knarf] ouuuu
[pepito] (whispering) dont you EVER!!!
[knarf] LMAO
[labchelle] hahahaha
* pepito lets go of helga's arm
[knarf] damn dude....what did you say to her? her eyes are tearing up.
* pepito spits
[pepito] know i handle my biz
[knarf] sho'nuf
* pepito gives knarf a pound
* helga ^ labchelle
[helga] (sorry i was late)
[labchelle] helga: that's ok
[helga] (as classfrog's sensors would indicate, i left the office)
* helga 's eyes begin to tear up
* labchelle goes over to comfort helga
* helga tells chelle, "i just hate him so MUCH sometimes"
[pepito] iz okay...another qualuud...she'll be lovin' me in the mornin'
[helga] nope. this was the last straw
[helga] i ain't never going back!
* pepito eyeballs helga
[labchelle] yeah helga!!
* helga hides behind a big rock
[labchelle] you don't have to take that chet from him!!
[pepito] you best watch yourself
[Monkeyboy] git 'em helga!
* helga flips off pepito
[labchelle] ouuuuuu
[labchelle] nice
[Monkeyboy] Oh DAMN!
[Monkeyboy] it's Jerry Springer time!
* pepito walks over to her car
[pepito] is this what you want!!!
* Monkeyboy is now known as JerryS
* pepito kicks helga new car
[JerryS] and how does that make you feel helga?
* helga drops a cinder block in the back on eppy's beamer
[pepito] :O
[labchelle] hahahahaha
[helga] THAT made ME feel great jerry
[pepito] now you done it
[JerryS] oooo.
* helga slices all of his melvins cds with a table saw
[pepito] sweet cheesus...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
* helga produces a big pair of scissors from her pocket and CHOPS OF HIS HAIR!
[pepito] what did the melvins ever do to you!!!
* pepito falls to knees
[helga] you started it
[pepito] my strenght...cant....get....up
* helga comforts eppy
[helga] i'm sorry
* pepito pulls away
* helga is dumbfounded
[labchelle] watch out might be a trick!!
* helga 's chin drops
* pepito runs away
[helga] FINE! Run away, sissy-boy!

Day After 28 Days Later

[FillerBunny] i heard 28 days later is good
[noodleLeg] really?
[ClydeFrog] i really liked it
[noodleLeg] i heard that too
[noodleLeg] fillerbunny: you gonna go see it?
[FillerBunny] noodleLeg: i havent made plans to
[FillerBunny] ..but i guess id want to see it
[ClydeFrog] me and monkey could just act it out for you guys if ya want
[FillerBunny] but you guys suck at acting
[ClydeFrog] were better than some of the actors in hollywood
[noodleLeg] haha
[chelle] mhi noodle
[noodleLeg] i'd like to see the MonkeyFrog production
[chelle] m=
[noodleLeg] hi chelle
[FillerBunny] i heard its got ZOMBIES!!!
[ClydeFrog] FillerBunny: actually, it doesnt
[noodleLeg] brb
[FillerBunny] well...something like a zombie
[FillerBunny] you know...decaying fella
[ClydeFrog] its actually the sequel to bullocks 2001 smash hit, 28 days
[FillerBunny] i didnt know that interesting
[FillerBunny] is bullock the monkey who speads the disease
[ClydeFrog] no
[ClydeFrog] she has the role of the protagonist
[Monkeyboy] ooh ooh!
[Monkeyboy] who do I get to be?
[ClydeFrog] ill be sandy, you can be the monkey
[Monkeyboy] perfect.
[Monkeyboy] ready and GO!
[Monkeyboy] (eep eep)
[ClydeFrog] hello mr monkey
* FillerBunny grabs popcorn
[ClydeFrog] what are you doing
[ClydeFrog] wait
[Monkeyboy] (bangs on cage)
* ClydeFrog is now known as sandyB
[Monkeyboy] (looks around angry-like)
[sandyB] you know, monkey, its been hard being sober all these days
[Monkeyboy] (eep eep?)
[sandyB] what, what is it monkey
[Monkeyboy] BITE!
[sandyB] ahhhhhh
[sandyB] you bit me
[Monkeyboy] laugh!
[Monkeyboy] screetch!
[sandyB] what, i feel so, so.....
* Monkeyboy is now known as lab_dude
[lab_dude] oh crap....
[sandyB] whats happening to me
[lab_dude] you gotta like stop sandyB n' stuff.
* noodleLeg grabs some of FillerBunny's popcorn
[lab_dude] this is bad dude.
[sandyB] do i have the SARS
[lab_dude] she might 0wnzer the world now...
[sandyB] but i was wearing my surgeons mask
* lab_dude looks for his gun or a bat or a chair...
[lab_dude] uhm, you're still bleeding from that neck wound sandyB. it's kinda bad.
[lab_dude] might be infected...
[sandyB] you think...
* sandyB looks down at neck
[lab_dude] in fact, you look kinda weird.
[lab_dude] like you are HUNGRY.
[sandyB] i am hungry, for some.......BRAINSSSSSSSS
* FillerBunny screams
[lab_dude] ack...
* sandyB starts to zombie walk towards lab-dude
[lab_dude] that sucks...I need my brains n' stuff.
[lab_dude] what can I do?
[sandyB] i just want to be your friend
[lab_dude] should I lend her my brains?
* Pablo is now known as lab_dude2
[lab_dude] hrm....
[lab_dude] I'm gonna have to think about this...
* sandyB 's fingers start to fall off
[lab_dude] hey lab_dude2, can sandyB borrow your brain real quick while I sort this out?
[sandyB] that cant be good
[lab_dude2] whoa you wouldn't believe the traffic out there...
[sandyB] ill give your brain right back, i promise
[lab_dude2] holy crap!
[lab_dude] I need to go get a coffee...
* lab_dude leaves sandyB with lab_dude2
[lab_dude] I'll be right back, promise.
[sandyB] so its just you and me
[lab_dude2] wow, you're sandy bullocks!
* sandyB turns to lab_dude2
[lab_dude2] lab_dude: bring me some too
* lab_dude is now known as freedom_fighter
[sandyB] yes i am, you want an autograph
* FillerBunny waits for it to get good
* freedom_fighter enters the room...
[freedom_fighter] don't move sandyB!
[lab_dude2] sandyB: sure, but... i don't have a pen
* sandyB tries to grab a pen, but forgot she has no fingers
[freedom_fighter] we know you are a zombie that eats brains!
[lab_dude2] freedom_fighter: that's silly.
[sandyB] no, im just a regular girl with stiff arms
[freedom_fighter] our zombie-o-scope started acting up in this sector.
* freedom_fighter grabs the nearest chair...
* sandyB tries to run away
* freedom_fighter thows said chair at sandyB
[sandyB] [THUNK]
[lab_dude2] freedom_fighter: she's just on crack like the other actresses.
[sandyB] oh, my stomach lining
[freedom_fighter] ahhh!
[freedom_fighter] I got blood in my mouth from sandyB!
[sandyB] i like crack.....
[freedom_fighter] I have a few seconds of normality left!
* sandyB moons lab_dude2 and freedon fighter
* freedom_fighter starts filling out her will.
lab_dude2 thinks to self: man, this is so cool.
[freedom_fighter] urngh....
[freedom_fighter] ahh!
* freedom_fighter generic_corpse
* sandyB thinks about having some lesbo zombie action
* freedom_fighter is now known as generic_corpse
[generic_corpse] did someone mention brains?
[generic_corpse] I could use some...
* sandyB stars at other corpse
* lab_dude2 runs to get a camera
[generic_corpse] so it's just us sandyB.
[generic_corpse] do you have any brains?
* FillerBunny closes the blinds
[sandyB] generic_corpse: yes, i do....right here
[generic_corpse] I'm kinda hungry...
* sandyB points to pants
* generic_corpse looks at brians....
[generic_corpse] wait....
[generic_corpse] that's not brains!
[sandyB] look, see
* generic_corpse looks
* sandyB reaches in pants and pulls out cat brains
[generic_corpse] well, it's kinda hard to see now that my eyes are all black...
[sandyB] generic_corpse: there my pussy brains
[generic_corpse] well, I was thinking more for hooo-man brains.
[generic_corpse] were are those lab dudes?
[generic_corpse] I havn't eaten for 20 minutes...
* FillerBunny starts throwing popcorn at the screen
[generic_corpse] maybe we should go infect a few more people...
[generic_corpse] so we can have some fun together...
* generic_corpse leaves the lab.
* generic_corpse starts biting random people.
[generic_corpse] that's better.
[generic_corpse] we now have more of us.
* Signoff: nricca
[generic_corpse] hey everybody, go bite lots of people!
[generic_corpse] (biting happens for 28 days)
[generic_corpse] ...28 days later
* generic_corpse is now known as hospital_dude
[helga] don't give away the end of the movie!
[lab_dude2] ok, i've got the camera now!
[hospital_dude] whoa.....where did everyone go?
[hospital_dude] it's like empty and stuff.
[hospital_dude] I need pants.
[hospital_dude] is anyone here?
[hospital_dude] why is that dude running at me and hissing?
[hospital_dude] he doesn't look too good.
[hospital_dude] hrm...
[hospital_dude] maybe he wants my brains...
[hospital_dude] I think I should run.
[sandyB] sorry, i was distracted and lost character
[lab_dude2] wait, i just wanna take your picture!
[hospital_dude] hey! there's a dude here!
[hospital_dude] hi dude! who are you ?
[hospital_dude] and where is everyone else?
[hospital_dude] I need pants.
[lab_dude2] here take mine
[hospital_dude] oooh pants.
[hospital_dude] :D
[lab_dude2] i'm looking for the sandy bullocks orgy. i won't need them there.
[hospital_dude] oooh....
[hospital_dude] wait...
[hospital_dude] is she like one of those things that want brains?
[hospital_dude] those things don't look to happy.
[lab_dude2] maybe. all i know is that she's hot.
* hospital_dude accidentally steps on broken glass...
[hospital_dude] damn!
[hospital_dude] I forgot shoes!
[lab_dude2] i think i hear moaning in that church over there. lets check it out.
[hospital_dude] and now I'm bleeding lots.
* hospital_dude limps to church...
* sandyB is now known as ClydeFrog
[ClydeFrog] sorry, i cant play anymore
[hospital_dude] I have lunh soon too.
* hospital_dude gets attacked by lab_dude2
[hospital_dude] ahhh!
[hospital_dude] you don't look like a zombie thing!
[hospital_dude] noooooo!
[lab_dude2] mmm le brains
* hospital_dude dies.
[hospital_dude] credits roll.
[hospital_dude] wow.
* lab_dude2 chokes on brain bits
[hospital_dude] that was a great movie!
lab_dude2 dies
* FillerBunny wakes up
* lab_dude2 is now known as Pablo
[FillerBunny] [clap][clap][clap]
[FillerBunny] good stuff guys
* hospital_dude is now known as monkeyboy
[monkeyboy] lunch...
[monkeyboy] bbiab

Commercial Break

[ClydeFrog] who wants to go to the lake
[mini-knarf] now?
[ClydeFrog] yeah
[mini-knarf] me
[ClydeFrog] yeah, me too
* helga has joined channel #chat
[ClydeFrog] helga: do you want to go to the lake right now
[helga] yes, yes i do
[ClydeFrog] yeah, so do knarf and i
[helga] but want and need are two entirely different things
[ClydeFrog] yeah
[mini-knarf] what a boy
[ClydeFrog] ?
[mini-knarf] and what a boy needs...
[mini-knarf] wants*
[ClydeFrog] x-tina
[helga] she's my hero
[mini-knarf] i need a desk
[ClydeFrog] helga: she is a role-modle
[ClydeFrog] whoa
[ClydeFrog] model
[mini-knarf] youre hooked on phonics
[ClydeFrog] and band-aids stuck on me
[mini-knarf] cause oscar-meye has a name...
[mini-knarf] meyer*
[helga] its m-e-y-e-r
[ClydeFrog] im a big kid now
[mini-knarf] a dallop of daisy
[helga] where's the beef?
[ClydeFrog] silly rabbit, trix are for kids
[mini-knarf] you cant, you cant, you cant stop
[ClydeFrog] the yogurt you eat on the go
[chelle] gimme a break
[mini-knarf] im coo-coo for cocoa puffs
[helga] snap-crackle-pop
[ClydeFrog] sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you dont
[mini-knarf] two great tastes that taste great togther
[chelle] they're grrrrrrrreat!!
[ClydeFrog] ever have that not-so-fresh feeling
[mini-knarf] for all your 101 body parts
[chelle] cha-cha-cha....charmin
[ClydeFrog] arent you glad you used dial
[mini-knarf] diamonds...she'll pretty much have to
[chelle] :o
[ClydeFrog] hehe
[mini-knarf] its a commercial
[chelle] i don't think so
[mini-knarf] a fake one...but a commercial nontheless
[chelle] hahahahaha

Wok me?? Wok you!!

[knarf] chinese?
[ClydeFrog] chinese would be good
[knarf] excellant
[ClydeFrog] which chinese place
[ClydeFrog] how bout WOK-A-HOLIC
[knarf] hawaiian or wokaholic
[knarf] wok is fine
[ClydeFrog] WOK
[ClydeFrog] WOK
[ClydeFrog] WOK
[knarf] even though their general's is watery
[ClydeFrog] lets WOK-and-roll
[knarf] shut the wok up
[ClydeFrog] why dont you wok me
[knarf] maybe i dont wok too
[ClydeFrog] thats what i wok
[knarf] wok you
[ClydeFrog] wok me? no no, WOK YOU
[knarf] you wok that up all by yourself? thats very woking original
[ClydeFrog] ive been practicing on my wok, ive almost perfected it
[knarf] youve got a wok ways to go
[knarf] but i can wok you the way...
[knarf] come...lets take a wok together
[ClydeFrog] as long as i keep my wok held high, nothing can wok me
[knarf] why arent you playing vball?
[ClydeFrog] ill tell you later
[ClydeFrog] which reminds me, i need to tell Filler that im not playing co-ed
[knarf] you wok
[knarf] ^er
[ClydeFrog] haha
[ClydeFrog] yo woka
[knarf] o woker
ClydeFrog is now known as WokFrog
[WokFrog] now thats wok-tastic
* helga has joined channel #chat
[knarf] yeah, for a wok-hole
[WokFrog] wok off, mutha-woker
[knarf] wok you, wok packer
[WokFrog] alright, enough wok-ing around, need to test some stuff