Thursday, August 6, 2015

Talk to the Face

15:16 knarf: tzcheezyP: it's your turn to spice up #chataus
15:16 knarf: oh, meeting...monkeyboy, you're turn
15:16 knarf: mehhhh
15:16 knarf: ClydeFrogger: its on you now
15:17 knarf knows ClydeFrogger is here
15:22 eppy: Knows=nose
15:22 knarf: ok, i got a REALLY!? story
15:23 eppy: Knarf: I think ClydeFrogger really hates me now
15:23 ClydeFrogger: no i don't
15:23 eppy: Knarf: shoot
15:24 knarf: haha
15:24 knarf: ok, so you know how we have snacks and stuff at work
15:24 knarf: i walked over to get a drink
15:25 knarf: this dude "Billy" is on his phone nearby
15:25 knarf: i grab my drink and notice the jar of planters peanuts is open
15:25 ClydeFrogger: hehe...
15:25 knarf: figure i'll close it, but i can't find the lid
15:26 knarf: oh, well...i start to walk away and notice hes eating peanuts
15:26 knarf: i double take
15:26 knarf: he poured some out into the lid and eating out of the lid
15:26 knarf: like, lifting it up to his mouth
15:26 ClydeFrogger: hehe
15:26 knarf: goes back and puts it back on the jar
15:27 eppy: Uh oh
15:27 knarf: we have tiny cups and bowls for that
15:27 ClydeFrogger: knarf : please tell me you said "REALLY?!!! COME ON, 'BILLY'!"
15:28 knarf: it wasn't an instant realization...walking away something didnt seem right
15:28 knarf: i didn't double take til i was halfway back to my desk
15:29 knarf: do they not have the general You Can't Double Dip A Chip rule in india?
15:29 ClydeFrogger: they primarily eat with their hands
15:30 eppy: I don't think it's an Indian thing
15:30 knarf: then hes just wrong on both counts
15:36 ClydeFrogger has left IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
16:21 tzcheezyP: i saw that weird dude in pan's labyrinth who looked with his hands.  that was creepy enough
16:21 knarf: i liked him
16:21 knarf: he didn't eat peanuts from the lid
16:22 knarf: eppy could do better than that drawing
16:22 knarf: huh, eppy!
16:24 eppy: No diggity
16:24 tzcheezyP: he's pretty creepy... until you notice there's a hole in the armpit of his costume
16:25 knarf: how did you know there was a hole there?
16:25 tzcheezyP: you can totally smell it
16:25 knarf: why you sniffing his hole?
16:26 tzcheezyP: i was just... i ... i didn't... CAAAAT PAAARTAAAAAY!!
16:26 knarf: man, wiping after taking a dump would really suck for that guy
16:26 eppy: Haha
16:26 tzcheezyP: you know he wouldn't miss a spot
16:27 eppy: Playing baseball would be tricky
16:27 tzcheezyP: would give horrible new meaning to "getting an eyeful"
16:28 tzcheezyP: eppy: tru dat.  especially batting
16:30 tzcheezyP: and think of all that lip he'd have to take from his old lady.  cuz if he try to smackabitch, he'd give his own self a black eye.
16:30 eppy: Boxing would be tough
16:31 knarf: pretty much everything, but sitting at a dinner table and talking to someone, would suck
16:31 tzcheezyP: guillermo, wtf were you thinking???
16:32 knarf: i guess checking his blindspot would be pretty easy, but he'd have to always drive with one hand
16:32 eppy: I dunno. Would be good for looking around the corner
16:32 tzcheezyP: who drives with both hands?
16:32 tzcheezyP: couldn't ride a motorcycle, or even a bicycle
16:32 knarf: not giving a chet and telling someone to "talk to the hand" would do no good.
16:33 eppy: I think we might be onto a geico commercial
16:33 knarf: i guess he could just tell them to talk to the face
16:33 eppy: At concerts he'd be good
16:34 knarf: ah, hell yeah
16:34 knarf: 10 points to Guillermo!
16:36 eppy: I'm the one who noticed!
16:36 eppy: Where's my points?
16:37 tzcheezyP: -10 pts to eppy for being greedy and trying to steal Guillermo's mojo
16:37 eppy: So unfair!
16:38 eppy: Those were my last points
16:38 tzcheezyP: guess you'll just have to kmf, son
16:38 knarf: check between the couch coushins
16:39 eppy: You sound illiterate

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


14:37 knarf: for those not on fb, do you recognize this?
14:37 monkey_boy: holy crap
14:38 tzcheezyP: that looks like the basement call in the cs building
14:38 monkey_boy: that's the hall to the lab
14:38 tzcheezyP: call=hall
14:38 monkey_boy: the one on the left was DR. Gates' (shudder) lab
14:39 tzcheezyP: is the CS building still standing?
14:39 monkey_boy: the hand dispenser is new
14:39 ClydeFrogger: the door on the right is the lab where i first "met" monkey and thought he was a computer snob
14:39 monkey_boy: it only took you 15 years to be proven right
14:39 ClydeFrogger: "mehhhh, im monkey_boy and i finish my labs in 2 seconds cause im awesome and know computers...mehhhh"
14:40 monkey_boy remembers saying mehhh a lot in college
14:41 ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy : i remember, too
14:41 ClydeFrogger: i thought it was weird at the time...still do
14:41 monkey_boy: and 2 seconds...that was one of the harder labs
14:41 tzcheezyP: he was to good for ACM. i remember that
14:41 tzcheezyP: ruth and i paid dues for him
14:42 tzcheezyP: *too
14:42 monkey_boy: ACM is fo' suckaz
14:42 monkey_boy: eppy taught me that
14:42 monkey_boy: mehhhhh
14:42 tzcheezyP: eppy was an officer
14:42 ClydeFrogger: eppy was just mad at ACM cause they rejected his logo suggestions
14:42 knarf: haha, that frosh monkey_boy impression was spot on
14:42 tzcheezyP: i crayoned his logo onto my acm hoodie
14:43 tzcheezyP: the frosh prince?
14:43 ClydeFrogger: i dont remember if i had CS I or CS II with tzcheezyP
14:44 ClydeFrogger: he never said mehhh
14:44 monkey_boy: oh, he did
14:44 tzcheezyP: lies!
14:44 tzcheezyP: both of you
14:44 monkey_boy: you never did study group with him
14:44 monkey_boy: he waved his nerd flag high and proud
14:44 tzcheezyP remembers calling it his "flag"
14:45 tzcheezyP: could never talk ruth into pledging allegiance
14:45 ClydeFrogger is glad he never did study group with tzcheezyP
14:45 ClydeFrogger: ruth was a big ol' nerd
14:46 tzcheezyP: she truly was
14:46 ClydeFrogger: i remember she was upset cause she missed 1 question on a test
14:46 knarf: tzcheezyP: lol
14:46 tzcheezyP: monkey_boy had a big ol' crush on her, but she barely noticed him
14:46 monkey_boy: she ditched me and tzcheezyP to study for numerical analysis
14:46 monkey_boy: for the final
14:46 tzcheezyP: i remember that
14:46 monkey_boy: when I asked why she said she was afraid we'd ask too many basic questions
14:46 tzcheezyP: was worried we weren't serious, would hold her back
14:46 ClydeFrogger: meanwhile, monkey_boy was walking around the halls just saying "mehhh"
14:47 monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger : that was 90% of how I studied
14:47 knarf: haha
14:47 tzcheezyP: we still got a's in numerical
14:47 monkey_boy: I got a B
14:47 knarf: dumbace
14:47 tzcheezyP: ok... we (me) got a's
14:47 ClydeFrogger: haha
14:47 tzcheezyP: monkey_boy: i'll share
14:47 monkey_boy: I was hoping Ruth was going to help me with the jerbomnsky matricies crap
14:47 monkey_boy: that crap never made sense to me
14:48 monkey_boy: (jacobian?)
14:48 tzcheezyP: yeah
14:48 knarf: is that how nerds whisper sweet nothings to each other?
14:48 monkey_boy: knarf : no. we say
14:48 monkey_boy: mehhhh.....
14:48 ClydeFrogger: hehe
14:48 knarf: haha
14:48 tzcheezyP: you cross product the matri-cee wth the matri-dee
14:49 knarf: monkey_boy: it doesnt matter what you post now. my mind automatically attaches "mehhhh" to the end of it
14:49 monkey_boy: haha
14:49 ClydeFrogger: haha
14:49 tzcheezyP: haah
14:49 tzcheezyP: ah=ha
14:49 monkey_boy: I'm surprised I was never pantsed or given a swirly
14:49 ClydeFrogger: cause you were around a bunch of nerds
14:49 tzcheezyP: we waited until you dozed
14:49 ClydeFrogger: that would be like hating on your own kind there
14:49 ClydeFrogger: like black on black crime
14:50 tzcheezyP: ruth also violated you during one nap
14:50 tzcheezyP: i promised not the tell
14:50 monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger : Today in breaking news we have a tragic story of nerd on nerd crime
14:50 knarf: "...or given a swirly [mehhh]"
14:50 tzcheezyP: haha
14:50 tzcheezyP: good stuff, fellas
14:50 knarf: i cant stop laughing
14:51 knarf: people know im not working now
14:51 tzcheezyP does a double-take
14:51 tzcheezyP: i didn't realize knarf was the one with the auto-mehh comment
14:51 tzcheezyP: i thought it was ClydeFrogger
14:52 knarf: monkey_boy: go do some nerding and write a mehhh-bot to append mehhh to all your posts
14:52 tzcheezyP is trying to picture swirly-pantse and realizes they look a lot like casserole pants
14:52 monkey_boy: do some nerding, I like that
14:53 tzcheezyP: knarf: what are they putting in the c0 over there?
14:53 tzcheezyP: you're all amped up
14:54 knarf: havent had any today!
14:54 knarf: i usually get one for the ride home
14:55 tzcheezyP: monkey_boy taught me that correlation is not causation, which is why i've always been suspicious of that phrase
14:55 monkey_boy: (mehhhh)
14:55 tzcheezyP: monkey_boy: is it still true?
14:56 tzcheezyP: i see
14:56 tzcheezyP remains doobie us