Friday, February 5, 2010


SFÅTTII SFÅT (aka chatty chat) Swedish Furniture Name blog roll call:

chellers: SFELLERS
glitta: GLLITTA
helga: HELGA
knarf: KNNÅRF
monkey_boy: MÖNNKEI_BOII
tzcheezy_poof: TZSSEEZI_PÅÅF
pablo: PÄBJLO

Thursday, February 4, 2010


[11:40] [monkey_boy] oh I found out Austin does have a Carl's JR
[11:40] [monkey_boy] except that it's on slaughter
[11:40] [monkey_boy] way down there
[11:40] [helga] what part? mopac? i-35?
[11:42] [helga] the closest i ever lived to a carl's junior was 1 block away
[11:42] [helga] they were right by my first college dorms
[11:43] [monkey_boy] helga:,0,16320595795008618714&fb=1&hq=carl%27s+jr+slaughter&hnear=austin&gl=us&daddr=609+West+Slaughter+Lane,+Austin,+TX+78748-1668&geocode=9408149065331002444,30.173037,-97.800330&ei=tAdrS7yWEcfjnAehpfX0BQ&ved=0CA4QngIwAA&z=16
[11:44] [helga] field trip!
[11:44] [helga] that's pretty much Buda
[11:44] [monkey_boy] yep
[11:44] [monkey_boy] it's way down there
[11:49] [tzcheezy_poof] pretty sure they call that area Manchaca (pronounced locally as "Man-Shack")
[11:49] [tzcheezy_poof] and yep, it's way down there
[11:50] [monkey_boy] tzcheezy_poof: I'm pretty sure they call your face manchaca
[11:54] *** helga has quit IRC: Quit: Jorgan Morgan
[11:57] [tzcheezy_poof] monkey_boy: my face isn't speaking to you anymore
[11:57] [monkey_boy] haha

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


[monkey_boy] knarf: you serious about game day?
[knarf] chure, why not?
[monkey_boy] just askin'
[knarf] i can play
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger eppy?
[monkey_boy] helga_, debora, tzcheezy_poof are invited too
[tzcheezy_poof] sweet
[noodleLeg] monkey_boy, what am i invited to?
[monkey_boy] debora: game day on sat
[monkey_boy] no idea where or what time
[noodleLeg] virutally?
[noodleLeg] what game?
[eppy] i have a weddin' to attend
[eppy] not sure what time
* tzcheezy_poof hopes deb brings some yummy virtual queso
[eppy] but i doubt ill be able to do both
[knarf] thats too bad
[knarf] so just game day?
[eppy] helga knows what time the weds at
[helga] eppy: its at 5 p.m. we'd need to leave by 4ish
[monkey_boy] eppy: you know girls and weddings, she won't notice if you're not there. she'll be too busy oohing and aaahing
[helga] eppy: were you going to buy a new shirt and tie?
[helga] monkey_boy: i need a DD for the ride home, so yes... i need him there
[knarf] eppy: its barely guys going to go for the record this year on weddings?
[monkey_boy] helga_: he can totally pick you up when you're ready to leave.
[monkey_boy] I'm sure we'll be done by then
[monkey_boy] .msg eppy and you won't have to get dressed up ether! score!
[helga] then.... is that 4 or 10?
[helga] firmware (my area) is doing a superbowl potluck on friday
[helga] i think its weird
[helga] are they trying to do it to raise moral?
[knarf] dont hate
* knarf wishes he was having a SB potluck
[knarf] helga_: when are you going to sched a patent meeting?
[helga] knarf: never
[knarf] is that next week or the week after?
* knarf always forgets when never is
[eppy] knarf: since the weddings not til 5PM.. I think I can make gameday.. we usually finish around lunch time
[knarf] w00p w00p
[knarf] you think ClydeFrogger will ruin it?
[eppy] its hard to say
[monkey_boy] he might OD on protein
[knarf] so then he wont be using his TV
[monkey_boy] lol
[monkey_boy] I think glitta will still want it
[ClydeFrogger] im down for a gameday
[ClydeFrogger] what time?
[ClydeFrogger] and where?
[eppy] 9am
[eppy] i dunno where
[eppy] what consoles we using?
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boys?
[ClydeFrogger] ps3 and wii
[ClydeFrogger] i have that mario bros wii game
[ClydeFrogger] its 4 player
[monkey_boy] I only have a ps3
[knarf] 9 sounds good
[monkey_boy] I can bring sf4 and my save game
[monkey_boy] I won't be there at 9
[monkey_boy] closer to 10
[knarf] can play at my place if you guys don't mind driving, clyde's is more central
[monkey_boy] I can host if ClydeFrogger don't wanna.
[monkey_boy] but I don't have a wii
[eppy] wii
* eppy giggles
[knarf] haha
* knarf wonders what happend to monkey_boy's wii wii
[monkey_boy] I sold it
[monkey_boy] didn't play it
* eppy giggles some more