Friday, October 2, 2015

High Street Sass

10:50 monkey_boy: I think Alice Eve is really pretty, and from the interviews I've seen she seems a bit introverted and smart. I dig that.
10:53 tzcheezyP: she's cute, but i never figured how introversion works with performing arts.  especially acting.
10:53 tzcheezyP has left IRC (Quit: meeting)
10:59 knarf: no idea who that is
10:59 knarf: once again monkey_boy is more into pop culture than i am
10:59 monkey_boy: she was in the star trek reboots
10:59 knarf: i saw them...still no idea
11:00 monkey_boy: haha, k
11:00 monkey_boy: guess she made more of an impression on me than you
11:00 knarf: i only remember the black chick from GotG
11:01 monkey_boy: the new Ohura gal?
11:01 knarf: yeah
11:05 monkey_boy: Alice played the daughter of the admiral?
11:05 monkey_boy: she was a science officer I think
11:07 knarf: gosh, i saw it a few times, but can't visualize her. 
11:07 knarf: i guess she did make a better impression on you than me
11:09 monkey_boy: I'm a sucker for an attracive woman with a high street british accent 
11:10 knarf: high street british? is that like code for "hooker" across the pond?
11:15 monkey_boy: it is not.
11:15 monkey_boy: high streets are the term the UK uses for larger streets
11:16 monkey_boy: and generally have more expensive stores
11:16 knarf: so a british snob
11:16 knarf: makes sense
11:18 monkey_boy: haha
11:18 monkey_boy: pretty much actually
11:19 monkey_boy: damn, I am a snob
11:19 knarf: :D

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Talk to the Face

15:16 knarf: tzcheezyP: it's your turn to spice up #chataus
15:16 knarf: oh, meeting...monkeyboy, you're turn
15:16 knarf: mehhhh
15:16 knarf: ClydeFrogger: its on you now
15:17 knarf knows ClydeFrogger is here
15:22 eppy: Knows=nose
15:22 knarf: ok, i got a REALLY!? story
15:23 eppy: Knarf: I think ClydeFrogger really hates me now
15:23 ClydeFrogger: no i don't
15:23 eppy: Knarf: shoot
15:24 knarf: haha
15:24 knarf: ok, so you know how we have snacks and stuff at work
15:24 knarf: i walked over to get a drink
15:25 knarf: this dude "Billy" is on his phone nearby
15:25 knarf: i grab my drink and notice the jar of planters peanuts is open
15:25 ClydeFrogger: hehe...
15:25 knarf: figure i'll close it, but i can't find the lid
15:26 knarf: oh, well...i start to walk away and notice hes eating peanuts
15:26 knarf: i double take
15:26 knarf: he poured some out into the lid and eating out of the lid
15:26 knarf: like, lifting it up to his mouth
15:26 ClydeFrogger: hehe
15:26 knarf: goes back and puts it back on the jar
15:27 eppy: Uh oh
15:27 knarf: we have tiny cups and bowls for that
15:27 ClydeFrogger: knarf : please tell me you said "REALLY?!!! COME ON, 'BILLY'!"
15:28 knarf: it wasn't an instant realization...walking away something didnt seem right
15:28 knarf: i didn't double take til i was halfway back to my desk
15:29 knarf: do they not have the general You Can't Double Dip A Chip rule in india?
15:29 ClydeFrogger: they primarily eat with their hands
15:30 eppy: I don't think it's an Indian thing
15:30 knarf: then hes just wrong on both counts
15:36 ClydeFrogger has left IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
16:21 tzcheezyP: i saw that weird dude in pan's labyrinth who looked with his hands.  that was creepy enough
16:21 knarf: i liked him
16:21 knarf: he didn't eat peanuts from the lid
16:22 knarf: eppy could do better than that drawing
16:22 knarf: huh, eppy!
16:24 eppy: No diggity
16:24 tzcheezyP: he's pretty creepy... until you notice there's a hole in the armpit of his costume
16:25 knarf: how did you know there was a hole there?
16:25 tzcheezyP: you can totally smell it
16:25 knarf: why you sniffing his hole?
16:26 tzcheezyP: i was just... i ... i didn't... CAAAAT PAAARTAAAAAY!!
16:26 knarf: man, wiping after taking a dump would really suck for that guy
16:26 eppy: Haha
16:26 tzcheezyP: you know he wouldn't miss a spot
16:27 eppy: Playing baseball would be tricky
16:27 tzcheezyP: would give horrible new meaning to "getting an eyeful"
16:28 tzcheezyP: eppy: tru dat.  especially batting
16:30 tzcheezyP: and think of all that lip he'd have to take from his old lady.  cuz if he try to smackabitch, he'd give his own self a black eye.
16:30 eppy: Boxing would be tough
16:31 knarf: pretty much everything, but sitting at a dinner table and talking to someone, would suck
16:31 tzcheezyP: guillermo, wtf were you thinking???
16:32 knarf: i guess checking his blindspot would be pretty easy, but he'd have to always drive with one hand
16:32 eppy: I dunno. Would be good for looking around the corner
16:32 tzcheezyP: who drives with both hands?
16:32 tzcheezyP: couldn't ride a motorcycle, or even a bicycle
16:32 knarf: not giving a chet and telling someone to "talk to the hand" would do no good.
16:33 eppy: I think we might be onto a geico commercial
16:33 knarf: i guess he could just tell them to talk to the face
16:33 eppy: At concerts he'd be good
16:34 knarf: ah, hell yeah
16:34 knarf: 10 points to Guillermo!
16:36 eppy: I'm the one who noticed!
16:36 eppy: Where's my points?
16:37 tzcheezyP: -10 pts to eppy for being greedy and trying to steal Guillermo's mojo
16:37 eppy: So unfair!
16:38 eppy: Those were my last points
16:38 tzcheezyP: guess you'll just have to kmf, son
16:38 knarf: check between the couch coushins
16:39 eppy: You sound illiterate

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


14:37 knarf: for those not on fb, do you recognize this?
14:37 monkey_boy: holy crap
14:38 tzcheezyP: that looks like the basement call in the cs building
14:38 monkey_boy: that's the hall to the lab
14:38 tzcheezyP: call=hall
14:38 monkey_boy: the one on the left was DR. Gates' (shudder) lab
14:39 tzcheezyP: is the CS building still standing?
14:39 monkey_boy: the hand dispenser is new
14:39 ClydeFrogger: the door on the right is the lab where i first "met" monkey and thought he was a computer snob
14:39 monkey_boy: it only took you 15 years to be proven right
14:39 ClydeFrogger: "mehhhh, im monkey_boy and i finish my labs in 2 seconds cause im awesome and know computers...mehhhh"
14:40 monkey_boy remembers saying mehhh a lot in college
14:41 ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy : i remember, too
14:41 ClydeFrogger: i thought it was weird at the time...still do
14:41 monkey_boy: and 2 seconds...that was one of the harder labs
14:41 tzcheezyP: he was to good for ACM. i remember that
14:41 tzcheezyP: ruth and i paid dues for him
14:42 tzcheezyP: *too
14:42 monkey_boy: ACM is fo' suckaz
14:42 monkey_boy: eppy taught me that
14:42 monkey_boy: mehhhhh
14:42 tzcheezyP: eppy was an officer
14:42 ClydeFrogger: eppy was just mad at ACM cause they rejected his logo suggestions
14:42 knarf: haha, that frosh monkey_boy impression was spot on
14:42 tzcheezyP: i crayoned his logo onto my acm hoodie
14:43 tzcheezyP: the frosh prince?
14:43 ClydeFrogger: i dont remember if i had CS I or CS II with tzcheezyP
14:44 ClydeFrogger: he never said mehhh
14:44 monkey_boy: oh, he did
14:44 tzcheezyP: lies!
14:44 tzcheezyP: both of you
14:44 monkey_boy: you never did study group with him
14:44 monkey_boy: he waved his nerd flag high and proud
14:44 tzcheezyP remembers calling it his "flag"
14:45 tzcheezyP: could never talk ruth into pledging allegiance
14:45 ClydeFrogger is glad he never did study group with tzcheezyP
14:45 ClydeFrogger: ruth was a big ol' nerd
14:46 tzcheezyP: she truly was
14:46 ClydeFrogger: i remember she was upset cause she missed 1 question on a test
14:46 knarf: tzcheezyP: lol
14:46 tzcheezyP: monkey_boy had a big ol' crush on her, but she barely noticed him
14:46 monkey_boy: she ditched me and tzcheezyP to study for numerical analysis
14:46 monkey_boy: for the final
14:46 tzcheezyP: i remember that
14:46 monkey_boy: when I asked why she said she was afraid we'd ask too many basic questions
14:46 tzcheezyP: was worried we weren't serious, would hold her back
14:46 ClydeFrogger: meanwhile, monkey_boy was walking around the halls just saying "mehhh"
14:47 monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger : that was 90% of how I studied
14:47 knarf: haha
14:47 tzcheezyP: we still got a's in numerical
14:47 monkey_boy: I got a B
14:47 knarf: dumbace
14:47 tzcheezyP: ok... we (me) got a's
14:47 ClydeFrogger: haha
14:47 tzcheezyP: monkey_boy: i'll share
14:47 monkey_boy: I was hoping Ruth was going to help me with the jerbomnsky matricies crap
14:47 monkey_boy: that crap never made sense to me
14:48 monkey_boy: (jacobian?)
14:48 tzcheezyP: yeah
14:48 knarf: is that how nerds whisper sweet nothings to each other?
14:48 monkey_boy: knarf : no. we say
14:48 monkey_boy: mehhhh.....
14:48 ClydeFrogger: hehe
14:48 knarf: haha
14:48 tzcheezyP: you cross product the matri-cee wth the matri-dee
14:49 knarf: monkey_boy: it doesnt matter what you post now. my mind automatically attaches "mehhhh" to the end of it
14:49 monkey_boy: haha
14:49 ClydeFrogger: haha
14:49 tzcheezyP: haah
14:49 tzcheezyP: ah=ha
14:49 monkey_boy: I'm surprised I was never pantsed or given a swirly
14:49 ClydeFrogger: cause you were around a bunch of nerds
14:49 tzcheezyP: we waited until you dozed
14:49 ClydeFrogger: that would be like hating on your own kind there
14:49 ClydeFrogger: like black on black crime
14:50 tzcheezyP: ruth also violated you during one nap
14:50 tzcheezyP: i promised not the tell
14:50 monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger : Today in breaking news we have a tragic story of nerd on nerd crime
14:50 knarf: "...or given a swirly [mehhh]"
14:50 tzcheezyP: haha
14:50 tzcheezyP: good stuff, fellas
14:50 knarf: i cant stop laughing
14:51 knarf: people know im not working now
14:51 tzcheezyP does a double-take
14:51 tzcheezyP: i didn't realize knarf was the one with the auto-mehh comment
14:51 tzcheezyP: i thought it was ClydeFrogger
14:52 knarf: monkey_boy: go do some nerding and write a mehhh-bot to append mehhh to all your posts
14:52 tzcheezyP is trying to picture swirly-pantse and realizes they look a lot like casserole pants
14:52 monkey_boy: do some nerding, I like that
14:53 tzcheezyP: knarf: what are they putting in the c0 over there?
14:53 tzcheezyP: you're all amped up
14:54 knarf: havent had any today!
14:54 knarf: i usually get one for the ride home
14:55 tzcheezyP: monkey_boy taught me that correlation is not causation, which is why i've always been suspicious of that phrase
14:55 monkey_boy: (mehhhh)
14:55 tzcheezyP: monkey_boy: is it still true?
14:56 tzcheezyP: i see
14:56 tzcheezyP remains doobie us

Friday, July 10, 2015

And When I Think About Sense 8 ...

we started Sense 8 last night 
didnt finish it 
too many boobies in the first 10-15 mins 
i was about to looked pretty racy from commercials 
i hadnt really grabbed me in that time either 
i hadnt seen any commercials 
oh man that's good 
that's going in the archive 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


oh also... wanna try to do a pinballz day on friday the 17th? 
eppy should be back by then 
that date sounds familiar, i will if i got nothing going on 
nope, its the 18th 
i should be good 
you think eppy and monkey will want to get noodles first? 
yes, im 12 years old 

Thursday, February 5, 2015


11:19 ClydeFrogger: hmmm, i dont know about this...

11:32 knarf: ClydeFrogger: nice
11:33 Disconnected
11:33 You have joined the channel
11:33 knarf_ has joined (
11:33 Topic: It sure feels like a Thursday
11:33 monkey_boy set the topic at: Feb 5, 2015, 9:25 AM
11:33 knarf has left IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:33 Mode: +ns
11:33 Created at: Feb 5, 2015, 7:29 AM
11:37 tzcheezyP: ClydeFrogger: looks pretty good
11:39 ClydeFrogger: looks like they took a lot of liberty from the original
11:39 ClydeFrogger: the little short lady is now a tall dude
11:40 tzcheezyP: didn't watch the whole thing, but i didn't see a tennis ball toss, either
11:41 tzcheezyP wonders if sam will be contractually obligated to make a coaching show afterward
11:42 eppy: Maddy instead of Mary Ann
11:43 ClydeFrogger: carol anne
11:43 tzcheezyP: yeah
11:43 ClydeFrogger: that was the name of the orignal girl
11:43 ClydeFrogger: eppy: but good catch still
11:43 eppy: Thx my bad
11:43 tzcheezyP: and she was blonde
11:43 tzcheezyP: and died
11:43 ClydeFrogger: yeah
11:43 tzcheezyP wonders if the new girl knows she has to die now
11:43 ClydeFrogger: there's a thing that the Poltergiest movie was cursed
11:44 ClydeFrogger: i think the older sister in the original committed suicide or something like that
11:44 tzcheezyP: prolly cuz she didn't matter
11:45 eppy: Ouch. The original Meg?
11:45 tzcheezyP: makes sense
11:46 ClydeFrogger: and doesnt look like the dad is a real estate / builder seller guy
11:46 ClydeFrogger: wonder if they will have the pool scenes
11:47 monkey_boy has left IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
11:58 knarf_: its gotta be different
11:58 knarf_: cant just be the exact same movie
11:58 knarf_ is now known as knarf
11:59 knarf: i hope the tree scene is there, that and the clown were tops
11:59 knarf: this clown didn't seem as scary from the part they showed
12:03 ClydeFrogger: i saw a pic of the clown... they made it look scary
12:03 ClydeFrogger: instead of it being creepy's purposely scary

12:05 ClydeFrogger: no little kid would have that clown in their room on purpose
12:23 knarf: the new guy still has to say, "this house is clear now" or im not watching
12:25 eppy has left IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
12:26 knarf: eppys was talking to the tv again
12:37 ClydeFrogger: the poltergeist would shun eppy... they'd be like "really, dude?!  where did you buy this surround sound system?  a white van?"
12:39 knarf: haha
12:47 knarf: "you only have one kitchen chair?? wtf?"
12:47 ClydeFrogger: hahaha
12:47 ClydeFrogger: that actually made me laugh
12:47 ClydeFrogger: i just pictured the ghosts moving it back and forth and then just sliding back to where it was
12:47 knarf: haha
12:48 knarf: oh, man...its even funnier now
12:48 knarf: didnt have a visual before
12:48 ClydeFrogger: "dude... this room is mess!  it would probably be scarier if we cleaned it up cause it's not like we can mess it up any more!"
12:49 ClydeFrogger: oh man this is good stuff
12:50 ClydeFrogger: haha... they leave syrup behind instead of ectoplasm
12:53 ClydeFrogger: haha...still laughing about the kitchen chair
12:53 knarf: ah man...just realized eppy and monkey missed it
12:54 tzcheezyP: if the ghosts leave syrup, how will you know it was them?
12:55 ClydeFrogger: yeah, i guess a better joke would have been that their ectoplasm just blends in with the syrup everywhere
12:56 tzcheezyP pictures eppy realizing the syrup is from the ghosts, then leaving out a plate of eggos
12:56 knarf: or that they tried to leave ghost goo, but everything was already covered in syrup so they gave up and left defeated
12:57 knarf: but left behind a 2nd chair on the way out
12:58 ClydeFrogger: haha
13:10 monkey_boy has joined (
13:13 knarf: you missed it monkey
13:15 knarf: a poltergeist came into chat and said, "chat me the best chat convo in the world, or i'll eat your soul"
13:15 knarf: well, me and ClydeFrogger, we looked at each other and we each said
13:15 knarf: "ok"
13:16 knarf: needless to say, the beast was stunned
13:16 tzcheezyP: by how yummy those souls were?
13:16 knarf: the beast was done
13:16 knarf: he asked us, "be you angels?"
13:17 monkey_boy: we be but nerds!
13:17 knarf: as we said, "nay, we are but men." CHAT!
13:17 knarf: this is not, the greatest chat archive in the world
13:17 knarf: this is just a tribute
13:17 monkey_boy: so, uh, how about them Raiders?
13:17 monkey_boy: their owner has bad hair
13:17 knarf: couldn't remember, the greatest chat in the world
13:18 knarf: this is just a tribute, to the greatest chat in the world
13:20 eppy has joined (
13:21 monkey_boy: it'll get better now that eppy is here, knarf.
13:22 tzcheezyP: knarf: gotta show him
13:23 tzcheezyP: eppy: you could be the star of the next poltergeist remake
13:23 knarf: eppy would've appreciated my tribute
13:23 knarf: to the greatest chat in the wh-horld
13:27 monkey_boy: knarf: it was a good tribute
13:28 tzcheezyP: .msg knarf was monkey_boy the ghost?
13:30 eppy: Was clydefrog the cheerleader this time?
13:30 monkey_boy: for you knarf

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Easy, You'll Scare Him

10:29:49 AM eppy: so I bot Bobbi some dr who stuff for Xmas, it barely arrived and it's totally lame. Bobbi is out of town and now I'm trying to think of something to add to the gift
10:30:20 AM knarf: PS4
10:30:57 AM _bmr_: eppy: you naked with a bow on your head and a 12-pack of Diet DP
10:31:26 AM knarf: and a PS4
10:31:31 AM eppy: so a drone?
10:31:54 AM knarf: get her a GoPro
10:32:15 AM knarf: so she can mount it on chauncy for his park outings
10:32:20 AM _bmr_: eppy: does she like chick dramas?
10:32:28 AM _bmr_: get her some of those on DVD
10:32:32 AM _bmr_: or BR
10:32:45 AM eppy: br?
10:32:50 AM _bmr_: blu-ray
10:32:54 AM knarf: _bmr_: easy, you'll scare him
10:32:57 AM _bmr_: wait, I'm talking to eppy.
10:32:58 AM _bmr_: DVD
10:33:01 AM knarf: eppy: just get a DVD
10:33:11 AM eppy: :|
10:33:13 AM _bmr_: haha