[15:04] ClydeFrogger: im gonna finish up from home
[15:06] eppy: dontcha feel guilty doing that?
[15:06] ClydeFrogger: dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
[15:07] ClydeFrogger: eppy: nah...not when i work a couple more hours when i get home...and work weekends...and work yo momma
[14:17] eppy: visited a buddy last night who has a 13 year.. she was using an animation website named.. aniboom
[14:17] eppy: went home and tried it out.. pretty neat
[14:17] eppy: easy to use
[14:17] ClydeFrogger: uhoh
[14:17] eppy: old news?
[14:17] * ClydeFrogger holds back the "yo momma" joke
[14:18] eppy: i couldnt hold back yo momma if i tried
[14:18] * eppy runs
[14:18] knarf: haha
[14:19] ClydeFrogger: touche, eppy...touche
[11:04] ClydeFrogger: eppy: so what time for taco bell?
[11:09] eppy: hammer time
[11:10] ClydeFrogger: is that like in 20 mins?
[11:11] eppy: i thought taco bell closed
[11:11] ClydeFrogger: just the one by my house
[11:11] ClydeFrogger: not the one on parmer
[11:12] eppy: how has taco bell not gotten banned over the years?
[11:13] ClydeFrogger: they have a new "fresca" menu
[11:13] eppy: lol
[11:14] eppy: you know this is why wii fit calls you a fatty
[11:20] *** noodleLeg has joined #chataus.
[11:21] ClydeFrogger: eppy: fine, if you wanna be like that
[11:21] eppy: chill out, man
[11:22] eppy: take a breather
[11:26] eppy: bring me back a bean burrito
[11:27] ClydeFrogger: how 'bout i just wrap yo momma in a blanket and give you that
[11:31] eppy: ill staying with the bean burrito
[14:02] eppy: why dont you put a ring on it then
[14:02] * eppy runs
[14:02] SweetSue: i'll put yo momma on it
[14:10] [eppy] i got a "yo momma" app yesterday.. it only had two that I liked
[14:10] [tzcheezy_poof] yo mama had 2 that I liked
[14:10] [knarf] nice
[14:10] [@ClydeFrogger] haha
[14:10] [eppy] one was.. tz's momma is so fat, that when she fell in love.. she broke it
[14:11] [@ClydeFrogger] eppy just got served
[14:11] [eppy] i did :(
[14:11] [eppy] the other was.. tz's momma is so ugly, i took her to a haunted house and she came away with a paycheck
[14:12] [@ClydeFrogger]
[14:12] [tzcheezy_poof] that one's not too bad
[14:12] [knarf] were those the 2 you liked?
[14:12] [@ClydeFrogger] haha
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