Monday, November 11, 2002

a little dyslexic

[knarf] managers suck
[ClydeFrog] yeah, and unhappy loser kids rcok
[ClydeFrog] rcok=rock
[ClydeFrog] just a little dyslexic
[knarf] sounds like a new hit song
[ClydeFrog] its mine, i call dibs
[ClydeFrog] dibs
[knarf] do you have lyrics yet?
[ClydeFrog] yes
ClydeFrog frantically jots down lyrics on napkin
[knarf] ah man...hmmm....still running nutzS4.3
[ClydeFrog] uh, on another topic, whats a word that rhymes with confused
[knarf] amused?
[ClydeFrog] sweet, thanks
[knarf] refused
[knarf] used
[knarf] shoes-ed
[ClydeFrog] "I might be mixed up and confused"
[ClydeFrog] "But im in love and amused"
[ClydeFrog] "Im just a little dyslexic"
[knarf] i think we have a winner
[ClydeFrog] think britney would want to sing it
[knarf] sounds like a duet
[ClydeFrog] who would be the other person?
[knarf] you?
[ClydeFrog] i never thought youd ask
[knarf] so thats youre part....heres brits
[knarf] i thought you were saying hello
[knarf] instead you said good-bye
[knarf] whyd you have to go?
[knarf] and leave me here to cry
[ClydeFrog] i like it
[ClydeFrog] let me call her real quick
[knarf] aight
ClydeFrog dials number
[ClydeFrog] uh hello
[ClydeFrog] hey baby whats up
[knarf] hehe
[ClydeFrog] oh hi clydefrog how is the love of my life doing
[ClydeFrog] im doing good, how bout you
[ClydeFrog] oh you know, i just cant be happy without you in my life
[ClydeFrog] i told you honey, it just isnt the time, but i do have something youll like to do
[ClydeFrog] what is it, you want me to wear that hit me baby one more time outfit for you
[ClydeFrog] no, no, not this time. i think i have song you might want to sing
[ClydeFrog] really, what is it
[ClydeFrog] its a clyde and knarf original, and we are giving it to you first
[ClydeFrog] really, let me hear it
[ClydeFrog] i havent even told you the good news, its going to be a duet, duet meaning you and me
[ClydeFrog] do you mean it, your not kidding are you
[ClydeFrog] nope, were gonna sing it baby, we are gonna sing it raw
[ClydeFrog] oh, i love it, of course ill do it, i cant wait
[ClydeFrog] alright, ill tell knarf that its a go
[ClydeFrog] alright, ill see you later, and remember, Im a slave for you
[ClydeFrog] i know you are, i know you are...good bye
ClydeFrog hangs up
[knarf] wow
[ClydeFrog] oh, that could be kind of scary if others saw that
[knarf] its a little scary for me....
[ClydeFrog] sorry

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