Wednesday, December 11, 2002


[knarf] there are ghosts in here
[helga] really??
[knarf] yes
[knarf] i saw them with my own eyes
[ClydeFrog] why you say that
[knarf] i was walking down the hall (along the windows), getting near my aisle...
[knarf] the corners are windows...before i make the turn i see in the window straight ahead...
[knarf] like 5 people walking behind me
[knarf] i turn...
[knarf] NO ONE THERE!!!
[knarf] true story
[knarf] honest injun
[ClydeFrog] maybe they turned down another aisle
[knarf] nope...they were closer
[knarf] too close to turn down a hall where i couldnt see them
[LeMac] that's easy knarf
[LeMac] it was the ghost of x-mas past, present and future
[knarf] so they are looking for eppy?
[LeMac] could be
[LeMac] they need to show him the true meaning of x-mas
[knarf] its all making sense now.
[LeMac] before it's too late
[helga] hahaha
[pepito] baah
[LeMac] they need to show him as a baby sitting by himself at the kiddy table during x-mas dinner
[LeMac] with no one to play with
[LeMac] with long hair of course
[helga] and zoom to xmas present
* pepito raises his cane in disgust
[LeMac] , they never let him play in any reindeer games
[helga] ...he's still at the kiddy table, all by himself
[knarf] then to the future...
[knarf] [whoosh]
[knarf] ...he's still at the kiddy table, all by himself
[LeMac] with burned out digarrett butts
[knarf] and still complaining about going skiing
[LeMac] hahaha
[LeMac] with a lump of coal in the fire place
[pepito] about NOT going skiing
[LeMac] and the cat laughing at him
[knarf] and pooping on his plate
[LeMac] while Wendy is getting ready to go to a x-mas party
[knarf] and christian is playing with eppy's PS2...
[ClydeFrog] uh, isnt he suppose to be dead in the x-mas future scene
[knarf] still playing THPS3 cause he doent have any other games
[knarf] then he dies.
[LeMac] pobre Davy.....if he doesn't change his ways before x-mas day
[LeMac] this will be the future that plays out...
[pepito] i hope they have skiing in heaven
[knarf] they do...but not where youre going...
[ClydeFrog] where your going, there is only the promise of going skiing, but in the end, it never happens
[knarf] where youre going...its always 4am and youre waiting for your ride
[pepito] NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
[ClydeFrog] knarf: yours is better
[LeMac] sssssss.....gacho!
[Pablo] pepito: wow, you better not die. that would suck.
pepito puts "Dont Die" on his To Do list
[knarf] if thats the same list where you have "return knarf's hammer"....youre screwed
[ClydeFrog] pepito: or "give marcos back his simpsons season II DVD"
[LeMac] or give le-mac the 20 bucks you owe him
[pepito] its in my office
[ClydeFrog] i dont have it in my hand, so i dont believe
[Pablo] pepito: All of this could've been avoided if you put "Die" on your To Don't list.
[pepito] To Don't
[pepito] 1. Die
[pepito] 2. Touch Poo

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