Wednesday, December 11, 2002


[knarf] i thought this was about ftp
[eppy] me too
[noodleLegs] i don't know why no one mentioned rcp before when folks are asking how to ftp a bunch of files
[ClydeFrog] eppy: dont you also have to do a xhost +
[eppy] nope
[knarf] haha
[eppy] noodleLegs: i mentioned rcp to clyde and knarf before...i dont remember you having problems with it too
[ClydeFrog] eppy: i was trying to help you out so you can sneak into noodles comp, but you screwed it up
[eppy] ClydeFrog: might be an xhost + on your machine
[knarf] yeah, i remember eppy and clyde asking...i use rcp mostly in the labs, but for ftp'ing like to my laptop, that doesnt help much
[eppy] ClydeFrog: yeah...i caught it too late...she has a dumb PC only works on unix
[knarf] that was funny, eppy really blew his chance
[noodleLegs] knarf: ah, now i know why you could use rcp
[ClydeFrog] who wants to go play some Mortal Kombat (soundtrack music starts playing)
[noodleLegs] me me me
[ClydeFrog] yeah, girls cant play video games
noodleLegs raises her hand
[knarf] ill do it
[Cracker] dave, how far did you get in the samurai game?
[Cracker] would it be possible to recheck it out?
[noodleLegs] [in a deep voice] i'll play
[eppy] hmm...not much further...christian was cracking me up
[Cracker] why?
[Cracker] he was hooked..
[eppy] we were trying to get past some door...and we stabbing the door didnt work
[Cracker] now I've got a way to get him to come over everynight until he finishes
[Cracker] can I recheckit out tonight? or sumpin?
[eppy] ...but christian was convinced that we needed to break down the he went bananas trying to break down the door
[eppy] it was funny
[Cracker] yeah, he's got anger management problems hehe
[eppy] and i was like..."dude, thats not working"...but he thought that pressing the button as fast and as much as possible would change things
[noodleLegs] haha
[Cracker] funny
[Cracker] my entire team is gone the whole week
[eppy] i got tired and crashed out...i told him he could play on...that i didnt care...i dont think he felt comfortable pulling an all nighter playing games
[Cracker] he's not hardcore yet
[Cracker] but he said he only played until 1am, was that true?
Cracker checks her man
[eppy] uh...yeah...i really need to return that game...but sure you can rent it...and im pretty sure the save will work
[knarf] why wouldnt it work?
[Cracker] sweet!
[eppy] oh...well thats about when i crashed out
[Cracker] in case there's a unique code , i dunno
[eppy] knarf: i dunno...maybe it would need the same disk.
[Cracker] let's ask the expert
[knarf] nah...just the same game
[Cracker] sweet!
[Cracker] have you played that Frank?
[eppy] cool...i just never tried before
[Cracker] what's the name of the game?
[ClydeFrog] eppy: do you know what a PS2 is?
[knarf] i played the first. but for any game, a game save is just a save...nuthin to do with the same exact disc.
[knarf] just gotta be the same save....cant play a THPS3 game save with onimusha.
[ClydeFrog] hahahah
[eppy] Cracker: i told knarf and clyde the frenzy christian story
[Cracker] i saw
[Cracker] and?
[knarf] HA
[Cracker] oh
[eppy] so he knows what game youre talking about
[eppy] its "onimusha"
[Cracker] how much is it selling for?
[knarf] $221983.12
[eppy] 1 million dollars
Cracker turns head in disgust
[eppy] i dunno...about the same as the others.. about 50
[Cracker] ouch
[ClydeFrog] but you have to buy the same disc as the one you were playing with
[eppy] hahahhahaa
[ClydeFrog] infact the save game wont work unless its the same person playing
[Cracker] don't make me laugh
[Cracker] my officemate thinks i'm retarded
[ClydeFrog] i think it recognizes the hands that were used on the controller
[Cracker] [please dont comment on that last comment]
[knarf] ClydeFrog: nice
[Cracker] oh! now I get it! by the fingerprints!
[ClydeFrog] and you can only play in your house now too
[Cracker] okay, I'll tell Christian, he'll even believe me, har har
[knarf] and dave has to be watching
[ClydeFrog] hahaha
[ClydeFrog] and wearing the same clothes
[eppy] can we go back to making fun of cracker
[knarf] i hope you guys remember where you were sitting
[ClydeFrog] hahahaha
[Cracker] we weren't making fun of cracker
[eppy] okay...anyone but me
[knarf] i cant stop laughing
[ClydeFrog] thats funny
Cracker waves hand to produce a jedi cloud over the chat room "we were not making fun of cracker"
[knarf] oh man...whew...that was good...
[ClydeFrog] [eppy]"no christian, you werent sitting there, its not gonna work now"
[knarf] [christian] it will...just gotta keep hitting X
[ClydeFrog] ah man, i cant stop giggling
[ClydeFrog] hahahaha
[Cracker] alright, I might have to get into ass kicking mode for my man - see what you started dave?
[knarf] whew...i just now finished laughing
[ClydeFrog] eh, where did eppy go
[eppy] im here
[ClydeFrog] that was good
[ClydeFrog] you need to say more things like that
[ClydeFrog] knarf: did you archive it
[knarf] cutting and pasting right now...
[ClydeFrog] sweet

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