Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Clyde PPP Theory

[ClydeFrog] im probably going to leave after lunch
[knarf] cool. peter piper for lunch?
[ClydeFrog] forgot to pay rent this morning, have to do that
[knarf] ah!! thx
[ClydeFrog] where did peter piper come from?
[knarf] just need lunch today and that sounded good
[knarf] and you mentioned lunch
[ClydeFrog] okay
[ClydeFrog] peter piper will work if someone has a coupon or they are having some kind of deal
[Glitta] oh no here we go....
[knarf] i volunteer to call and find out their lunch specials
[ClydeFrog] Glitta: what?
[knarf] where we going?
[Glitta] ClydeFrog: i thought you were going to go off on your whole theory on PPP
[ClydeFrog] i can if you want
[knarf] i never heard your theory
[Glitta] oooh please please give us something since you are going to be gone
[ClydeFrog] okay, here we go......
[Glitta] hold on
[knarf] hehe
[Glitta] is it going to put you in a bad mood?? cause if it is then dont do it its not worth it
[ClydeFrog] nah
[Glitta] are you sure
[ClydeFrog] can i start please
[Glitta] you arnt goning to be hating on PPP on the plane
[knarf] HA
[knarf] wait
[Glitta] just checking
[ClydeFrog] eh, you all taking too long
[Glitta] you may continue..
[knarf] after your speech, youre not gonna change youre mind about eating there even if they have a good deal are you?
[Glitta] he he
[Glitta] he might
[knarf] can we hear it when we go there?
[Glitta] I looooooveee PPP
[ClydeFrog] "can i finish, can i finish"
[Glitta] yes
[ClydeFrog] if they have a good deal, then ill go
[knarf] let me call first...looking for it now
[knarf] "im afraid to be alone....afraid you'll leave me when im goneeeee"
[ClydeFrog] isnt it too early for them to be open
[ed_n_ein] yo yo!
[ed_n_ein] ed is here! wheeeee!
[ClydeFrog] hey hey
[knarf] 1 large 1 topping for $6.99...thats not bad. all i need is some pepperonni
[ed_n_ein] pepperoni! yummmmmm.
[Glitta] what a great dweal
[ClydeFrog] thats alright
[knarf] [screeech]
[ClydeFrog] whats a dweal
[ed_n_ein] awww, glitta has a lisp...awww.
[ClydeFrog] whats a dweal
[ed_n_ein] awww, glitta has a lisp...awww.
* ed_n_ein is (Brian M. Rzycki)
* on channels: #chat
* on IRC via server (Lori's Chat Server!)
* ed_n_ein has been 9 seconds idle
[Glitta] dweal = deal
[ClydeFrog] oh
[ClydeFrog] ed_n_ein: any luck on finding a monkey butler
[ed_n_ein] ed thinks ClydeFrog is being a hater too early in the morning!
[knarf] is hater 24-7 dude
[ClydeFrog] Clydefrog thinks ed_ can show his thoughts up his a$$
[ed_n_ein] ClydeFrog: ed has looked all over...high and low (zoooom!) and alas, no monkey. :(
[knarf] shove?
[ClydeFrog] no, no show
[ed_n_ein] no, he meant show.
[ClydeFrog] its worse than shoving
[ed_n_ein] cuz he's a closet homosex.
[knarf] so hes just gonna look up there and think out loud?
[ClydeFrog] yup
[knarf] ewwww...that is worse
[ed_n_ein] he's always trying to show ppl his bum...
[ClydeFrog] itll put a krink in his neck
[ed_n_ein] it's wrong.
[knarf] like 10,000 years
[ClydeFrog] so you want to hear my ppp speech
[ed_n_ein] it'd do more than about trauma, shock, distress...basic shrink fodder.
[knarf] ok...we still going right?
[ed_n_ein] ppp speech?
[ClydeFrog] knarf: if everyone wants to go there, then yeah
[knarf] ok, go for it!
[ed_n_ein] knarf: hawaiian this thurs...aka tomorrow.
[knarf] oh...are you SURE!? its gonna move and you want tell me about it a day later?
[ed_n_ein] knarf: dude, that was a last minute thing...extinuating circumstances. doesn't happen often at all. it's Thurs.
[ClydeFrog] [standing at podium] back in EPT, PPP was a place to go for some good pizza for the price. Where else could you get a large 1 topping pizza for 4.99 and it taste good. I had no beef with PPP. Still though, for GOOD pizza, Pizza Hut was my choice
[ed_n_ein] pizza hut is waaaay too greasy nowadays.
[knarf] [nodding with interest]
[Glitta] $4.999 damn i dont think i ever paid $4.99
[ed_n_ein] it's like they bought commodities in grease.
[knarf] you had to pay in thousandths?
[ed_n_ein] knarf: yeah, it's like gas.
[Glitta] sometimes
[ed_n_ein] 1.299/gal
[ClydeFrog] [pacing across stage] However, here in Austin, the PPP's seem to have forgotten the deals that made it great, instead charging outrageous prices for pizza that could not rival that of Pizza Hut, yet costing only a couple of dollars less
[Glitta] but it still tastes good?
[knarf] [standing up in a fury] 70% of americans polled like the tast of ppp beter than do you explain that?
[ClydeFrog] [pointing finger at crowd] that is why I have put PPP on my semi-hate list, only the semi-hate ist because they do come out with good deals everynow and then here in Austin
[Glitta] but does it still taste good?
[knarf] [crowd] YES!
[ed_n_ein] wow...learn something new...semi-hate list.
[knarf] is it cheaper?
[ClydeFrog] [directing comments at audience member] cause those 70% of people polled were workers at PPP, and were voting at gun point
[Glitta] [crowd] YES!!!!!!!!!
[ed_n_ein] notice how it's not the semi-like list.
[Glitta] still cheapre the PH???
[ClydeFrog] ed_n_ein: nice observation
[ClydeFrog] but not worth saving a couple of dollars if you can get some quality pizza
[ed_n_ein] am thinking you always rate things by how much you hate it, and not how much you like it..
[knarf] [reporter #2] sir, what about the aligations of PH slipping you free pizzas and discounts only weeks before this forum?
[knarf] your all but unbiased little speech sounds a little tainted to me good sir!
[Glitta] ClydeFrog: a couple of bucks.. I dont think so.. quality pizza .. yeah if you call grease dripping down your mouth quality ok..
[ClydeFrog] [turning quickly to reporter] i will not deny it, they did give me coupons, only because I have been a devoted fan of their tasty crust and succulent toppings
[ClydeFrog] for years
[knarf] [un fact flashes on back drop behind podium] PH is 33% more greasier than PPP.
[knarf] un=fun
[Glitta] [crowd] OooooOh
[Glitta] isnt it true that they charge you to deliver and it takes over an hour when they do
[knarf] [crowd looking at each other] yeah, thats right...
[ClydeFrog] yes it does take a while for delivery, but does PPP even deliver
[Glitta] no
[knarf] [more of the crowd] yeah! i paid to EXTRA dollars just to have it arrive 50 minutes later....
[knarf] to EXTRA=2 EXTRA
[ClydeFrog] and why? because they would lose money, no one wants PPP that bad at home, they go to PPP to play video games, and to play in the plastic balls
[Glitta] I was just trying to point out another way that PH tries to take advantage of the Pizza lover
[ed_n_ein] mmm...plastic
[knarf] [crowd nods in agreement]
[Glitta] has anyone it the crowd ever carried out PPP???
[knarf] ed has plastic balls?
[knarf] [crowd] yes!!
[ed_n_ein] like to hid in em and let the kiddy-poos wander in....then I strike....muahahahahaha.
[Glitta] I think that people want it bad enough to go and pick it up and take it home!!
[ClydeFrog] sorry, cant play anymore, found a defect
[Glitta] ;(
[Glitta] we win we win
[Glitta] bri
[knarf] [crowd #1] i ordered on the phone, stopped by 10 minutes later and it was ready. took it home and enjoyed a great tasting pizza...and gas was less than the 2 dollars + tip i would have paid a PH driver.
[ed_n_ein] Glitta: yes maam?
[Glitta] can you come check something out really quickly
[ed_n_ein] hai
[ed_n_ein] brt.
[Glitta] [crowd] yeah hes right... I LOOOOOVE PPP
[Glitta] [crowd] PPP
[Glitta] [crowd] PPP
[Glitta] [crowd] PPP
[knarf] [speaker curls up behind podium and cries]
[ClydeFrog] thats it, im not going to PPP today......
[ClydeFrog] just kidding
* eppy has joined channel #chat
[ClydeFrog] eppy: have a question for you
[eppy] shoot
[ClydeFrog] eppy: do you ever feel not so fresh?
[eppy] yes you were adopted

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