Tuesday, December 15, 2009
'Tis the season to be Festiv-us
[18:36] * helga_ is out too!
[18:36] *** helga_ has signed off IRC ("what's this button do?").
[18:37] monkey_boy: I need to get a festivus pole
[18:39] *** monkey_boy has signed off IRC ("Leaving.").
[19:11] ClydeFrogger: i got your festivus pole right here
[19:11] * ClydeFrogger points to the pole leaning in the corner.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Network
[eppy] i got that dumb whistle song stuck in my head
[eppy] jsut so you guys get it too
[eppy] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51V1VMkuyx0
* eppy bets helga prolly likes the song
[ClydeFrogger] this dude in db2 tried to get attitude on the phone call
[glitta] i want to get attitude
[ClydeFrogger] i have a hard time paying attention on phone confs if im not talking
[glitta] ADD
[ClydeFrogger] nah, cause sometimes i dont do anything else
[ClydeFrogger] i just stop focusing
[ClydeFrogger] im outs
[monkey_boy] glitta: you're right, ClydeFrogger has ADD
[tzcheezy_poof] now see hear, "attention deficit" doesn't mean... wait, ok.
[tzcheezy_poof] hear=here
* helga_ LUBS the whislte song!
[helga] eppy: i can get it put on your ipod
[helga] i got a copy
[monkey_boy] helga_: do it. I'll buy you a whataburger if you force eppy to listen to it
[helga] monkey_boy: we have a big road trip coming up too
[helga] he is going to love it by 2010!
[monkey_boy] helga_: hahahaha
[monkey_boy] muahahahaha
[monkey_boy] muuuuuhahahahah
[monkey_boy] eppy will soon crave pop music
[monkey_boy] glitta and eppy will trade albums
* tzcheezy_poof changes his will to bequeath his lifelong miley fan club membership to eppy
[eppy] cut it out guys
* eppy and Eddie are gonna pay monkey_boy a visit
[monkey_boy] eppy: not pee on my stuff!
[monkey_boy] not!!!
* monkey_boy fills a super soaker with fox urine
[eppy] we're gonna pee... EVERYWHERE!
[monkey_boy] bring it cowboy
[helga] eppy: he double-negative'ed... so he wants you to pee on his stuff
[eppy] helga: good eye
[eppy] helga's just relieved eddie will be elsewhere
[monkey_boy] lol
* monkey_boy fills a second super soaker with liquefied pigeon crap
[monkey_boy] oh it's ON
* helga_ doesn't want to know what's in the water balloons
[eppy] where you getting all the pigeon crap and fox urine?
* tzcheezy_poof says nothing
[monkey_boy] eppy: I'm white and I live in texas. there's a network.
* ClydeFrogger Quit
* tzcheezy_poof 's hand slides toward his silent alert button
[tzcheezy_poof] careful, monkey_boy
[helga] eppy: you forget, he visits gun clubs
[tzcheezy_poof] ...and craigslist
[monkey_boy] tzcheezy_poof: I'm not sayin' anything thems fereigners don't know already
[tzcheezy_poof] oh, yeah... forgot helga_'s a canuck (practically)
[eppy] jsut so you guys get it too
[eppy] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51V1VMkuyx0
* eppy bets helga prolly likes the song
[ClydeFrogger] this dude in db2 tried to get attitude on the phone call
[glitta] i want to get attitude
[ClydeFrogger] i have a hard time paying attention on phone confs if im not talking
[glitta] ADD
[ClydeFrogger] nah, cause sometimes i dont do anything else
[ClydeFrogger] i just stop focusing
[ClydeFrogger] im outs
[monkey_boy] glitta: you're right, ClydeFrogger has ADD
[tzcheezy_poof] now see hear, "attention deficit" doesn't mean... wait, ok.
[tzcheezy_poof] hear=here
* helga_ LUBS the whislte song!
[helga] eppy: i can get it put on your ipod
[helga] i got a copy
[monkey_boy] helga_: do it. I'll buy you a whataburger if you force eppy to listen to it
[helga] monkey_boy: we have a big road trip coming up too
[helga] he is going to love it by 2010!
[monkey_boy] helga_: hahahaha
[monkey_boy] muahahahaha
[monkey_boy] muuuuuhahahahah
[monkey_boy] eppy will soon crave pop music
[monkey_boy] glitta and eppy will trade albums
* tzcheezy_poof changes his will to bequeath his lifelong miley fan club membership to eppy
[eppy] cut it out guys
* eppy and Eddie are gonna pay monkey_boy a visit
[monkey_boy] eppy: not pee on my stuff!
[monkey_boy] not!!!
* monkey_boy fills a super soaker with fox urine
[eppy] we're gonna pee... EVERYWHERE!
[monkey_boy] bring it cowboy
[helga] eppy: he double-negative'ed... so he wants you to pee on his stuff
[eppy] helga: good eye
[eppy] helga's just relieved eddie will be elsewhere
[monkey_boy] lol
* monkey_boy fills a second super soaker with liquefied pigeon crap
[monkey_boy] oh it's ON
* helga_ doesn't want to know what's in the water balloons
[eppy] where you getting all the pigeon crap and fox urine?
* tzcheezy_poof says nothing
[monkey_boy] eppy: I'm white and I live in texas. there's a network.
* ClydeFrogger Quit
* tzcheezy_poof 's hand slides toward his silent alert button
[tzcheezy_poof] careful, monkey_boy
[helga] eppy: you forget, he visits gun clubs
[tzcheezy_poof] ...and craigslist
[monkey_boy] tzcheezy_poof: I'm not sayin' anything thems fereigners don't know already
[tzcheezy_poof] oh, yeah... forgot helga_'s a canuck (practically)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
[10:34] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: tell me a story
[10:44] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: you suck. the end
[10:47] *** tzcheezy_poof has joined #chataus.
[10:47] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: nice one!
[10:48] monkey_boy: it was better than new moon
[10:52] * tzcheezy_poof wishes HE had received literary training at the van horn magnet school
Team Edward or Team Jacob?
[09:55] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: are you a L or XL in shirt size?
[09:55] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: im ordering "Team Edward" shirts for us
[09:56] * eppy giggles at the thought of monkey fitting into an "L"
[09:56] eppy: shouldnt you be asking XL or XXL ?
[09:56] ClydeFrogger: eppy: theyre fitted t's
[09:57] eppy: arent fitted t's even smaller?
[09:57] eppy: i vote you get him an L
[09:58] ClydeFrogger: k
[09:59] monkey_boy: want an XL
[09:59] ClydeFrogger: too late
[09:59] monkey_boy: but I'll put in the drier to shrink it for the smexxy
[09:59] eppy: what's this Team Edward?
[10:00] ClydeFrogger: thats smart
[10:00] * monkey_boy looks at eppy like he's from another planet
[10:00] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: right?
[10:00] * monkey_boy looks at ClydeFrogger
[10:00] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: who invited the loser?
[10:00] * ClydeFrogger makes an 'L' with his fingers against his forehead
[10:01] monkey_boy: eppy: this should help http://theoatmeal.com/story/twilight
[10:01] ClydeFrogger: eppy: which are you? take the quiz and find out... http://quizilla.teennick.com/quizzes/7517927/team-edward-or-team-jacob
[10:03] ClydeFrogger: im so team edward
[10:04] *** knarf has joined #chataus.
[10:08] * helga_ took the quiz and feels like a pedoph!le
[10:08] helga_: Congrats, you're on Team Jacob! Jacob is the guy for you, what with his muscles, cute attitude, and fun-loving nature. Jacob is definitely the more appealing team with the more appealing guy... :) Go Jacob!
[10:08] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: I'm team edward
[10:08] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: hells yeah
[10:08] monkey_boy: jacob is a weredouche
[10:08] ClydeFrogger: haha
[10:08] * knarf walks back out of chataus
[10:09] ClydeFrogger: jacob prolly still pees his doggie bed
[10:09] monkey_boy: I bet he's got those blue and white mats instead of a bathroom
[10:09] ClydeFrogger: he prolly...he prolly...hes prolly neutured
[10:10] helga_: but he's shirtless
[10:10] ClydeFrogger: more like smartless
[10:11] * monkey_boy fist bumps ClydeFrogger
[10:11] * ClydeFrogger ends it up with a bomb noise
[10:11] ClydeFrogger: up=
[10:12] knarf: monkey_boy: how disrespectful to use m> for twicrap
[10:12] monkey_boy: .msg ClydeFrogger knarf is obviously team jacob.
[10:13] knarf: monkey_boy: i noticed yesterday the game has a little white moving circle deal at the btm rt corner to tell you when the gm is saving
[10:13] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: im gonna get another shirt...i dont know if i should get this one... http://www.cafepress.com/+i_love_sparkly_vampires_womens_dark_tshirt,339991533
[10:13] ClydeFrogger: or this one... http://www.cafepress.com/+team_edward_womens_dark_tshirt,344905477
[10:13] knarf: but still i would like to know for sure what has saved
[10:13] knarf: there is no indicator other than, are you sure you want to quit?
[10:13] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: first one
[10:14] monkey_boy: knarf: still not a fan of that. real save points at least tell you what's up
[10:15] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: even better...cause it also takes a dig at team gay-cob... http://www.spreadshirt.com/us/US/Team-Edward-Because-Jacob-doesn-t-sparkle-plus-size-t-shirt/Detail-3384/Marketplace/Products/detail/article/4675993/department/2/
[10:15] helga_: ok, Youtube is awesome
[10:15] helga_: i have Scrooge from 1935 playing in the background at work
[10:15] helga_: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Sr2ow_ZH9w&feature=fvw
[10:15] knarf: if hes playing batman, tell him to becareful when he quit
[10:15] knarf: s
[10:16] ClydeFrogger: knarf: your playing the batman game?
[10:16] * knarf bets scrooge is more of a sim city kind of guy....or tycoon
[10:16] knarf: ClydeFrogger; yar
[10:16] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: ok, I am kinda creeped out by all the vampire shirts
[10:16] monkey_boy: wtf is a sparkly vampire?
[10:17] knarf: prolly only get one more day of play...then t-day and family and i return it on friday
[10:17] monkey_boy: is that a vampire that uses glitter body paint?
[10:17] monkey_boy: helga_: that video is creepy
[10:18] helga_: sparkly vampire doesn't tell us if you are a Edward, Bill, or Eric fan
[10:18] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: uh, vampires sparkle when they walk in the sunlight
[10:18] helga_: or someone new from the Vampire Diaries show on the WB
[10:18] * monkey_boy goes back to his original stance on the undead
[10:19] monkey_boy: I wonder if all the new fangirls of vampires piss of the old hardcore ones like noodle
[10:19] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: call noodle and ask her
[10:19] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: its not like she busy
Friday, November 20, 2009
[09:28] * monkey_boy wonders if Mohogger is busy right now
[09:29] monkey_boy: .msg knarf he's probably talking to himself in a fake british accent
[09:29] monkey_boy: .msg knarf commenting on people waking around the lab, making it sound dramatic.
[09:30] * ClydeFrogger throws up on monkey_boy
[09:30] knarf: hes mutating again
Clydehinder Mohogger
[09:35] ClydeFrogger: knarf: did you see heroes, yet?
[09:35] *** glitta has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)).
[09:37] *** monkey_boy has joined #chataus.
[09:38] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy
[09:38] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger
[09:38] ClydeFrogger: dumb walmart didnt have the god of war collection ps3 game last night
[09:38] monkey_boy: did you tell them they were on you crap list?
[09:38] knarf: ClydeFrogger: yar
[09:39] ClydeFrogger: im drafting an email right now
[09:39] ClydeFrogger: knarf: thought this episode picked up the story a little more
[09:39] knarf: chellers: are you caught up on Heroes?
[09:39] * knarf has sylar questions
[09:40] monkey_boy: knarf: it's a pices, likes brunettes, hates seafoot
[09:40] monkey_boy: it's like athlete's foot you get from the sea, don't ask me, it's his word
[09:40] knarf: haha
[09:41] ClydeFrogger: i could kick chellers out of the chatroom
[09:41] * ClydeFrogger just found out he has the ability to kick people out of chatrooms
[09:41] monkey_boy: that's not nice
[09:42] knarf: what if he preceeds the /kick with "not being d!ck, but..."
[09:42] knarf: eh? eh?
[09:43] monkey_boy: oh, that's ok then
[09:43] monkey_boy: it's like stabbing someone in the face
[09:43] monkey_boy: as long as it's proceeded with "no offense, I don't mean to hurt you.."
[09:43] knarf: see
[09:43] knarf: ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy's cool with it
[09:45] ClydeFrogger: im afraid that i may get too power hungry and then starting using my ability for bad things
[09:45] ClydeFrogger: starting=start
[09:46] knarf: and start waking up earlier and signing on to chataus at 3AM?
[09:46] monkey_boy: I see ClydeFrogger is the wussy peter type of superhero
[09:46] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: dont make me angry...you wouldnt like it when im angry
[09:46] knarf: monkey_boy: hes more like mohinder...he wasnt born with them
[09:47] * ClydeFrogger cant believe knarf called him mohinder
[09:47] knarf: yeah, you just saw that
[09:47] monkey_boy: whoa
[09:48] * monkey_boy backs away from the powderkeg that will soon be chat
[09:48] knarf: monkey_boy: where do you think youre going?
[09:48] monkey_boy: I mean...calling somone peter is a jab in the ribs....but mohinder...why not just call him hitler?
[09:48] * knarf locks the #chataus door
[09:48] monkey_boy: actually, hitler was an evil badass.
[09:49] monkey_boy: so that's not fair to hitler
[09:49] knarf: nobodys going nowhere
[09:49] monkey_boy: it's more like calling him....
[09:49] monkey_boy: hrm...
[09:49] knarf: your face
a little later...
[09:58] *** Mode change "+o eppy" for channel #chataus by ClydeFrogger.
[09:58] monkey_boy: I don't get it
[09:59] * ClydeFrogger just learned he can pass on his ability
[09:59] *** ClydeFrogger has signed off IRC ().
[10:02] helga_: monkey_boy: the topic?
[10:02] helga_: you need cable tv
[10:03] monkey_boy: nah
[10:04] monkey_boy: if all I miss are the occasional topic ref it's not worth the $100+ a month
[10:04] helga_: but SP was really good.
[10:05] monkey_boy: I watch sp online
[10:05] monkey_boy: legally
[10:05] monkey_boy: southparkstudios.com
[10:05] * knarf wonders why he monkey_boy has to specify "legally"
[10:06] monkey_boy: because my court order makes me
[10:06] eppy: ouuu.. i can "kick" now?!?
[10:06] monkey_boy: your father can explain knarf
[10:06] * monkey_boy points at clyde again
[10:06] * knarf shakes his fist at monkey_boy
[10:06] * monkey_boy huffs
[10:06] monkey_boy: where has that man gotten off to?
[10:07] monkey_boy: he's just like that, shirking his parenting duties
[10:07] knarf: hehe
[10:07] knarf: he said duties
[10:08] tzcheezy_poof: monkey_boy: he took one look at the dishes, glared at you, and said he was going for a beer with the fellas. haven't seen him since.
[10:08] knarf: this reminds me of a How I Met Your Mother episode
[10:11] * tzcheezy_poof wonders who epppeter will kick first, now that he's absorbed sylarFrogger's ability
[10:11] knarf: *ahem*
[10:11] knarf: Clydehinder
[10:11] knarf: or Mohogger
[10:12] knarf: whichever sounds better to ya
[10:12] monkey_boy: mohogger
[10:12] monkey_boy: that's great!
[10:12] tzcheezy_poof: like mohogger, it rolls, but clydehinder is more recognizable for the slap it is
[10:12] monkey_boy: I just like that mohogger has hog in the middle
[10:12] monkey_boy: it makes me giggle
[10:13] knarf: mohogger it is
[10:14] * knarf dreams of a chataus where everyone yells "Mohogger!" when Clydehinder enters...much like Norm in Cheers
[10:15] * tzcheezy_poof hopes he can be "Woody" and call him Mr. Clydehinder
[10:16] knarf: mister mohogger sounds funny
[10:16] knarf: Clydehinder Mohogger
[10:16] knarf: Mohogger Clydehinder
[10:16] tzcheezy_poof: we have a winner
[10:16] tzcheezy_poof: i vote C.M.
[10:16] knarf: Mohogger is missing the good stuff
[10:19] tzcheezy_poof: isn't it customary for evil mutant frogs to follow the chinese tradition of family-name-first? ...so Mohogger could be his personal name.
later that day...
[15:29] * knarf nudges tzcheezy_poof
[15:29] tzcheezy_poof: eh?
[15:29] knarf: .msg tzcheezy_poof you gonna tell ClydeFrogger his new nick?
[15:30] chellers: man too much food overload
[15:30] tzcheezy_poof: .msg knarf did we agree whether mohogger comes before or after clydehinder?
[15:30] chellers: no dinner tonight
[15:31] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: we had a vote between Clydehinder and Mohogger and Mohogger won
[15:31] monkey_boy: so you're now Mohogger
[15:31] knarf: .msg tzcheezy_poof i cant remember...lost track when you mentioned chinese customs
[15:32] tzcheezy_poof: ClydeFrogger: you like chinese?
[15:32] knarf: ClydeFrogger: your full name is Clydehinder Mohogger
[15:32] knarf: Mohogger for short
[15:32] knarf: we all liked the sound of that best
[15:32] monkey_boy: now all we need to get is glitta to change her name to Hermanji and they're a perfect pair
[15:32] knarf: or Sneakers
[15:33] monkey_boy: haha
[15:33] monkey_boy: good times
[15:33] * tzcheezy_poof will have to hear the sneakers story someday
[15:34] * ClydeFrogger throws badgers at knarf, tzcheezy_poof and monkey_boy
[15:34] tzcheezy_poof: if you can dodge a badger...
[15:34] monkey_boy: tzcheezy_poof: sneakers is the name glitta called Scabbers from harry potter
[15:34] monkey_boy: and hermironie is hermanji
[15:35] monkey_boy: both glitta-isms
[15:35] ClydeFrogger: and dumbledore is gandalf
[15:35] knarf: haha
[15:35] tzcheezy_poof: his fault for not changing up his robes enough
[15:36] ClydeFrogger: tzcheezy_poof: are you being insensitive to gay wizards?
[15:36] * knarf wonders if that was a shot at monkey_boy
[15:37] tzcheezy_poof: uh... is that a threat? is your wand behind your back?
[15:37] * monkey_boy just lets it ride
[15:37] tzcheezy_poof: cuz if it is, then no, it wasn't a gay-wiz bash.
[15:37] knarf: aye stop it
[15:37] * ClydeFrogger giggles
[09:35] *** glitta has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)).
[09:37] *** monkey_boy has joined #chataus.
[09:38] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy
[09:38] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger
[09:38] ClydeFrogger: dumb walmart didnt have the god of war collection ps3 game last night
[09:38] monkey_boy: did you tell them they were on you crap list?
[09:38] knarf: ClydeFrogger: yar
[09:39] ClydeFrogger: im drafting an email right now
[09:39] ClydeFrogger: knarf: thought this episode picked up the story a little more
[09:39] knarf: chellers: are you caught up on Heroes?
[09:39] * knarf has sylar questions
[09:40] monkey_boy: knarf: it's a pices, likes brunettes, hates seafoot
[09:40] monkey_boy: it's like athlete's foot you get from the sea, don't ask me, it's his word
[09:40] knarf: haha
[09:41] ClydeFrogger: i could kick chellers out of the chatroom
[09:41] * ClydeFrogger just found out he has the ability to kick people out of chatrooms
[09:41] monkey_boy: that's not nice
[09:42] knarf: what if he preceeds the /kick with "not being d!ck, but..."
[09:42] knarf: eh? eh?
[09:43] monkey_boy: oh, that's ok then
[09:43] monkey_boy: it's like stabbing someone in the face
[09:43] monkey_boy: as long as it's proceeded with "no offense, I don't mean to hurt you.."
[09:43] knarf: see
[09:43] knarf: ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy's cool with it
[09:45] ClydeFrogger: im afraid that i may get too power hungry and then starting using my ability for bad things
[09:45] ClydeFrogger: starting=start
[09:46] knarf: and start waking up earlier and signing on to chataus at 3AM?
[09:46] monkey_boy: I see ClydeFrogger is the wussy peter type of superhero
[09:46] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: dont make me angry...you wouldnt like it when im angry
[09:46] knarf: monkey_boy: hes more like mohinder...he wasnt born with them
[09:47] * ClydeFrogger cant believe knarf called him mohinder
[09:47] knarf: yeah, you just saw that
[09:47] monkey_boy: whoa
[09:48] * monkey_boy backs away from the powderkeg that will soon be chat
[09:48] knarf: monkey_boy: where do you think youre going?
[09:48] monkey_boy: I mean...calling somone peter is a jab in the ribs....but mohinder...why not just call him hitler?
[09:48] * knarf locks the #chataus door
[09:48] monkey_boy: actually, hitler was an evil badass.
[09:49] monkey_boy: so that's not fair to hitler
[09:49] knarf: nobodys going nowhere
[09:49] monkey_boy: it's more like calling him....
[09:49] monkey_boy: hrm...
[09:49] knarf: your face
a little later...
[09:58] *** Mode change "+o eppy" for channel #chataus by ClydeFrogger.
[09:58] monkey_boy: I don't get it
[09:59] * ClydeFrogger just learned he can pass on his ability
[09:59] *** ClydeFrogger has signed off IRC ().
[10:02] helga_: monkey_boy: the topic?
[10:02] helga_: you need cable tv
[10:03] monkey_boy: nah
[10:04] monkey_boy: if all I miss are the occasional topic ref it's not worth the $100+ a month
[10:04] helga_: but SP was really good.
[10:05] monkey_boy: I watch sp online
[10:05] monkey_boy: legally
[10:05] monkey_boy: southparkstudios.com
[10:05] * knarf wonders why he monkey_boy has to specify "legally"
[10:06] monkey_boy: because my court order makes me
[10:06] eppy: ouuu.. i can "kick" now?!?
[10:06] monkey_boy: your father can explain knarf
[10:06] * monkey_boy points at clyde again
[10:06] * knarf shakes his fist at monkey_boy
[10:06] * monkey_boy huffs
[10:06] monkey_boy: where has that man gotten off to?
[10:07] monkey_boy: he's just like that, shirking his parenting duties
[10:07] knarf: hehe
[10:07] knarf: he said duties
[10:08] tzcheezy_poof: monkey_boy: he took one look at the dishes, glared at you, and said he was going for a beer with the fellas. haven't seen him since.
[10:08] knarf: this reminds me of a How I Met Your Mother episode
[10:11] * tzcheezy_poof wonders who epppeter will kick first, now that he's absorbed sylarFrogger's ability
[10:11] knarf: *ahem*
[10:11] knarf: Clydehinder
[10:11] knarf: or Mohogger
[10:12] knarf: whichever sounds better to ya
[10:12] monkey_boy: mohogger
[10:12] monkey_boy: that's great!
[10:12] tzcheezy_poof: like mohogger, it rolls, but clydehinder is more recognizable for the slap it is
[10:12] monkey_boy: I just like that mohogger has hog in the middle
[10:12] monkey_boy: it makes me giggle
[10:13] knarf: mohogger it is
[10:14] * knarf dreams of a chataus where everyone yells "Mohogger!" when Clydehinder enters...much like Norm in Cheers
[10:15] * tzcheezy_poof hopes he can be "Woody" and call him Mr. Clydehinder
[10:16] knarf: mister mohogger sounds funny
[10:16] knarf: Clydehinder Mohogger
[10:16] knarf: Mohogger Clydehinder
[10:16] tzcheezy_poof: we have a winner
[10:16] tzcheezy_poof: i vote C.M.
[10:16] knarf: Mohogger is missing the good stuff
[10:19] tzcheezy_poof: isn't it customary for evil mutant frogs to follow the chinese tradition of family-name-first? ...so Mohogger could be his personal name.
later that day...
[15:29] * knarf nudges tzcheezy_poof
[15:29] tzcheezy_poof: eh?
[15:29] knarf: .msg tzcheezy_poof you gonna tell ClydeFrogger his new nick?
[15:30] chellers: man too much food overload
[15:30] tzcheezy_poof: .msg knarf did we agree whether mohogger comes before or after clydehinder?
[15:30] chellers: no dinner tonight
[15:31] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: we had a vote between Clydehinder and Mohogger and Mohogger won
[15:31] monkey_boy: so you're now Mohogger
[15:31] knarf: .msg tzcheezy_poof i cant remember...lost track when you mentioned chinese customs
[15:32] tzcheezy_poof: ClydeFrogger: you like chinese?
[15:32] knarf: ClydeFrogger: your full name is Clydehinder Mohogger
[15:32] knarf: Mohogger for short
[15:32] knarf: we all liked the sound of that best
[15:32] monkey_boy: now all we need to get is glitta to change her name to Hermanji and they're a perfect pair
[15:32] knarf: or Sneakers
[15:33] monkey_boy: haha
[15:33] monkey_boy: good times
[15:33] * tzcheezy_poof will have to hear the sneakers story someday
[15:34] * ClydeFrogger throws badgers at knarf, tzcheezy_poof and monkey_boy
[15:34] tzcheezy_poof: if you can dodge a badger...
[15:34] monkey_boy: tzcheezy_poof: sneakers is the name glitta called Scabbers from harry potter
[15:34] monkey_boy: and hermironie is hermanji
[15:35] monkey_boy: both glitta-isms
[15:35] ClydeFrogger: and dumbledore is gandalf
[15:35] knarf: haha
[15:35] tzcheezy_poof: his fault for not changing up his robes enough
[15:36] ClydeFrogger: tzcheezy_poof: are you being insensitive to gay wizards?
[15:36] * knarf wonders if that was a shot at monkey_boy
[15:37] tzcheezy_poof: uh... is that a threat? is your wand behind your back?
[15:37] * monkey_boy just lets it ride
[15:37] tzcheezy_poof: cuz if it is, then no, it wasn't a gay-wiz bash.
[15:37] knarf: aye stop it
[15:37] * ClydeFrogger giggles
Thursday, October 15, 2009
More Than Meets the Eye
[15:28] ClydeFrogger: has it been 30mins
[15:28] helga_: yes
[15:28] helga_: its been 30 mins since it was 30 mins ago
[15:29] * ClydeFrogger doesnt like helga_'s witch logic
[15:33] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: grab a torch!
[15:33] * ClydeFrogger grabs the one he threw at the cake
[15:33] monkey_boy: you showed that cake
[15:33] ClydeFrogger: totally
[15:35] * helga_ missed cake?
[15:36] ClydeFrogger: did anyone see the second transformers movie?
[15:39] monkey_boy: helga_: http://blog.makezine.com/2717513321_ce5cbe445c_b.jpg
[15:39] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: I totally saw it.
[15:39] monkey_boy: my favorite part was when the robot transformmed
[15:39] monkey_boy: and then they faught
[15:39] monkey_boy: and it was all like
[15:39] monkey_boy: pew pew!
[15:39] monkey_boy: pew pew pew!
[15:39] ClydeFrogger: crazy
[15:40] monkey_boy: oh wait.
[15:40] monkey_boy: I saw this http://spe.fotolog.com/photo/14/16/1/v_ib/1243937742863_f.jpg
[15:40] monkey_boy: it's so easy to get them confused
[15:40] ClydeFrogger: hahahahaha
[15:40] ClydeFrogger: oh, man, thats going with the "DEEZ NUTS" pic
[15:40] monkey_boy: haha
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Candy From Strangers: Part Duh
[14:32] eppy: so you guys make fun of me for trying to buy a xbox from some stranger at a 7-11.. and for buying a home stereo system from strangers at bp gas station.. did helga tell you her story?
[14:32] * knarf sits back and grabs some popcorn
[14:32] ClydeFrogger: eppy: she did not
[14:32] knarf: eppy: noppers
[14:32] eppy: so we go to the neighborhood park to walk chauncey
[14:33] eppy: and its typically helga that walks chauncey
[14:33] eppy: well she chatted it with folks their with other dogs
[14:33] eppy: their=there
[14:34] eppy: and some dude says that wouldnt it be great if their dogs could hang out
[14:34] ClydeFrogger: uhoh
[14:34] eppy: and helga agreed
[14:34] eppy: the guy says he lives in the neighborhood
[14:34] eppy: but that he drives to the park.. and invites helga to check his place
[14:35] knarf: stranger danger!
[14:35] ClydeFrogger: that is worse than eppys craigslist adventures
[14:35] helga_: that guy was at the park last night
[14:36] knarf: scary
[14:36] ClydeFrogger: trying to kidnap another person?
[14:36] ClydeFrogger: eppy, knarf: cafe?
[14:36] knarf: chure
[14:37] ClydeFrogger: eppy?
[14:37] ClydeFrogger: out
[14:37] knarf: outski
[14:39] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: go buy me a sonic creamslush, small, orange.
[14:39] monkey_boy: chop chop
[14:40] monkey_boy: it'll be a good start to make up for being an ace about throwing my new mp3 off a building
[14:41] monkey_boy: eppy: good point. helga_ gets -100 common sense points.
[14:41] * monkey_boy only gets in cars with people if they offer him candy.
[14:44] ClydeFrogger: eppy: so i take it she made it back to the park?
[14:45] ClydeFrogger: shes not setting a good example for chauncey
[14:45] knarf: eppy: they just left you at the park?
[14:47] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: candy, comics, video games, or money
[14:51] ClydeFrogger: my 8 year old nephew wants an ipod touch. i almost want to say hes too young to have an ipod touch, but then he does have a DS
[15:04] helga_: ClydeFrogger: what will he use the touch for?
[15:04] helga_: knarf: i was by myself at the park
[14:32] * knarf sits back and grabs some popcorn
[14:32] ClydeFrogger: eppy: she did not
[14:32] knarf: eppy: noppers
[14:32] eppy: so we go to the neighborhood park to walk chauncey
[14:33] eppy: and its typically helga that walks chauncey
[14:33] eppy: well she chatted it with folks their with other dogs
[14:33] eppy: their=there
[14:34] eppy: and some dude says that wouldnt it be great if their dogs could hang out
[14:34] ClydeFrogger: uhoh
[14:34] eppy: and helga agreed
[14:34] eppy: the guy says he lives in the neighborhood
[14:34] eppy: but that he drives to the park.. and invites helga to check his place
[14:35] knarf: stranger danger!
[14:35] ClydeFrogger: that is worse than eppys craigslist adventures
[14:35] helga_: that guy was at the park last night
[14:36] knarf: scary
[14:36] ClydeFrogger: trying to kidnap another person?
[14:36] ClydeFrogger: eppy, knarf: cafe?
[14:36] knarf: chure
[14:37] ClydeFrogger: eppy?
[14:37] ClydeFrogger: out
[14:37] knarf: outski
[14:39] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: go buy me a sonic creamslush, small, orange.
[14:39] monkey_boy: chop chop
[14:40] monkey_boy: it'll be a good start to make up for being an ace about throwing my new mp3 off a building
[14:41] monkey_boy: eppy: good point. helga_ gets -100 common sense points.
[14:41] * monkey_boy only gets in cars with people if they offer him candy.
[14:44] ClydeFrogger: eppy: so i take it she made it back to the park?
[14:45] ClydeFrogger: shes not setting a good example for chauncey
[14:45] knarf: eppy: they just left you at the park?
[14:47] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: candy, comics, video games, or money
[14:51] ClydeFrogger: my 8 year old nephew wants an ipod touch. i almost want to say hes too young to have an ipod touch, but then he does have a DS
[15:04] helga_: ClydeFrogger: what will he use the touch for?
[15:04] helga_: knarf: i was by myself at the park
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
noodleLeg's mini-noodleLeg
Sunday at 10:16pm
[noodleLeg & grant] Hope I'm not too excited/nervous to sleep.
* april and iliese like this.
[helga] What time do you go in?
[jay] Good luck!! You'll do fine!
[jeanne] Good luck. Can't wait to see the pictures!!
[chellers] Good luck Debbie!
[vick] Good Luck Debbie, my prayers are with you :)
Monday at 9:44am
[noodleLeg & grant] Waiting to start induction, but we just had our first real contraction.
* emma likes this.
[helga] Exciting! Keep us posted!
[pat] Yeah!
[diana] How exciting :) Estas en mis pensamientos
[helga] Debbie, chat wants to know if Grant is doing the updates or if you are?
[noodleLeg & grant]Grant is doing the updates.
[helga] Grant, thanks for the updates! Facebook rocks. :)
Monday at 10:09am
[noodleLeg & grant] Contractions are about 25 minutes apart -- Grant better get his nanotech homework done now.
[pat] If you need anything let me know. I can't do nanotechnology homework though ;-)
[jeanne] thinking of you and remembering what it is like to bring my first baby home.
Monday at 10:28am
[noodleLeg & grant] anesthesiology intake right now -- we have answered the same questions like two or three times now. so far so good :)
[ruby] Good luck! I'm praying for a healthy delivery. I'm so excited for you guys! Please post pictures as soon as you're able.
[bryan] Good luck!
Monday at 11:40am
[noodleLeg & grant] Doing the exam now, will start the medicine soon. Baby is moving fine, good heartbeat.
* pat likes this.
[pat] Sounds very good. Thanks for posting often!
[christina] Good luck and thanks for the updates!
Monday at 1:59pm
[noodleLeg & grant] Pitocin is locked and loaded. We are finally getting started.
*helga likes this.
[knarf] ah push it! push-push-push it real good!
Monday at 4:25pm
[noodleLeg & grant] Contractions are regular, about 3 minutes apart. Debbie is starting to feel some real ones.
[jeanne] won't be long now!!!
[glitta] Yay!!!!
Monday at 5:13pm
[grandma B] we're thrilled..............we love you. God bless.
Monday at 5:58pm
[noodleLeg & grant] The contractions are still regular, slowly picking up in intensity. Baby's heart rate is great. Mike and Pat came by, going to try and get some rest now.
[knarf] Hang in there deb! Praying y'all :)
[liz] Exciting!!!!!!
Monday at 8:09pm
[noodleLeg & grant] Doctor says that active labor won't start until around midnight. Baby's b-day will be Sept 29.
[bryan] Sept 29 is great!
[helga] Way to go Debbie, way to go!
[tia cynthia] Well Good Luck to all 3 of you! Just try to rest when you can.
[pat] 9/29/09 - awesome birthday!
[aunt suzanne] Can't wait to be an aunt...AGAIN! :)
Monday at 9:25pm
[noodleLeg & grant] 4 cm now, it's moving along, at last. We are in "late early", will be proceeding faster after that.
[ruby] Oh my goodness. It took me nearly 10 hours to go from 4 to 10cm. I hope it moves along much faster for you. Once your water breaks, it speeds up after that. I'll anxiously be looking out for more updates.
[liz] Woo! She will be here soon :)
[pat] 4 cms! Call someone in with smaller hands ;-). That's very good that things are progressing.
[pat] Going to bed now and I can't wait to check fb on the morning and see how things progress. I may have to check if I wake up in the middle of the night.
Monday at 11:19pm
[noodleLeg & grant] Called for the anesthesiologist: time for an epidural.
[ruby] What a trooper for lasting this long. The epidural is a Godsend. Now she can relax and labor without the pain and it might speed things up too.
[pat] Good plan.
[jay] Hang in there Debbie!! You're doing great!
[jeanne] You're almost there!!!
[lahari] So...what's the status??
Tuesday at 7:17am
[noodleLeg & grant] Just broke the bag of waters. We had a rough night with the epidural and finally got a little rest. Might be sometime around noon.
[pat] Sorry to hear you had a rough night. Very glad you all got some sleep. But hopefully it will go smooth from here on out. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the update. I was starting to worry.
[ruby] Aww, well all this stuff will be so worth it once the baby is born. Hang in there.
[bryan] Sorry you had a tough night - good luck
[jeanne] Sorry about the rough night. Hope it's soon.
[dany] You're good at multi-tasking :-). Updating your status...giving birth...you're awesome! :-)
[jeanne] Yes you are amazing. In between 3 minute contractions you type a facebook post.
Tuesday at 9:11am
[helga] Quick... Have that baby!! Because you guys need all the rest you can get before the three of you go see Zombieland on opening night! Her first zombie movie... que cute!
[noodleLeg & grant] Nothing "quick" about your first baby. :)
Tuesday at 10:11am
[noodleLeg & grant] We are at 6 cm. Things are looking good so far this morning.
* iliese likes this.
[iliese] Hang in there! :)
[djPoppinJ] how many more cm's to go?
[noodleLeg & grant] After 1 more cm it goes pretty fast, but that last 1 cm can take awhile. At 10cm, it's time to start pushing.
[tia cynthia] Poor Girl hang in there! Love you!
Tuesday at 10:50am
[aunt suzanne] THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ONNNNN BABY!
Tuesday at 12:09pm
[noodleLeg & grant] Not much happening right now -- contractions have slowed. Now everyone has time to get that card or postcard in the mail so it's marked with her B-day!
* iliese likes this.
Tuesday at 12:53pm
[noodleLeg & grant] at more than 7 cm now, and +1 -- baby is on its way.
* pat and iliese like this.
[iliese] C'mon lil Babby! ;)
[pat] Open open open
[ruby] On the edge of my seat! I can't wait for her to get here. Open up momma!
Tuesday at 1:20pm
[iliese] Seriously, Debbie, are you the one posting these updates? *puff*puff*AAArrrggnnhh* puff*puff* update facebook status *puff*puff*AAArrrggnnhh* puff*puff*
Tuesday at 1:54pm
[noodleLeg & grant] 8 cm now
* iliese likes this.
[glitta] omg I checked in cause I thought it woul be over by now noodleLeg u r my hero!!!!!!
[christina] I definitely thought it would be over by now!! You're my hero too!!!
[pat] I just wanna know if the sweetest, nicest mommy has cussed yet.
[jeanne] Been checking in all day. There's a reason they call it LABOR
[pat] Do you find yourself checking every 5 minutes? It's taking a lot of self control to not check more often.
[jeanne] Been checking aobut once an hour but it's taking self-control. You're right.
Tuesday at 5:50pm
[noodleLeg & grant] The doc was a little optimistic last time. We are actually at 8 cm now, moving into transitional labor. Doctor said about 3 hours for the last 2 cm, and then 2 more hours of pushing. Maybe 9-29, maybe 9-30.
[april] Getting close --- just think in a few hours you will be holding your precious daughter :)
[glitta] Wow. B strong Debbie u Can do it !!!
[pat] You guys are awesome. That fabulous little girl is already showing her personality- by taking her own sweet time! ;-)
Tuesday at 6:40pm
[noodleLeg & grant] We rode out some intense contractions. The anesthesiology doc came in with some different medicine. Debbie is sleeping right now.
[pat] Oh good. I'm sure she needs it. Do they do anything about food for her? Hopefully those strong contractions opened her up.
[ruby] I'm telling you, Debbie is totally my hero! What a trooper. I never could've lasted that long. You guys are in my thoughts.
[april] Thank you Grant for the updates it is greatly appreciated love ya guys :)
[iliese] Come on, Debbie, you can do it!
Tuesday at 10:00pm
[noodleLeg & grant] we are at 10cm. about to get started pushing! everyone cross your fingers ... starting now.
* april and knarf like this.
[knarf] Go Deb!!
[diana] I am excited :) I can't wait to see pictures
[christina] woo hoo! You can do it, Debbie!
[pat] Yeah! Fingers crossed!
[helga] Woohoo! 'Hang in there', says tio dave. :)
[ruby] Ok I'm not going to sleep until I know that the baby is here. So excited!
[liz] Go team Babb!!!!!!!! (from Mike, too)
[tia cynthia] Oh i hear you Ruby! Im so excited too!
[bryan] 10 cm is good! good luck!
[talya] I've been chatting with your sister and we are so very excited!!!!! It's 3 am and we are waiting patiently. Look out world here she comes:-)
Wednesday at 2:00am
[noodleLeg & grant] going in to the OR - had to do a c-section
[grandma B] We love you dearly. Mom
[iliese] Come on, Baby Babb! :)
[pat] Thinking of you guys
[talya] I'm so excited for you guys! 3 is the magic number and soon you'll be 3.
Wednesday at 6:00am
[noodleLeg & grant] 7 lbs 11 ounces - she is beautiful and healthy. Pictures and her name will be later.
* emma likes this
[jeanne] WOW!!!! Congratulations. You made it!!!!
[glitta] Congratulations!!! Yay
[ray] Congratulations!!
[pat] Congratulations!!!
[helga] Congrats!!!
[ruby] Congrats! That's awesome that she finally arrived. Can't wait to see pics!!! :-) :-) :-)
[liz] Congratulations!!! Looking forward to meeting her. You guys did great!
[djPoppinJ] Awesome! Love you guys and I hope for a speedy recovery!
[diana] Congratulations! :)
[april] Congrats! :)
[corina] Felicidades!! We are all looking forward to pictures!
[bryan] Congratulations!!
[avantika] Congratulations!!
[iliese] Yay! Congratulations, Mommy & Daddy!!!
[ali] Congratulations!!!!
[chellers]Congratulations Debbie and Grant!! Can't wait to see pictures and know her name :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Final Answer
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy
[monkey_boy] just a sec
[monkey_boy] yessir
* monkey_boy waits for ClydeFrogger to come back
[monkey_boy] ...as usual
[ClydeFrogger] too late, i was gonna give you a million dollars, but i gave it to someone else
* eppy Quit
* helga loves being a MILLIONAIRE!
* eppy has joined #chataus
[eppy] thats strange
[ClydeFrogger] eppy: what happened with the a/c?
* ClydeFrogger thinks this story line is way better than Lost
[monkey_boy] haha
[noodleLeg] did helga win the lotto?
[helga] noodleLeg: better
[helga] noodleLeg: its the million dollars ClydeFrogger was gonna give to monkey_boy
[noodleLeg] helga: poor monkey_boy
[monkey_boy] noodleLeg: it's ok, ClydeFrogger will never pay up. he's cool like that
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: if i had a million dollars to just give away, i would so give it to helga just to prove you wrong
* monkey_boy feels so burned
[monkey_boy] imaginary millions are very very different than real no dollars
[noodleLeg] helga: you should save the irc in case ClydeFrogger ever strikes it rich
[helga] done!
[monkey_boy] just a sec
[monkey_boy] yessir
* monkey_boy waits for ClydeFrogger to come back
[monkey_boy] ...as usual
[ClydeFrogger] too late, i was gonna give you a million dollars, but i gave it to someone else
* eppy Quit
* helga loves being a MILLIONAIRE!
* eppy has joined #chataus
[eppy] thats strange
[ClydeFrogger] eppy: what happened with the a/c?
* ClydeFrogger thinks this story line is way better than Lost
[monkey_boy] haha
[noodleLeg] did helga win the lotto?
[helga] noodleLeg: better
[helga] noodleLeg: its the million dollars ClydeFrogger was gonna give to monkey_boy
[noodleLeg] helga: poor monkey_boy
[monkey_boy] noodleLeg: it's ok, ClydeFrogger will never pay up. he's cool like that
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: if i had a million dollars to just give away, i would so give it to helga just to prove you wrong
* monkey_boy feels so burned
[monkey_boy] imaginary millions are very very different than real no dollars
[noodleLeg] helga: you should save the irc in case ClydeFrogger ever strikes it rich
[helga] done!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Awesome App
[ClydeFrogger] google mail has been teh suck today
[glitta] even on your phone
[ClydeFrogger] ah, havent tried the phone
[ClydeFrogger] phone works
* ClydeFrogger needs to remember he has an awesome phone for these things
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: get an app to help you remember
[ClydeFrogger] knarf: brilliant
[ClydeFrogger] do i search for "awesome" or "remember"
[ClydeFrogger] hmm, the "Hot Ladies" app keeps showing up at the top of the search list
* chellers Quit
* glitta Quit
[eppy] "hot ladies" app.. is there anything the phone doesnt do
[poofy_cheese] eppy: pretty sure there's no Apple quality assurance testing... they may not actually be "hot".
[poofy_cheese] ... and may not actually be "ladies"
[monkey_boy] .msg eppy don't ask poofy_cheese how he knows this
[noodleLeg] ClydeFrogger: does the hot ladies app include their GPS location?
[noodleLeg] maybe it should be called "stalker app"
* ClydeFrogger Quit
[helga_] good one noodleLeg! you made clydefrogger blush so bad he vanished
[noodleLeg] :-)
Monday, June 22, 2009
uname -dn
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: so who's winning Wimbledon?
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: deez nuts
[monkey_boy] sweet
[monkey_boy] I had money on him
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: whats the command to check what level
kernel is running on Linux?
[monkey_boy] those Hungarians can really play
[monkey_boy] uname -dn
[ClydeFrogger] d!ck
[monkey_boy] :D
[monkey_boy] uname -r
[monkey_boy] that's the real one
[ClydeFrogger] you did get me
[ClydeFrogger] right when i typed it and i got the "invalid option --- d"
[monkey_boy] haha
[ClydeFrogger] i knew it
[monkey_boy] that makes me giggle
[monkey_boy] you taught me
[monkey_boy] it's your fault
[monkey_boy] I learned it from you
[ClydeFrogger] that should go on the chataus page
[ClydeFrogger] you deserve it
[monkey_boy] haha
[helga] is it wrong that i hate when couples make a facebook page of the two of them?
[helga] its not called "Facesbook"
[knarf] in my heeaaaaad...in my heaaEEEAAAead...
[knarf] zombie
[knarf] zombie
[le_mac] helga: sounds like an issue
[knarf] so angry
* knarf wont invite helga_ to be friends with knarf and monkey_boy's facesbook page
[monkey_boy] yeah
[monkey_boy] and we worked so hard on it together
[eppy] i bet you did
[eppy] sickos
[knarf] .msg monkey_boy see, i told you we shouldve invited him...now hes gonna get all pissy
[eppy] i aint into that, knarf kelly
[le_mac] anyone register their name in facebook?
[le_mac] last week?
[knarf] just me and monkey_boy
[knarf] monknarf
[le_mac] I keep hearing it's a big deal
[monkey_boy] maybe we'll be accepted one day
[le_mac] nasty
[knarf] le_mac: whats a big deal?
[le_mac] that everyone on facebook can register their name
[noodleLeg] helga_: in interview w/ the vampire, vampires hair always grew back to the length it was when they were turned
[knarf] oh, a user name?
[le_mac] knarf: yea
[helga] le_mac: that is so june 18th 2000-late
[le_mac] apparently if you register your name like Frank
[noodleLeg] helga_: there's a scene where the girl claudia cut her hair and a couple mins later it was back to how it was
[helga] noodleLeg: oh yeah, thanks
[le_mac] you then have http://facebook.com/frank
[le_mac] instead of a number
[helga] le_mac: i am facebook/helga
[knarf] yeah, i forgot...bu the time i got there knarf_rules was taken
[le_mac] helga: you registered?
[knarf] i stuck with knarf
[helga] le_mac: yeah, i didn't want to lose my name
[helga] why wouldn't i?
[le_mac] apparently they are offering it again on June 28th
[helga] you can't do it now?
[le_mac] right not now
[le_mac] next run is June 28th
[le_mac] they had like 1200 users in the first minute :)
[helga] i did it later in the afternoon or the next day after they offered it
[le_mac] ppl are registering their names, kids names.. it's sort of crazy
[helga] i think i saw knarf register and then i remembered
[noodleLeg] what do you have to do to be registered?
[helga] le_mac: are you saying facesbook users broke facesbook?
[helga] noodleLeg: wait till june 28th to find out :)
[noodleLeg] ok
[knarf] i didnt know it was a big deal...i just wanted knarf
[le_mac] well, new to facebook, I don't really understand the big deal other than you can have the url with your registerd name at the end
instead of a number.. is that the big deal?
[helga] le_mac: yes
[helga] and its not a big deal
[le_mac] ok.. I see
[helga] le_mac: i don't see the big deal unless you have a public profile
[helga] and want to share with non-facebook-friends
[helga] like... for hooking up. like what vanessa does for myspace
[le_mac] helga: ppl in tech world are saying this facebook thing will be almost as important to have as your own domain
[le_mac] I don't see the big deal either now that I've joined
[le_mac] not sure how long I'll have it, but try it for a while
[helga] i lubs facesbook
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: wtf? i thought we were gonna make a facesbook together?
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: you always leave me hanging
[monkey_boy] knarf already had a layout when we talked
[ClydeFrogger] f-you
[ClydeFrogger] i hate you
* monkey_boy beams
[helga] ClydeFrogger: make it a threesome and you can get a better deal on the data plan
[monkey_boy] facesesbook.com
[glitta] helga_ does having a pic of you and your man count as a "couple" page?
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: sorry, i cant hear you over the sound of my heart breaking
[monkey_boy] ha! go listen to some evanescense
[monkey_boy] ya pansy
* glitta really wants to upgrade to a couples page
[helga] glitta: good one. but no. I would have to change my profile name to "eppy helga"
[helga] so when people go to MY page, they see updates from "eppy" and then helga really confuses them
[helga] glitta: what happens when a couple breaks up? who gets the couples facebook page?
[monkey_boy] the court decides
[knarf] monkey_boy: ill dig up some pics for our facesbook if you want to update the current status
[helga] that would make for interesting "relationship status" updates
[monkey_boy] judge judy 2009
[glitta] ha ha
[monkey_boy] knarf: be sure to put up the pic of us having sushi together
[monkey_boy] it was so cute
[glitta] we got invited to dogbook
[knarf] monkey_boy: but i didnt like my hair in that one
[knarf] can we use the one we took with the bluebonnets?
* ClydeFrogger is so over monkey_boy
[monkey_boy] knarf: I look fat in those pics, but ok
[ClydeFrogger] i already have 10 facesbooks with better people
* monkey_boy only vaguely remembers someone named ClydeFrogger
[knarf] haha
[monkey_boy] as bobby's mom would say, "Facebook is the devil's tool."
[knarf] its the debil!
[knarf] im running
[knarf] runnin with the debil
* knarf Quit ("whats this button do?")
[monkey_boy] 5 minutes of awesome
[monkey_boy] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiIO_gp92js
[glitta] le_mac beweare of facebook.. you will fill so exposed at first!!
[glitta] Everyone can see everything
[glitta] and its recursive!
[glitta] fix your settings if you dont want it that way
[glitta] oops... feel instead of fill
[glitta] and dont use the wall like email
[glitta] see my wall for examples of what NOT to do
[monkey_boy] lol
[chellers] hahahaha
[glitta] everyone can read it!! U R EXPOSED!!!!
[monkey_boy] I don't get facebook
[monkey_boy] I just don't get it
[monkey_boy] no one wants to read about what I'm doing
[monkey_boy] no one would care I ripped CDs on sunday
[chellers] they might
[chellers] you'd be surprised
[monkey_boy] that's kinda sad
[chellers] well i liked it for our trip to DC
[chellers] it was kind of nice to tell peeps what we were doing
[monkey_boy] yep helga_ said she knew everything that you did
[monkey_boy] she even gave us a pre-game show
[chellers] oh and when we were at the high school baseball game
[chellers] i was keeping peeps updated on the score
[monkey_boy] see, I'd just go to enjoy the game
[monkey_boy] and if someone asked me "how was the game", I'd say "it was alright"
[monkey_boy] but I guess I just suck at social networking
[chellers] well this was on friday afternoon where some people were still at work
[monkey_boy] haha
[monkey_boy] you're a-ok chellers
[monkey_boy] I'm glad peeps like your status
[chellers] hahahaha
[chellers] sometimes they do
[chellers] sometimes they don't
[chellers] :D
* monkey_boy wonders if sometimes she puts "Mad at Ray...he'll learn why later"
[chellers] hahahaha nope
[chellers] i don't think i need to post that on facebook
[monkey_boy] haha
[chellers] esp since he is one of my "friends"
[monkey_boy] ouuuuu
[chellers] if i were mad at him i would just tell him :)
[chellers] or he's juts KNOW
[monkey_boy] you should get a facesbook.com like me and knarf (and definitely not NOT me and ClydeFrogger )
[ClydeFrogger] bye everyone 'cept for the stupid face monkey_boy and his stupid facesbook cheating face
[chellers] lalalala
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: you'll never be ready for this jelly
* monkey_boy really hates modern pop
* ClydeFrogger Quit
* glitta Quit
[helga] its not called "Facesbook"
[knarf] in my heeaaaaad...in my heaaEEEAAAead...
[knarf] zombie
[knarf] zombie
[le_mac] helga: sounds like an issue
[knarf] so angry
* knarf wont invite helga_ to be friends with knarf and monkey_boy's facesbook page
[monkey_boy] yeah
[monkey_boy] and we worked so hard on it together
[eppy] i bet you did
[eppy] sickos
[knarf] .msg monkey_boy see, i told you we shouldve invited him...now hes gonna get all pissy
[eppy] i aint into that, knarf kelly
[le_mac] anyone register their name in facebook?
[le_mac] last week?
[knarf] just me and monkey_boy
[knarf] monknarf
[le_mac] I keep hearing it's a big deal
[monkey_boy] maybe we'll be accepted one day
[le_mac] nasty
[knarf] le_mac: whats a big deal?
[le_mac] that everyone on facebook can register their name
[noodleLeg] helga_: in interview w/ the vampire, vampires hair always grew back to the length it was when they were turned
[knarf] oh, a user name?
[le_mac] knarf: yea
[helga] le_mac: that is so june 18th 2000-late
[le_mac] apparently if you register your name like Frank
[noodleLeg] helga_: there's a scene where the girl claudia cut her hair and a couple mins later it was back to how it was
[helga] noodleLeg: oh yeah, thanks
[le_mac] you then have http://facebook.com/frank
[le_mac] instead of a number
[helga] le_mac: i am facebook/helga
[knarf] yeah, i forgot...bu the time i got there knarf_rules was taken
[le_mac] helga: you registered?
[knarf] i stuck with knarf
[helga] le_mac: yeah, i didn't want to lose my name
[helga] why wouldn't i?
[le_mac] apparently they are offering it again on June 28th
[helga] you can't do it now?
[le_mac] right not now
[le_mac] next run is June 28th
[le_mac] they had like 1200 users in the first minute :)
[helga] i did it later in the afternoon or the next day after they offered it
[le_mac] ppl are registering their names, kids names.. it's sort of crazy
[helga] i think i saw knarf register and then i remembered
[noodleLeg] what do you have to do to be registered?
[helga] le_mac: are you saying facesbook users broke facesbook?
[helga] noodleLeg: wait till june 28th to find out :)
[noodleLeg] ok
[knarf] i didnt know it was a big deal...i just wanted knarf
[le_mac] well, new to facebook, I don't really understand the big deal other than you can have the url with your registerd name at the end
instead of a number.. is that the big deal?
[helga] le_mac: yes
[helga] and its not a big deal
[le_mac] ok.. I see
[helga] le_mac: i don't see the big deal unless you have a public profile
[helga] and want to share with non-facebook-friends
[helga] like... for hooking up. like what vanessa does for myspace
[le_mac] helga: ppl in tech world are saying this facebook thing will be almost as important to have as your own domain
[le_mac] I don't see the big deal either now that I've joined
[le_mac] not sure how long I'll have it, but try it for a while
[helga] i lubs facesbook
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: wtf? i thought we were gonna make a facesbook together?
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: you always leave me hanging
[monkey_boy] knarf already had a layout when we talked
[ClydeFrogger] f-you
[ClydeFrogger] i hate you
* monkey_boy beams
[helga] ClydeFrogger: make it a threesome and you can get a better deal on the data plan
[monkey_boy] facesesbook.com
[glitta] helga_ does having a pic of you and your man count as a "couple" page?
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: sorry, i cant hear you over the sound of my heart breaking
[monkey_boy] ha! go listen to some evanescense
[monkey_boy] ya pansy
* glitta really wants to upgrade to a couples page
[helga] glitta: good one. but no. I would have to change my profile name to "eppy helga"
[helga] so when people go to MY page, they see updates from "eppy" and then helga really confuses them
[helga] glitta: what happens when a couple breaks up? who gets the couples facebook page?
[monkey_boy] the court decides
[knarf] monkey_boy: ill dig up some pics for our facesbook if you want to update the current status
[helga] that would make for interesting "relationship status" updates
[monkey_boy] judge judy 2009
[glitta] ha ha
[monkey_boy] knarf: be sure to put up the pic of us having sushi together
[monkey_boy] it was so cute
[glitta] we got invited to dogbook
[knarf] monkey_boy: but i didnt like my hair in that one
[knarf] can we use the one we took with the bluebonnets?
* ClydeFrogger is so over monkey_boy
[monkey_boy] knarf: I look fat in those pics, but ok
[ClydeFrogger] i already have 10 facesbooks with better people
* monkey_boy only vaguely remembers someone named ClydeFrogger
[knarf] haha
[monkey_boy] as bobby's mom would say, "Facebook is the devil's tool."
[knarf] its the debil!
[knarf] im running
[knarf] runnin with the debil
* knarf Quit ("whats this button do?")
[monkey_boy] 5 minutes of awesome
[monkey_boy] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiIO_gp92js
[glitta] le_mac beweare of facebook.. you will fill so exposed at first!!
[glitta] Everyone can see everything
[glitta] and its recursive!
[glitta] fix your settings if you dont want it that way
[glitta] oops... feel instead of fill
[glitta] and dont use the wall like email
[glitta] see my wall for examples of what NOT to do
[monkey_boy] lol
[chellers] hahahaha
[glitta] everyone can read it!! U R EXPOSED!!!!
[monkey_boy] I don't get facebook
[monkey_boy] I just don't get it
[monkey_boy] no one wants to read about what I'm doing
[monkey_boy] no one would care I ripped CDs on sunday
[chellers] they might
[chellers] you'd be surprised
[monkey_boy] that's kinda sad
[chellers] well i liked it for our trip to DC
[chellers] it was kind of nice to tell peeps what we were doing
[monkey_boy] yep helga_ said she knew everything that you did
[monkey_boy] she even gave us a pre-game show
[chellers] oh and when we were at the high school baseball game
[chellers] i was keeping peeps updated on the score
[monkey_boy] see, I'd just go to enjoy the game
[monkey_boy] and if someone asked me "how was the game", I'd say "it was alright"
[monkey_boy] but I guess I just suck at social networking
[chellers] well this was on friday afternoon where some people were still at work
[monkey_boy] haha
[monkey_boy] you're a-ok chellers
[monkey_boy] I'm glad peeps like your status
[chellers] hahahaha
[chellers] sometimes they do
[chellers] sometimes they don't
[chellers] :D
* monkey_boy wonders if sometimes she puts "Mad at Ray...he'll learn why later"
[chellers] hahahaha nope
[chellers] i don't think i need to post that on facebook
[monkey_boy] haha
[chellers] esp since he is one of my "friends"
[monkey_boy] ouuuuu
[chellers] if i were mad at him i would just tell him :)
[chellers] or he's juts KNOW
[monkey_boy] you should get a facesbook.com like me and knarf (and definitely not NOT me and ClydeFrogger )
[ClydeFrogger] bye everyone 'cept for the stupid face monkey_boy and his stupid facesbook cheating face
[chellers] lalalala
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: you'll never be ready for this jelly
* monkey_boy really hates modern pop
* ClydeFrogger Quit
* glitta Quit
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Mouse Strikes Again
[14:00] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: is your A/C still going strong?
[14:01] ClydeFrogger: at your condo
[14:01] monkey_boy: it's been fine...why?
[14:01] monkey_boy: your condo having probs?
[14:01] ClydeFrogger: yeah...and xtianson air thinks its funny to come out 4 times already and still not have it fixed
[14:01] SweetSue: i'm laughin
[14:02] ClydeFrogger: i am now, too
[14:03] monkey_boy: uh
[14:03] monkey_boy: what?
[14:03] monkey_boy: they are confused with themselves not being able to fix it after 4 trips?
[14:04] ClydeFrogger: yeah, its awesome
[14:04] ClydeFrogger: they change something out
[14:04] ClydeFrogger: but then after they leave, it stops working again
[14:04] monkey_boy: uh, you did tell them you're not paying them until they fix it.
[14:05] monkey_boy: right?
[14:05] ClydeFrogger: yeah. i dont think they listen though
[14:06] monkey_boy: hrm
[14:06] monkey_boy: I think they'd listen louder if you paid them nothing
[14:06] ClydeFrogger: very true
[14:06] monkey_boy: I'd be pretty pissed if they didn't fix it
[14:06] monkey_boy: esp since it's getting b4llz hot
[14:06] monkey_boy: that's like me writing a driver that doesn't work
[14:07] knarf: monkey_boy: what if they turned your A/C into skittles?
[14:07] monkey_boy: well it compiled when I left last night?
[14:07] monkey_boy: knarf: that's acceptable
[14:07] knarf: figured
[14:07] knarf: just checking
[14:07] monkey_boy: but I have to see it happen by touch alone
[14:07] helga_: ClydeFrogger: what have they said is wrong with it?
[14:07] monkey_boy: they can't haul off my AC and give me a big bag of them
[14:07] ClydeFrogger: helga_: first it was some capacitor, which they replaced
[14:08] SweetSue: fluz capacitor
[14:08] ClydeFrogger: helga_: then the second time, the dude couldnt find anything wrong with it (it happened to be running when he was there)
[14:08] SweetSue: haha
[14:08] ClydeFrogger: helga_: the third time, the dude said the fan motor needed replacing, so he ordered the part
[14:08] ClydeFrogger: helga_: he came back and replaced the fan motor
[14:08] ClydeFrogger: now it will be fun to see what they say is wrong with it
[14:09] eppy: im gonna guess its a mouse
[14:09] ClydeFrogger: haha
[14:09] monkey_boy: I was just about to ask if eppy had been around the apt recently
[14:09] eppy: you have no idea what youre up against
[14:09] ClydeFrogger: haha
[14:09] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: it sounds like those boys have NO CLUE what's broken.
[14:10] ClydeFrogger: eppy: thats two good comments in a row
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mustache Monday
[helga] two guys came into work with mustaches today. it was mustache monday.
[helga] its so creepy looking
[chellers] eeek that is creepy
[monkey_boy] ?
* monkey_boy doesn't get it
[helga] just mustaches?
[helga] people under 30 don't wear them
[monkey_boy] cops and pedophiles do
[chellers] not true clyde is under 30
* monkey_boy points to his exceptions
[helga] its so creepy looking
[chellers] eeek that is creepy
[monkey_boy] ?
* monkey_boy doesn't get it
[helga] just mustaches?
[helga] people under 30 don't wear them
[monkey_boy] cops and pedophiles do
[chellers] not true clyde is under 30
* monkey_boy points to his exceptions
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
iphones are for babies
[ClydeFrogger] is that someones iphone in the crib when they are weighing the babies?
[ClydeFrogger] glitta: how come knarfs boys already have iphones and we dont
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: you don't get an iphone
[monkey_boy] I had a talk with steve
[monkey_boy] I told him how you treat me
*ClydeFrogger cant believe the twins are already cooler than him
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: whatev. steve aint in charge no more
[monkey_boy] you don't think he left notes to the new dude
[monkey_boy] ?
[monkey_boy] he kinda did
[monkey_boy] you're so not getting one
[ClydeFrogger] oh, ill prove you wrong stho sthuper hard
[monkey_boy] I did tell him you could get one only if you sell me your itouch for $5 when upgrading
[monkey_boy] he agreed that would be fair
[ClydeFrogger] that does sound fair
[monkey_boy] so there ya have it
Signoff: glitta ("ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: what if i give you these 3 magical beans and you give me an iphone
[monkey_boy] done
* monkey_boy writes iphone on a a box of playing cards
* ClydeFrogger writes "3 magical beans" on vicious
[ClydeFrogger] glitta: how come knarfs boys already have iphones and we dont
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: you don't get an iphone
[monkey_boy] I had a talk with steve
[monkey_boy] I told him how you treat me
*ClydeFrogger cant believe the twins are already cooler than him
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: whatev. steve aint in charge no more
[monkey_boy] you don't think he left notes to the new dude
[monkey_boy] ?
[monkey_boy] he kinda did
[monkey_boy] you're so not getting one
[ClydeFrogger] oh, ill prove you wrong stho sthuper hard
[monkey_boy] I did tell him you could get one only if you sell me your itouch for $5 when upgrading
[monkey_boy] he agreed that would be fair
[ClydeFrogger] that does sound fair
[monkey_boy] so there ya have it
Signoff: glitta ("ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: what if i give you these 3 magical beans and you give me an iphone
[monkey_boy] done
* monkey_boy writes iphone on a a box of playing cards
* ClydeFrogger writes "3 magical beans" on vicious
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My Sweet Valentine
[09:04] knarf: roman catholic choirs are singing...
[09:08] knarf: for some reason i cant explain
[09:09] ClydeFrogger: knarf: you gonna go see My Bloody Valentine?
[09:09] ClydeFrogger: in 3D
[09:09] knarf: hells yeah
[09:09] knarf: you wanna go together? i'll buy you chacolate
[09:09] knarf: no flowers tho
[09:09] ClydeFrogger: wtf
[09:10] ClydeFrogger: no flowers
[09:10] ClydeFrogger: what, i dont DESERVE flowers
[09:10] knarf: im not made of money
[09:10] ClydeFrogger: oh oh , but you can go play poker every friday
[09:10] knarf: i get ONE night for myself...ONE
[09:10] ClydeFrogger: what about me
[09:10] ClydeFrogger: how many nights do i get
[09:10] knarf: oh here we go
[09:10] ClydeFrogger: thats right, here we go
[09:11] ClydeFrogger: cause you never change
[09:11] knarf: this is where youre going to tell me youre going to go stay with your mother and pretend to pack up
[09:11] knarf: well you know what...go
[09:11] ClydeFrogger: FINE
[09:11] knarf: FINE
[09:11] * ClydeFrogger grabs suitcase
[09:11] * ClydeFrogger walks out the door
[09:12] * ClydeFrogger knocks on the front door
[09:12] * knarf puts on sportscenter and spreads out on the couch
[09:12] * ClydeFrogger calls monkeyboy
[09:13] *** SweetSue has joined #chataus.
[09:14] * ClydeFrogger blasts Single Ladies as he drives over to monkeyboy's place
[09:08] knarf: for some reason i cant explain
[09:09] ClydeFrogger: knarf: you gonna go see My Bloody Valentine?
[09:09] ClydeFrogger: in 3D
[09:09] knarf: hells yeah
[09:09] knarf: you wanna go together? i'll buy you chacolate
[09:09] knarf: no flowers tho
[09:09] ClydeFrogger: wtf
[09:10] ClydeFrogger: no flowers
[09:10] ClydeFrogger: what, i dont DESERVE flowers
[09:10] knarf: im not made of money
[09:10] ClydeFrogger: oh oh , but you can go play poker every friday
[09:10] knarf: i get ONE night for myself...ONE
[09:10] ClydeFrogger: what about me
[09:10] ClydeFrogger: how many nights do i get
[09:10] knarf: oh here we go
[09:10] ClydeFrogger: thats right, here we go
[09:11] ClydeFrogger: cause you never change
[09:11] knarf: this is where youre going to tell me youre going to go stay with your mother and pretend to pack up
[09:11] knarf: well you know what...go
[09:11] ClydeFrogger: FINE
[09:11] knarf: FINE
[09:11] * ClydeFrogger grabs suitcase
[09:11] * ClydeFrogger walks out the door
[09:12] * ClydeFrogger knocks on the front door
[09:12] * knarf puts on sportscenter and spreads out on the couch
[09:12] * ClydeFrogger calls monkeyboy
[09:13] *** SweetSue has joined #chataus.
[09:14] * ClydeFrogger blasts Single Ladies as he drives over to monkeyboy's place
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Mind Bullets
[knarf] http://frankandholly.blogspot.com/2009/01/betting-on-babies.html
[monkey_boy] I'm betting aliens will abduct Holly for a weekend to implant super awesome chips in the kids that will make them so smart they'll be able to kill with a thought.
[knarf] with MIND BULLETS!!
[monkey_boy] and then the good twin will have to save the world from the evil twin
[monkey_boy] damn, that'd be an awesome movie
* monkey_boy gets started on the script
[monkey_boy] I'll get james earl jones to play you knarf
[knarf] excellent
[knarf] throw in plenty of sinister laughs from JEJ Knarf
[monkey_boy] summer 2010, Twin Fury. You won't know what hit earth. Twice.
[knarf] haha
[knarf] monkey_boy: youre in the wrong business
[monkey_boy] the only down side is I'd have to move to california
[helga_] monkey_boy: plenty of room for more indie Austin movie makers!
[monkey_boy] but I wouldn't have street cred unless I lived there some of the time
[monkey_boy] oh and became super vocal about politics
[ClydeFrogger] and adopt babies from other countries
[knarf] and DUIs
[ClydeFrogger] and a music career
[monkey_boy] my musicality is poppin
[helga_] and buy a hybrid car
[ClydeFrogger] and you have to fluctuate in weight
[monkey_boy] oh damn, I have to become a scientologist too
[helga_] ClydeFrogger: that was a nicer way of putting "just get super fat" cuz that's what i was gonna write
[ClydeFrogger] helga_: haha
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: we could harass monkey_boy with cameras when he is shopping at HEB
[helga_] knarf: done and done
[ClydeFrogger] knarf: and at his home
[helga_] and put more of them on facebook!
[monkey_boy] :'(
[ClydeFrogger] damn...meeting time for me
* monkey_boy roots for the evil twin to destroy the earth
* ClydeFrogger has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[monkey_boy] I'm betting aliens will abduct Holly for a weekend to implant super awesome chips in the kids that will make them so smart they'll be able to kill with a thought.
[knarf] with MIND BULLETS!!
[monkey_boy] and then the good twin will have to save the world from the evil twin
[monkey_boy] damn, that'd be an awesome movie
* monkey_boy gets started on the script
[monkey_boy] I'll get james earl jones to play you knarf
[knarf] excellent
[knarf] throw in plenty of sinister laughs from JEJ Knarf
[monkey_boy] summer 2010, Twin Fury. You won't know what hit earth. Twice.
[knarf] haha
[knarf] monkey_boy: youre in the wrong business
[monkey_boy] the only down side is I'd have to move to california
[helga_] monkey_boy: plenty of room for more indie Austin movie makers!
[monkey_boy] but I wouldn't have street cred unless I lived there some of the time
[monkey_boy] oh and became super vocal about politics
[ClydeFrogger] and adopt babies from other countries
[knarf] and DUIs
[ClydeFrogger] and a music career
[monkey_boy] my musicality is poppin
[helga_] and buy a hybrid car
[ClydeFrogger] and you have to fluctuate in weight
[monkey_boy] oh damn, I have to become a scientologist too
[helga_] ClydeFrogger: that was a nicer way of putting "just get super fat" cuz that's what i was gonna write
[ClydeFrogger] helga_: haha
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: we could harass monkey_boy with cameras when he is shopping at HEB
[helga_] knarf: done and done
[ClydeFrogger] knarf: and at his home
[helga_] and put more of them on facebook!
[monkey_boy] :'(
[ClydeFrogger] damn...meeting time for me
* monkey_boy roots for the evil twin to destroy the earth
* ClydeFrogger has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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