[ClydeFrogger] google mail has been teh suck today
[glitta] even on your phone
[ClydeFrogger] ah, havent tried the phone
[ClydeFrogger] phone works
* ClydeFrogger needs to remember he has an awesome phone for these things
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: get an app to help you remember
[ClydeFrogger] knarf: brilliant
[ClydeFrogger] do i search for "awesome" or "remember"
[ClydeFrogger] hmm, the "Hot Ladies" app keeps showing up at the top of the search list
* chellers Quit
* glitta Quit
[eppy] "hot ladies" app.. is there anything the phone doesnt do
[poofy_cheese] eppy: pretty sure there's no Apple quality assurance testing... they may not actually be "hot".
[poofy_cheese] ... and may not actually be "ladies"
[monkey_boy] .msg eppy don't ask poofy_cheese how he knows this
[noodleLeg] ClydeFrogger: does the hot ladies app include their GPS location?
[noodleLeg] maybe it should be called "stalker app"
* ClydeFrogger Quit
[helga_] good one noodleLeg! you made clydefrogger blush so bad he vanished
[noodleLeg] :-)
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