[monkey_boy] I'm betting aliens will abduct Holly for a weekend to implant super awesome chips in the kids that will make them so smart they'll be able to kill with a thought.
[knarf] with MIND BULLETS!!
[monkey_boy] and then the good twin will have to save the world from the evil twin
[monkey_boy] damn, that'd be an awesome movie
* monkey_boy gets started on the script
[monkey_boy] I'll get james earl jones to play you knarf
[knarf] excellent
[knarf] throw in plenty of sinister laughs from JEJ Knarf
[monkey_boy] summer 2010, Twin Fury. You won't know what hit earth. Twice.
[knarf] haha
[knarf] monkey_boy: youre in the wrong business
[monkey_boy] the only down side is I'd have to move to california
[helga_] monkey_boy: plenty of room for more indie Austin movie makers!
[monkey_boy] but I wouldn't have street cred unless I lived there some of the time
[monkey_boy] oh and became super vocal about politics
[ClydeFrogger] and adopt babies from other countries
[knarf] and DUIs
[ClydeFrogger] and a music career
[monkey_boy] my musicality is poppin
[helga_] and buy a hybrid car
[ClydeFrogger] and you have to fluctuate in weight
[monkey_boy] oh damn, I have to become a scientologist too
[helga_] ClydeFrogger: that was a nicer way of putting "just get super fat" cuz that's what i was gonna write
[ClydeFrogger] helga_: haha
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: we could harass monkey_boy with cameras when he is shopping at HEB
[helga_] knarf: done and done
[ClydeFrogger] knarf: and at his home
[helga_] and put more of them on facebook!
[monkey_boy] :'(
[ClydeFrogger] damn...meeting time for me
* monkey_boy roots for the evil twin to destroy the earth
* ClydeFrogger has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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