[eppy] jsut so you guys get it too
[eppy] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51V1VMkuyx0
* eppy bets helga prolly likes the song
[ClydeFrogger] this dude in db2 tried to get attitude on the phone call
[glitta] i want to get attitude
[ClydeFrogger] i have a hard time paying attention on phone confs if im not talking
[glitta] ADD
[ClydeFrogger] nah, cause sometimes i dont do anything else
[ClydeFrogger] i just stop focusing
[ClydeFrogger] im outs
[monkey_boy] glitta: you're right, ClydeFrogger has ADD
[tzcheezy_poof] now see hear, "attention deficit" doesn't mean... wait, ok.
[tzcheezy_poof] hear=here
* helga_ LUBS the whislte song!
[helga] eppy: i can get it put on your ipod
[helga] i got a copy
[monkey_boy] helga_: do it. I'll buy you a whataburger if you force eppy to listen to it
[helga] monkey_boy: we have a big road trip coming up too
[helga] he is going to love it by 2010!
[monkey_boy] helga_: hahahaha
[monkey_boy] muahahahaha
[monkey_boy] muuuuuhahahahah
[monkey_boy] eppy will soon crave pop music
[monkey_boy] glitta and eppy will trade albums
* tzcheezy_poof changes his will to bequeath his lifelong miley fan club membership to eppy
[eppy] cut it out guys
* eppy and Eddie are gonna pay monkey_boy a visit
[monkey_boy] eppy: not pee on my stuff!
[monkey_boy] not!!!
* monkey_boy fills a super soaker with fox urine
[eppy] we're gonna pee... EVERYWHERE!
[monkey_boy] bring it cowboy
[helga] eppy: he double-negative'ed... so he wants you to pee on his stuff
[eppy] helga: good eye
[eppy] helga's just relieved eddie will be elsewhere
[monkey_boy] lol
* monkey_boy fills a second super soaker with liquefied pigeon crap
[monkey_boy] oh it's ON
* helga_ doesn't want to know what's in the water balloons
[eppy] where you getting all the pigeon crap and fox urine?
* tzcheezy_poof says nothing
[monkey_boy] eppy: I'm white and I live in texas. there's a network.
* ClydeFrogger Quit
* tzcheezy_poof 's hand slides toward his silent alert button
[tzcheezy_poof] careful, monkey_boy
[helga] eppy: you forget, he visits gun clubs
[tzcheezy_poof] ...and craigslist
[monkey_boy] tzcheezy_poof: I'm not sayin' anything thems fereigners don't know already
[tzcheezy_poof] oh, yeah... forgot helga_'s a canuck (practically)
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