[09:35] *** glitta has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)).
[09:37] *** monkey_boy has joined #chataus.
[09:38] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy
[09:38] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger
[09:38] ClydeFrogger: dumb walmart didnt have the god of war collection ps3 game last night
[09:38] monkey_boy: did you tell them they were on you crap list?
[09:38] knarf: ClydeFrogger: yar
[09:39] ClydeFrogger: im drafting an email right now
[09:39] ClydeFrogger: knarf: thought this episode picked up the story a little more
[09:39] knarf: chellers: are you caught up on Heroes?
[09:39] * knarf has sylar questions
[09:40] monkey_boy: knarf: it's a pices, likes brunettes, hates seafoot
[09:40] monkey_boy: it's like athlete's foot you get from the sea, don't ask me, it's his word
[09:40] knarf: haha
[09:41] ClydeFrogger: i could kick chellers out of the chatroom
[09:41] * ClydeFrogger just found out he has the ability to kick people out of chatrooms
[09:41] monkey_boy: that's not nice
[09:42] knarf: what if he preceeds the /kick with "not being d!ck, but..."
[09:42] knarf: eh? eh?
[09:43] monkey_boy: oh, that's ok then
[09:43] monkey_boy: it's like stabbing someone in the face
[09:43] monkey_boy: as long as it's proceeded with "no offense, I don't mean to hurt you.."
[09:43] knarf: see
[09:43] knarf: ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy's cool with it
[09:45] ClydeFrogger: im afraid that i may get too power hungry and then starting using my ability for bad things
[09:45] ClydeFrogger: starting=start
[09:46] knarf: and start waking up earlier and signing on to chataus at 3AM?
[09:46] monkey_boy: I see ClydeFrogger is the wussy peter type of superhero
[09:46] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: dont make me angry...you wouldnt like it when im angry
[09:46] knarf: monkey_boy: hes more like mohinder...he wasnt born with them
[09:47] * ClydeFrogger cant believe knarf called him mohinder
[09:47] knarf: yeah, you just saw that
[09:47] monkey_boy: whoa
[09:48] * monkey_boy backs away from the powderkeg that will soon be chat
[09:48] knarf: monkey_boy: where do you think youre going?
[09:48] monkey_boy: I mean...calling somone peter is a jab in the ribs....but mohinder...why not just call him hitler?
[09:48] * knarf locks the #chataus door
[09:48] monkey_boy: actually, hitler was an evil badass.
[09:49] monkey_boy: so that's not fair to hitler
[09:49] knarf: nobodys going nowhere
[09:49] monkey_boy: it's more like calling him....
[09:49] monkey_boy: hrm...
[09:49] knarf: your face
a little later...
[09:58] *** Mode change "+o eppy" for channel #chataus by ClydeFrogger.
[09:58] monkey_boy: I don't get it
[09:59] * ClydeFrogger just learned he can pass on his ability
[09:59] *** ClydeFrogger has signed off IRC ().
[10:02] helga_: monkey_boy: the topic?
[10:02] helga_: you need cable tv
[10:03] monkey_boy: nah
[10:04] monkey_boy: if all I miss are the occasional topic ref it's not worth the $100+ a month
[10:04] helga_: but SP was really good.
[10:05] monkey_boy: I watch sp online
[10:05] monkey_boy: legally
[10:05] monkey_boy: southparkstudios.com
[10:05] * knarf wonders why he monkey_boy has to specify "legally"
[10:06] monkey_boy: because my court order makes me
[10:06] eppy: ouuu.. i can "kick" now?!?
[10:06] monkey_boy: your father can explain knarf
[10:06] * monkey_boy points at clyde again
[10:06] * knarf shakes his fist at monkey_boy
[10:06] * monkey_boy huffs
[10:06] monkey_boy: where has that man gotten off to?
[10:07] monkey_boy: he's just like that, shirking his parenting duties
[10:07] knarf: hehe
[10:07] knarf: he said duties
[10:08] tzcheezy_poof: monkey_boy: he took one look at the dishes, glared at you, and said he was going for a beer with the fellas. haven't seen him since.
[10:08] knarf: this reminds me of a How I Met Your Mother episode
[10:11] * tzcheezy_poof wonders who epppeter will kick first, now that he's absorbed sylarFrogger's ability
[10:11] knarf: *ahem*
[10:11] knarf: Clydehinder
[10:11] knarf: or Mohogger
[10:12] knarf: whichever sounds better to ya
[10:12] monkey_boy: mohogger
[10:12] monkey_boy: that's great!
[10:12] tzcheezy_poof: like mohogger, it rolls, but clydehinder is more recognizable for the slap it is
[10:12] monkey_boy: I just like that mohogger has hog in the middle
[10:12] monkey_boy: it makes me giggle
[10:13] knarf: mohogger it is
[10:14] * knarf dreams of a chataus where everyone yells "Mohogger!" when Clydehinder enters...much like Norm in Cheers
[10:15] * tzcheezy_poof hopes he can be "Woody" and call him Mr. Clydehinder
[10:16] knarf: mister mohogger sounds funny
[10:16] knarf: Clydehinder Mohogger
[10:16] knarf: Mohogger Clydehinder
[10:16] tzcheezy_poof: we have a winner
[10:16] tzcheezy_poof: i vote C.M.
[10:16] knarf: Mohogger is missing the good stuff
[10:19] tzcheezy_poof: isn't it customary for evil mutant frogs to follow the chinese tradition of family-name-first? ...so Mohogger could be his personal name.
later that day...
[15:29] * knarf nudges tzcheezy_poof
[15:29] tzcheezy_poof: eh?
[15:29] knarf: .msg tzcheezy_poof you gonna tell ClydeFrogger his new nick?
[15:30] chellers: man too much food overload
[15:30] tzcheezy_poof: .msg knarf did we agree whether mohogger comes before or after clydehinder?
[15:30] chellers: no dinner tonight
[15:31] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: we had a vote between Clydehinder and Mohogger and Mohogger won
[15:31] monkey_boy: so you're now Mohogger
[15:31] knarf: .msg tzcheezy_poof i cant remember...lost track when you mentioned chinese customs
[15:32] tzcheezy_poof: ClydeFrogger: you like chinese?
[15:32] knarf: ClydeFrogger: your full name is Clydehinder Mohogger
[15:32] knarf: Mohogger for short
[15:32] knarf: we all liked the sound of that best
[15:32] monkey_boy: now all we need to get is glitta to change her name to Hermanji and they're a perfect pair
[15:32] knarf: or Sneakers
[15:33] monkey_boy: haha
[15:33] monkey_boy: good times
[15:33] * tzcheezy_poof will have to hear the sneakers story someday
[15:34] * ClydeFrogger throws badgers at knarf, tzcheezy_poof and monkey_boy
[15:34] tzcheezy_poof: if you can dodge a badger...
[15:34] monkey_boy: tzcheezy_poof: sneakers is the name glitta called Scabbers from harry potter
[15:34] monkey_boy: and hermironie is hermanji
[15:35] monkey_boy: both glitta-isms
[15:35] ClydeFrogger: and dumbledore is gandalf
[15:35] knarf: haha
[15:35] tzcheezy_poof: his fault for not changing up his robes enough
[15:36] ClydeFrogger: tzcheezy_poof: are you being insensitive to gay wizards?
[15:36] * knarf wonders if that was a shot at monkey_boy
[15:37] tzcheezy_poof: uh... is that a threat? is your wand behind your back?
[15:37] * monkey_boy just lets it ride
[15:37] tzcheezy_poof: cuz if it is, then no, it wasn't a gay-wiz bash.
[15:37] knarf: aye stop it
[15:37] * ClydeFrogger giggles
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