Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Team Edward or Team Jacob?

[09:55] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: are you a L or XL in shirt size?
[09:55] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: im ordering "Team Edward" shirts for us
[09:56] * eppy giggles at the thought of monkey fitting into an "L"
[09:56] eppy: shouldnt you be asking XL or XXL ?
[09:56] ClydeFrogger: eppy: theyre fitted t's
[09:57] eppy: arent fitted t's even smaller?
[09:57] eppy: i vote you get him an L
[09:58] ClydeFrogger: k
[09:59] monkey_boy: want an XL
[09:59] ClydeFrogger: too late
[09:59] monkey_boy: but I'll put in the drier to shrink it for the smexxy
[09:59] eppy: what's this Team Edward?
[10:00] ClydeFrogger: thats smart
[10:00] * monkey_boy looks at eppy like he's from another planet
[10:00] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: right?
[10:00] * monkey_boy looks at ClydeFrogger
[10:00] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: who invited the loser?
[10:00] * ClydeFrogger makes an 'L' with his fingers against his forehead
[10:01] monkey_boy: eppy: this should help http://theoatmeal.com/story/twilight
[10:01] ClydeFrogger: eppy: which are you? take the quiz and find out... http://quizilla.teennick.com/quizzes/7517927/team-edward-or-team-jacob
[10:03] ClydeFrogger: im so team edward
[10:04] *** knarf has joined #chataus.
[10:08] * helga_ took the quiz and feels like a pedoph!le
[10:08] helga_: Congrats, you're on Team Jacob! Jacob is the guy for you, what with his muscles, cute attitude, and fun-loving nature. Jacob is definitely the more appealing team with the more appealing guy... :) Go Jacob!
[10:08] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: I'm team edward
[10:08] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: hells yeah
[10:08] monkey_boy: jacob is a weredouche
[10:08] ClydeFrogger: haha
[10:08] * knarf walks back out of chataus
[10:09] ClydeFrogger: jacob prolly still pees his doggie bed
[10:09] monkey_boy: I bet he's got those blue and white mats instead of a bathroom
[10:09] ClydeFrogger: he prolly...he prolly...hes prolly neutured
[10:10] helga_: but he's shirtless
[10:10] ClydeFrogger: more like smartless
[10:11] * monkey_boy fist bumps ClydeFrogger [10:11] monkey_boy: jacob for stupid president
[10:11] * ClydeFrogger ends it up with a bomb noise
[10:11] ClydeFrogger: up=
[10:12] knarf: monkey_boy: how disrespectful to use m> for twicrap
[10:12] monkey_boy: .msg ClydeFrogger knarf is obviously team jacob.
[10:13] knarf: monkey_boy: i noticed yesterday the game has a little white moving circle deal at the btm rt corner to tell you when the gm is saving
[10:13] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: im gonna get another shirt...i dont know if i should get this one... http://www.cafepress.com/+i_love_sparkly_vampires_womens_dark_tshirt,339991533
[10:13] ClydeFrogger: or this one... http://www.cafepress.com/+team_edward_womens_dark_tshirt,344905477
[10:13] knarf: but still i would like to know for sure what has saved
[10:13] knarf: there is no indicator other than, are you sure you want to quit?
[10:13] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: first one
[10:14] monkey_boy: knarf: still not a fan of that. real save points at least tell you what's up
[10:15] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: even better...cause it also takes a dig at team gay-cob... http://www.spreadshirt.com/us/US/Team-Edward-Because-Jacob-doesn-t-sparkle-plus-size-t-shirt/Detail-3384/Marketplace/Products/detail/article/4675993/department/2/
[10:15] helga_: ok, Youtube is awesome
[10:15] helga_: i have Scrooge from 1935 playing in the background at work
[10:15] helga_: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Sr2ow_ZH9w&feature=fvw
[10:15] knarf: if hes playing batman, tell him to becareful when he quit
[10:15] knarf: s
[10:16] ClydeFrogger: knarf: your playing the batman game?
[10:16] * knarf bets scrooge is more of a sim city kind of guy....or tycoon
[10:16] knarf: ClydeFrogger; yar
[10:16] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: ok, I am kinda creeped out by all the vampire shirts
[10:16] monkey_boy: wtf is a sparkly vampire?
[10:17] knarf: prolly only get one more day of play...then t-day and family and i return it on friday
[10:17] monkey_boy: is that a vampire that uses glitter body paint?
[10:17] monkey_boy: helga_: that video is creepy
[10:18] helga_: sparkly vampire doesn't tell us if you are a Edward, Bill, or Eric fan
[10:18] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: uh, vampires sparkle when they walk in the sunlight
[10:18] helga_: or someone new from the Vampire Diaries show on the WB
[10:18] * monkey_boy goes back to his original stance on the undead
[10:19] monkey_boy: I wonder if all the new fangirls of vampires piss of the old hardcore ones like noodle
[10:19] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: call noodle and ask her
[10:19] ClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: its not like she busy

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