Friday, April 23, 2010


[knarf] monkey_boy: wanna go see nightmare on elm street?
[monkey_boy] dangit
[monkey_boy] where's clyde
[monkey_boy] knarf: I don't like elm street movies
[knarf] well, can you take me and clyde? we promise to be good on our own and meet you out front as soon as its over.
[knarf] maybe you can take us to McD's after?
* tzcheezy_poof wants knarf's happy meal toy if he already got one like it
[monkey_boy] knarf: I still haven't seen that progress report from Mrs. Tillman
[monkey_boy] she told me she gave it to you but you said you lost it.
[monkey_boy] once I see the report we'll talk.
[tzcheezy_poof] .msg knarf dude, i can totally forge her sig... kinda
[knarf] monkey_boy: i gave it to you already...i made up for the all late homework i turned by staying late and doing her "extra credit"
* tzcheezy_poof misses clyde telling him that his face is forged
[knarf] monkey_boy: mustve misplaced it
[tzcheezy_poof> [monkey_boy] knarf: well buster, if you misplaced that then I misplaced the time to take you to the movies.
[monkey_boy] school before play young man
[monkey_boy] and money doesn't grow on trees
[monkey_boy] oh and listen to your mother.
[tzcheezy_poof] and freddy kruger is a tool of the devil
* monkey_boy sighs and wonders when tzcheezy_poof's mom is going to pick him up. He's been here for 3 hours longer than his mom promised.
* tzcheezy_poof starts looking through knarf's toybox to see which one should "accidentally" end up in tzcheezy_poof's backpack
* monkey_boy looks for his bottle of pills
[knarf] but daa-AAA-aahhh-ad
* knarf hopes everyone else heard that cartman style
[monkey_boy] no buts knarf. good grades mean you can get a job and I don't have to support your butt anymore.
[monkey_boy] so hop to it.
* knarf kicks tzcheezy_poof's voltron and runs to his room
[knarf] monkey_boy: I HATE YOU! youre always ruining my life!
* knarf slams his door
* tzcheezy_poof snickers cuz that was actually knarf's voltron
* tzcheezy_poof knocks on knarf's door
[tzcheezy_poof] dude, i think i left ... uh... one of MY toys in your toybox
[tzcheezy_poof] i don't know which one yet
* knarf cracks the door open and hands him clyde's rubix cube
* monkey_boy wonders if general hospital is on yet
[tzcheezy_poof] hmmm, that *might* be it, but the stickers are all wrong
* tzcheezy_poof starts rearranging the stickers
* monkey_boy wonders if his stash of gin is still there
* knarf never liked the Pic-N-Save version of the real Rubik's Cube...only had 2 colors
* tzcheezy_poof decides that the orange stickers don't taste as good as they look, spits 3 of them out
[tzcheezy_poof] monkey_boy: tell comedy cental that allah is cool with them releasing episode 201
* monkey_boy enjoys his "water" and general hospital storytime and ignores the racket the kids are making
* tzcheezy_poof tugs on monkey_boy's sleeve
[tzcheezy_poof] knarf's dad!
[tzcheezy_poof] mr knarf
[tzcheezy_poof] mr
[tzcheezy_poof] hey, mr
* monkey_boy wonders if tzcheezy_poof's mom would notice if tzcheezy_poof "fell down"
* knarf grabs a box of matches and sneaks out the back door
[tzcheezy_poof] so, my mom called. she said she needs to win back the rent and probably can't leave the game for another couple hours. is it ok if I stay a little longer?
[monkey_boy] tzcheezy_poof: no.
[tzcheezy_poof] she said tell him "the next one's free". she said you'd know what that means.
* monkey_boy needs to teach knarf and clyde how to unfriend people
[monkey_boy] tzcheezy_poof: no x 100
* tzcheezy_poof looks at the smoke rising from mr knarf's shed in the backyard...
[tzcheezy_poof] ok, bye then. i'll catch a bus
* knarf runs back in the house out of breath
[knarf] i didnt do it!
* knarf runs back to his room
* monkey_boy wonders if the army is still looking for reqcruits to iraq

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