[07:02] *** ClydeFrogger has joined #chataus
[07:02] *** zelazny.freenode.net sets mode +ns
[07:33] *** chellers has joined #chataus
[07:33] [chellers] morning
[08:01] *** ClydeFrogger changed the channel topic
[08:09] *** knarf has joined #chataus
[08:14] [knarf] what is that bunny doing to the dog?
[08:17] [@ClydeFrogger] http://imgur.com/gallery/IELyB
[08:17] * @ClydeFrogger plans to ruin knarfs productivity for today
[08:18] [@ClydeFrogger] http://imgur.com/gallery/mWF9s
[08:21] [@ClydeFrogger] http://imgur.com/gallery/LhROr
[08:21] *** eppy has joined #chataus
[08:28] [knarf] ClydeFrogger: you can not ruin that which does not exist
[08:28] [knarf] LKF is awesome
[08:29] [knarf] haha...dont know why but the seal one reminded me of oscar at first
[08:29] [@ClydeFrogger] haha
[08:29] [@ClydeFrogger] i spent the last 20 mins on imgur
[08:32] [knarf] you see the demon sand castle?
[08:32] [@ClydeFrogger] yeah
[08:34] [knarf] see...i told you: http://imgur.com/gallery/zS2PX
[08:35] [@ClydeFrogger] sorry i didnt believe you, but i needed to see the proof on paper, not just you explaining it
[08:48] *** helga_ has joined #chataus
[08:51] [@ClydeFrogger] i dont wanna work, i just wanna bang on my drum all day
[08:55] [knarf] the perks of being geeky is funny
[08:55] [knarf] too bad i dont know people like that
[08:55] [helga_] maybe i'm late to the table on this, but i hate doing phone business with india
[08:55] *** monkey_boy has joined #chataus
[08:56] [knarf] i wanna see an SNL paradoy of phone sex lines being offshored to india
[08:56] [@ClydeFrogger] knarf: write it up and send it in
[08:57] [knarf] im a lover not a writer
[08:57] [helga_] I like when i told him my new street name was "justin lane" he said, "cheston?"
[08:57] [helga_] and then spelled out "cheston"
[08:57] [helga_] uh, no.
[08:58] [@ClydeFrogger] why you giving him your street name?
[08:59] * @ClydeFrogger wonders if helga_ every watched any after school specials growing up
[08:59] [@ClydeFrogger] every=ever
[08:59] [knarf] ClydeFrogger: she gets in strangers cars and goes to their house with them, remember?
[08:59] [@ClydeFrogger] knarf: thats why
[09:00] [monkey_boy] that sounds perfectly normal and safe
[09:01] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: where's your head at
[09:01] [monkey_boy] where's your head at
[09:01] [monkey_boy] where's your head at at at at at at
[09:01] [@ClydeFrogger] haha
[09:02] [@ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: is that some rihanna?
[09:02] [knarf] monkey_boy: maybe hitman monkey got him?
[09:02] [monkey_boy] you've heard the song
[09:02] [knarf] http://i.imgur.com/VEa0Y.jpg
[09:02] [knarf] fatboy slim?
[09:02] [monkey_boy] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4hFwJm41h4
[09:02] [monkey_boy] knarf: close. basement jaxx
[09:02] [monkey_boy] the video has monkeys
[09:02] [@ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: ah
[09:03] [knarf] know the song, never heard of baskemt jaxx
[09:03] [@ClydeFrogger] knarf: ahaha...have you been on imgur all morning?
[09:03] [monkey_boy] they have dj monkeys
[09:03] [knarf] umm...no
[09:03] [knarf] maybe
[09:03] [knarf] what time is it?
[09:03] [monkey_boy] 9:05
[09:04] [knarf] not ALL morning
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