Wednesday, June 30, 2004


[ClydeFrog] CHAT DISCUSSION: how do you eat your pancakes?
[helga] with a fork
[ClydeFrog] nah, like the actual pancakes, how do you cut them
[ClydeFrog] any specific pattern?
[knarf] triangles
[helga] at first, i cut wedges, like you do with a pie
[ClydeFrog] me too
[helga] i like to put butter between the pancakes, so the two warm pancakes melt it
[ClydeFrog] we had that argyment this weekend
[ClydeFrog] daniel and yvette thought i was weirdo for eating them like htat
[helga] about how to eat pancakes?
[helga] how do they eat them?
[knarf] seems natural to cut them in triangles since pancakes are round
[ClydeFrog] daniel cuts them in pseudo squares
[noodleLeg] yup, i'm a triangle cutter too
[chelle] triangles for me too
[noodleLeg] clyde: does he use a fork or a knife?
[ClydeFrog] yvette starts at one end and goes to the end
[knarf] who uses a knife for pancakes?
[helga] sometimes i do
[helga] but don't really count my opinion cuz i really don't like pancakes that much
[chelle] no knife for me either
[ClydeFrog] me either
[chelle] why use a knife for something that is soft
[knarf] yeah....overkill
[chelle] doesn't make any sense
[knarf] ClydeFrog: so you decide on lunch?
[ClydeFrog] i mean, i do use a knife
[helga] a knife is good etiquette
[knarf] according to who?
[knarf] to snobby rich person
[ClydeFrog] etiquette peeps
[knarf] person=people
[chelle] code for a snooty way to eat pancakes
[noodleLeg] just wondering cuz it seems like it would be less ackward cutting it in squares if you used a knife
[knarf] i could see that
[noodleLeg] thx knarf
[knarf] ClydeFrog: so you decide on lunch?
[ClydeFrog] wait
[ClydeFrog] MONKEY
[ClydeFrog] how do you eat your pancakes (see above)
[monkeyboy] uhm, ok.
[knarf] dont need to answer that
[monkeyboy] well, it really depends.
[knarf] better question for you...
[monkeyboy] are we talking my ideal pancakes?
[knarf] spears or alba?
[monkeyboy] alba.
[monkeyboy] duh.
[ClydeFrog] monkey is racist though
[monkeyboy] it's those CSLs and leather pants...
[knarf] CSL?
[monkeyboy] C**K suckin lips.
[ClydeFrog] wow
[chelle] whoa
[monkeyboy] yea...that's why I said csl.
ClydeFrog hands monkey a bar of soap
monkeyboy washes his hands.
[monkeyboy] thanks.
[knarf] someones been hangin around with phil lately
[monkeyboy] :P
[chelle] i never expected such language from monkey
[knarf] yeah...hes the goody two shoes of the group
[eppy] whatapig

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