Wednesday, June 30, 2004


[eppy] pizza bagels?
[knarf] piiiiiiiiiiiza
[knarf] in the morning
[ClydeFrog] haha, i didnt notice that
[ClydeFrog] robert rans-something, his job title is "sensitive parts administrator"
[knarf] that funny
[ClydeFrog] well, it could be
[ClydeFrog] if you had one ounce of humor in your body
[monkeyboy] poor bastard.
[monkeyboy] and I thought I had it rough.
[ClydeFrog] im out
[eppy] lol
[monkeyboy] olo?
[monkeyboy] o_O
[monkeyboy] ^_o
[knarf] *_*
[knarf] thats me when i OD on hydrocodone
[eppy] that that muscle relaxer?
[knarf] pain killer
[eppy] oh...pain killer
[knarf] thats funny....pain killer
[eppy] there's a street name for it too right
[monkeyboy] it's nothat's almost a zombie.
[monkeyboy] eppy: hydrizzie
[eppy] lol
[knarf] lol
[ClydeFrog] zombie?
[knarf] yeah, no idea
[monkeyboy] ClydeFrog: get em boy!
[monkeyboy] I was gonna say it's almost a zombie: *_*
[knarf] ah
[ClydeFrog] ahhh
[knarf] good one
[monkeyboy] but hydrizzie got me excited. :P
[knarf] ____m_*_*_m___
[monkeyboy] good gawd, wassat?
[knarf] a zombie creeping up your bed
[monkeyboy] hahahahahahahah
[eppy] lol
[monkeyboy] nooooooooooooooo
[knarf] wake up monkeyboy!!!
[eppy] it could be frank creeping up your bed too
[knarf] you never know
[knarf] thats how they getcha
[eppy] "oh...its cool...thats just knarf" then CHOMP, a giant zombie bite rips out your brain
[knarf] :o
[knarf] wait wait wait
[knarf] how is it cool that im creeping up your bed
[monkeyboy] but, I need my brain!
[knarf] lol
[ClydeFrog] hahahaha
[knarf] :1717
[monkeyboy] (this line was removed due to SCO lawsuit infringement)
[knarf] :D
* eppy closes his eyes
[monkeyboy] wouldn'
[monkeyboy] wouldn't it be nice if computers understood what we meant?
[knarf] computers are d!ckheads
[monkeyboy] yeah, ni sh!t
[monkeyboy] err no
[knarf] rat bastards
[ClydeFrog] eppys a computa
[monkeyboy] :O
[knarf] HAHAHAHA
[monkeyboy] [eppy] being a computa is fo' suckaz.
* eppy turns to Clydefrog and flips him off
[eppy] right here buddy
[monkeyboy] hahahaaha
[knarf] was that a single flip or was there 2 birds there?
[eppy] oner
[monkeyboy] is that like 0wnzered?
[knarf] i sensed a double bird
[monkeyboy] as did I
[eppy] well you sensed wong
[knarf] i hate being wong
[knarf] im sory
[eppy] its "i sory"
[ClydeFrog] "farring in rove with you"
[knarf] so sory
[monkeyboy] wow
[eppy] whatabunchofd!ckheads
[monkeyboy] is that a unix command?
[monkeyboy] # whatabunchofd!ckheads -h
[knarf] [fgarcia@knarf bin]$ which whatabunchofd!ckheads
[knarf] /usr/bin/whatabunchofd!ckheads
[monkeyboy] hahaha
[monkeyboy] out
[knarf] [:|]
[eppy] show me the power like to say
[eppy] that im down on knees again
[eppy] gives me the me away...til im up on my feet again
[knarf] soundgarden
* eppy nods
[eppy] yup yup

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