Wednesday, June 30, 2004

The Ring (remix)

[Monkeyboy] rolypoly: I was at the sneak screening as well. Saw Jay and Paul come in too...They thought it was scarier than the Japanese version?
[ClydeFrog] liar
[chelle] ClydeFrog: you can pre-order lilo&stitch at the disney store and get free lithographs
[rolypoly] Monkey: Yeah, they did. The Japanese version just has one huge freak-out scene near the end, so we all liked that it was freaky all the way through.
[rolypoly] But I think the japanese version is more elegant and smarter than the remake.
[Monkeyboy] hrm. I need to see the japanese version for compare and contrast.
[Monkeyboy] I enjoyed it, regardless.
[knarf] ClydeFrog: eppy: what was the final yesterday? 12-13?
[rolypoly] Monkey: The jounalist's son looked like a kid-sized old man -- he freaked me out.
[ClydeFrog] knarf: yeah
[Monkeyboy] I think that was a culkin.
[Monkeyboy] he was damn creepy.
[Monkeyboy] I thought the blurry face thing was a nice touch...
[rolypoly] "You HELPED her? You weren't supposed to do that!" That scene gave me goosebumps.
[ClydeFrog] uh, can you guys stop, your ruining the movie
[Monkeyboy] rolypoly: it was a good little flick. I recommend we act it out for ClydeFrog and knarf.
[Monkeyboy] like they did for me with signs.
[ClydeFrog] you guys cant5 act
[ClydeFrog] not like me and knarf
[Monkeyboy] oh not! not cant5!
[knarf] yeah, please dont even try
[Monkeyboy] is that like Ed Wood
[Monkeyboy] movie plan9?
[rolypoly] Monkey: Did you hear about the video tape that kills you if you watch it?
[ClydeFrog] no, its like shut the hell up, monkey
[Monkeyboy] rolypoly: yeah....oh damn! I've got it right here? wanna see it?
[rolypoly] "Ooh! There's a weird lady and she's smiling at me! Now I'm going to die!"
[Monkeyboy] rolypoly: dude, that's just velma from scooby-doo. I havn't started it yet.
[Monkeyboy] rolypoly: ok, here it goes!
[Monkeyboy] (rolling silly footage of tinky-winky running down a hill with his man-purse)
[Monkeyboy] rolypoly: now you're gonna get an email that says if you send that email to a million people, you'll make a BILLION dollars.
* knarf is now known as FatCriticGuy
* ClydeFrog is now known as FroDudeFromToda
[FroDudeFromToda] i cant believe i went to see this movie, the acting was horrible
[Monkeyboy] frodude...nice touch.
[FatCriticGuy] After watching the ORIGINAL "The Ring", i have to say that the piece i am witnessing right now is just one of the sadest pieces of crap i have ever seen.
[FroDudeFromToda] i agree, i feel no emotion, its like watching the amatuer acting of the olsen twins
[FatCriticGuy] i wish i was watching the twins!
* FatCriticGuy chuckles
[FatCriticGuy] now i am really looking forward to the new madonna movie.
[FroDudeFromToda] casting was horrible, they should have gottne the unstoppable duo from the signs remake
[FatCriticGuy] now there was true piece of art.
[FatCriticGuy] you cant compare the casting in these 2 movies.
[FroDudeFromToda] i still rank that as the top movie of the century
[FroDudeFromToda] only cause of the acting
[FatCriticGuy] Easily one of the bet. The writing, average. it was the acting adn th life both actors brought to their characters that really took it over the top!
[FroDudeFromToda] oh i know, but i have heard they are going to both be in Signs 2, the second coming
[Monkeyboy] \msg rolypoly kinda makes you want to tell the real story now...ruin it PROPERLY for the two sourpusses.
[FatCriticGuy] Yes, i even heard rumors they will be involved in writing the script. should be a superb film.
[FatCriticGuy] were getting a little side tracked.
[FroDudeFromToda] sorry
[FroDudeFromToda] back to the olsen twins
[FatCriticGuy] the girl in this film did an okay job...but here co-actor was just awful.
[FatCriticGuy] its like hes never even seen the original version!!
[FatCriticGuy] a little preperation could have done wonders for the twins.
[FroDudeFromToda] true, he had nothing to base his character on, he was like a lost puppy
[rolypoly] \msg Monkeyboy Nah, let them find out on their own that the journalist lady gets hit by a truck at the end and her son is endowed with super psychic powers.
[FroDudeFromToda] its alright, im sure hell be back, maybe hell get cast in the new Nsync movie, i hear is a real fan and cant wait to act with justin
[FatCriticGuy] i dont think hes even good enuf for that movie...but the girl could probably get herself a spot as spot on the film as stage hand.
[Monkeyboy] \msg rolypoly yeah! that was great that we found out it was really the little boy possessed by the devil the whole time! I knew he was creepy. Was it like that in the japanese version?
[FatCriticGuy] for At The Movies, im FatCriticGuy saying so long, and do yourself a favor, ding the ring, and check out the new madonna flick!
[FatCriticGuy] so long!
[FroDudeFromToda] and im leaving to, saying Just Say No to Drugs...and The Ring
* FroDudeFromToda is now known as ClydeFrog
[FatCriticGuy] [lights dim, credits roll]
* FatCriticGuy steals Fro's popcorn
* FatCriticGuy is now known as knarf
[eppy] [clap][clap][clap]

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