[knarf] ClydeFrog: Pablo: does your -n still work if your greping a file not in the same dir?
[knarf] huh? does it!?
[knarf] thats what i thought
[chelle] huh?
[chelle] man that laci peterson case is so sad
[ClydeFrog] knarf: yes it does
[knarf] im not talking one dir deep
[knarf] im talking like 5 or 6 deep
[ClydeFrog] let me try that
[ClydeFrog] knarf: yup
[knarf] fibba
[ClydeFrog] SO
[Pablo] mine works too
[knarf] im spinning...ohhhh-oh-whoa im spinning
[Pablo] mine even complimented me "Thanks for the nifty grep, Paul"
[ClydeFrog] Pablo: yours too
[Monkeyboy] knarf: quick hack...
[Monkeyboy] find . -type f -exec grep search_query {} \;
[Monkeyboy] will search all files.
[Monkeyboy] including subdirs.
[ClydeFrog] Monkeyboy: you think your so smart
[Pablo] Monkeyboy: away with your wizard magic
[knarf] thx Monkeyboy, these losers are pathetic
[ClydeFrog] Monkeyboy: but can you do this...
* ClydeFrog moves arms around frantically
* knarf flies thru the matrix and cuts off ClydeFrog's hands
* ClydeFrog grows back hands cause he too is a matrix master
[knarf] you cant do that
[ClydeFrog] just did
[knarf] youre dreaming it
[knarf] youre really handless
[ClydeFrog] then how am i typing
[knarf] you THINK you are typing
[ClydeFrog] whoa, i can think it and it happens
[Monkeyboy] hahahahahahaha
[Monkeyboy] you kids ar efunny.
[ClydeFrog] sweet, these powers are even better
[Monkeyboy] :D
[knarf] or youre just typing with your nubs
[knarf] cause you have no powers
[Monkeyboy] can I just have ice cream?
* knarf cuts off ClydeFrogs hands again to be safe
* ClydeFrog thinks knarf is really a ducked billed platypus
[ClydeFrog] ked=k
[knarf] nope...still me
[knarf] HAHA
[Pablo] are there non-duck billed platypi?
[ClydeFrog] thats cause your dreaming
[knarf] just another hopeless soul lost in the matrix
[ClydeFrog] Pablo: good question
[knarf] Pablob: only non-ducked ones
[Monkeyboy] Pablo: all over australia.
[ClydeFrog] Pablob, who is that
[ClydeFrog] Monkeyboy: those are kangaroos
[Monkeyboy] do *NOT* pick up a platypus. they are poisonous (at least the males are).
[knarf] heck yeah
[Monkeyboy] they have spurs behind their hind legs that they smack onto.
[ClydeFrog] so no throwing platypi at people?
[Monkeyboy] (kinda like a cowboy on a horse)
[Pablo] they secret poison from their teats right?
[knarf] ClydeFrog: yes, you just gotta becareful
[Pablo] secrete
[Monkeyboy] dude, that poison is so strong morphene can't block the pain it causes.
[knarf] nope
[ClydeFrog] Monkeyboy: wanna bet
[Monkeyboy] so be careful with platypi.
[Monkeyboy] ClydeFrog: no thanks.
[knarf] your not saying the plural of platypus right
[Monkeyboy] ClydeFrog: but I will laugh if you ever pick up a male platypus.
[knarf] can i watch?
[Monkeyboy] knarf: you betcha.
[knarf] i need a good laff too
[ClydeFrog] Monkeyboy: ill wear my ultra-non porous gloves
[Monkeyboy] knarf: the dude that was talking about gettinh hit by a platypus still can't use his hand correctly.
[Monkeyboy] it's serious shit.
[knarf] ClydeFrog: then you can be one of those rednecks on animal re-enacting their encounter with a platypus
[knarf] animal=animal planet
[Monkeyboy] knarf: he could be the next corc hunter!
[Monkeyboy] err croc
[ClydeFrog] thats it, im getting a platypus as a pet and teaching it to attack you all
[knarf] Monkeyboy: i know, ive seen their power
[knarf] ussies
[knarf] Pablo: ussies
[Monkeyboy] bad bad bad... :P
[Monkeyboy] so this is chat w/o any ladies. :P
[knarf] oh crap, chelle is here i think
[knarf] chelle: type /clear
[Pablo] tsk tsk
[noodleLeg] does anyone have a cough drop?
[knarf] chelle: do not read Pablo nasty comments
[chelle] hahahahaha
[ClydeFrog] noodleLeg: i do, but i just gave it to my platypus
[knarf] great...they travel in packs
[chelle] i'm not the only lady....noodle's here
[chelle] geez
[chelle] no, we go to the bathroom in packs
[chelle] get it straight man
[Monkeyboy] hahahahahahaha
* knarf flies thru the matrix and kills ClydeFrog platypus
[Monkeyboy] chat == "the funny" today.
[noodleLeg] clyde: :/
[ClydeFrog] knarf: why you gotta be hating on my platypus
[chelle] noodleLeg: sorry no cough drops
[Monkeyboy] noodleLeg: I have altoids if you want one.
* knarf laffs cause matric ClydeFrog's arms are black and swollen from his dead platypus
[Monkeyboy] noodleLeg: kinda far tho... :S
[knarf] ric=rix
[noodleLeg] monkey: thanks for trying
* ClydeFrog thinks of having another platypus
[ClydeFrog] alright, me and my platypus are out of here
* knarf buys ClydeFrog another platypus
* knarf flies thru the matrix and kills ClydeFrog platypus again
[knarf] [:|]
[chelle] bye clyde
[Pablo] lates clyde
[Pablo] poor little egg-laying mammal :(
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