Thursday, November 13, 2003

Day After 28 Days Later

[FillerBunny] i heard 28 days later is good
[noodleLeg] really?
[ClydeFrog] i really liked it
[noodleLeg] i heard that too
[noodleLeg] fillerbunny: you gonna go see it?
[FillerBunny] noodleLeg: i havent made plans to
[FillerBunny] ..but i guess id want to see it
[ClydeFrog] me and monkey could just act it out for you guys if ya want
[FillerBunny] but you guys suck at acting
[ClydeFrog] were better than some of the actors in hollywood
[noodleLeg] haha
[chelle] mhi noodle
[noodleLeg] i'd like to see the MonkeyFrog production
[chelle] m=
[noodleLeg] hi chelle
[FillerBunny] i heard its got ZOMBIES!!!
[ClydeFrog] FillerBunny: actually, it doesnt
[noodleLeg] brb
[FillerBunny] well...something like a zombie
[FillerBunny] you know...decaying fella
[ClydeFrog] its actually the sequel to bullocks 2001 smash hit, 28 days
[FillerBunny] i didnt know that interesting
[FillerBunny] is bullock the monkey who speads the disease
[ClydeFrog] no
[ClydeFrog] she has the role of the protagonist
[Monkeyboy] ooh ooh!
[Monkeyboy] who do I get to be?
[ClydeFrog] ill be sandy, you can be the monkey
[Monkeyboy] perfect.
[Monkeyboy] ready and GO!
[Monkeyboy] (eep eep)
[ClydeFrog] hello mr monkey
* FillerBunny grabs popcorn
[ClydeFrog] what are you doing
[ClydeFrog] wait
[Monkeyboy] (bangs on cage)
* ClydeFrog is now known as sandyB
[Monkeyboy] (looks around angry-like)
[sandyB] you know, monkey, its been hard being sober all these days
[Monkeyboy] (eep eep?)
[sandyB] what, what is it monkey
[Monkeyboy] BITE!
[sandyB] ahhhhhh
[sandyB] you bit me
[Monkeyboy] laugh!
[Monkeyboy] screetch!
[sandyB] what, i feel so, so.....
* Monkeyboy is now known as lab_dude
[lab_dude] oh crap....
[sandyB] whats happening to me
[lab_dude] you gotta like stop sandyB n' stuff.
* noodleLeg grabs some of FillerBunny's popcorn
[lab_dude] this is bad dude.
[sandyB] do i have the SARS
[lab_dude] she might 0wnzer the world now...
[sandyB] but i was wearing my surgeons mask
* lab_dude looks for his gun or a bat or a chair...
[lab_dude] uhm, you're still bleeding from that neck wound sandyB. it's kinda bad.
[lab_dude] might be infected...
[sandyB] you think...
* sandyB looks down at neck
[lab_dude] in fact, you look kinda weird.
[lab_dude] like you are HUNGRY.
[sandyB] i am hungry, for some.......BRAINSSSSSSSS
* FillerBunny screams
[lab_dude] ack...
* sandyB starts to zombie walk towards lab-dude
[lab_dude] that sucks...I need my brains n' stuff.
[lab_dude] what can I do?
[sandyB] i just want to be your friend
[lab_dude] should I lend her my brains?
* Pablo is now known as lab_dude2
[lab_dude] hrm....
[lab_dude] I'm gonna have to think about this...
* sandyB 's fingers start to fall off
[lab_dude] hey lab_dude2, can sandyB borrow your brain real quick while I sort this out?
[sandyB] that cant be good
[lab_dude2] whoa you wouldn't believe the traffic out there...
[sandyB] ill give your brain right back, i promise
[lab_dude2] holy crap!
[lab_dude] I need to go get a coffee...
* lab_dude leaves sandyB with lab_dude2
[lab_dude] I'll be right back, promise.
[sandyB] so its just you and me
[lab_dude2] wow, you're sandy bullocks!
* sandyB turns to lab_dude2
[lab_dude2] lab_dude: bring me some too
* lab_dude is now known as freedom_fighter
[sandyB] yes i am, you want an autograph
* FillerBunny waits for it to get good
* freedom_fighter enters the room...
[freedom_fighter] don't move sandyB!
[lab_dude2] sandyB: sure, but... i don't have a pen
* sandyB tries to grab a pen, but forgot she has no fingers
[freedom_fighter] we know you are a zombie that eats brains!
[lab_dude2] freedom_fighter: that's silly.
[sandyB] no, im just a regular girl with stiff arms
[freedom_fighter] our zombie-o-scope started acting up in this sector.
* freedom_fighter grabs the nearest chair...
* sandyB tries to run away
* freedom_fighter thows said chair at sandyB
[sandyB] [THUNK]
[lab_dude2] freedom_fighter: she's just on crack like the other actresses.
[sandyB] oh, my stomach lining
[freedom_fighter] ahhh!
[freedom_fighter] I got blood in my mouth from sandyB!
[sandyB] i like crack.....
[freedom_fighter] I have a few seconds of normality left!
* sandyB moons lab_dude2 and freedon fighter
* freedom_fighter starts filling out her will.
lab_dude2 thinks to self: man, this is so cool.
[freedom_fighter] urngh....
[freedom_fighter] ahh!
* freedom_fighter generic_corpse
* sandyB thinks about having some lesbo zombie action
* freedom_fighter is now known as generic_corpse
[generic_corpse] did someone mention brains?
[generic_corpse] I could use some...
* sandyB stars at other corpse
* lab_dude2 runs to get a camera
[generic_corpse] so it's just us sandyB.
[generic_corpse] do you have any brains?
* FillerBunny closes the blinds
[sandyB] generic_corpse: yes, i do....right here
[generic_corpse] I'm kinda hungry...
* sandyB points to pants
* generic_corpse looks at brians....
[generic_corpse] wait....
[generic_corpse] that's not brains!
[sandyB] look, see
* generic_corpse looks
* sandyB reaches in pants and pulls out cat brains
[generic_corpse] well, it's kinda hard to see now that my eyes are all black...
[sandyB] generic_corpse: there my pussy brains
[generic_corpse] well, I was thinking more for hooo-man brains.
[generic_corpse] were are those lab dudes?
[generic_corpse] I havn't eaten for 20 minutes...
* FillerBunny starts throwing popcorn at the screen
[generic_corpse] maybe we should go infect a few more people...
[generic_corpse] so we can have some fun together...
* generic_corpse leaves the lab.
* generic_corpse starts biting random people.
[generic_corpse] that's better.
[generic_corpse] we now have more of us.
* Signoff: nricca
[generic_corpse] hey everybody, go bite lots of people!
[generic_corpse] (biting happens for 28 days)
[generic_corpse] ...28 days later
* generic_corpse is now known as hospital_dude
[helga] don't give away the end of the movie!
[lab_dude2] ok, i've got the camera now!
[hospital_dude] whoa.....where did everyone go?
[hospital_dude] it's like empty and stuff.
[hospital_dude] I need pants.
[hospital_dude] is anyone here?
[hospital_dude] why is that dude running at me and hissing?
[hospital_dude] he doesn't look too good.
[hospital_dude] hrm...
[hospital_dude] maybe he wants my brains...
[hospital_dude] I think I should run.
[sandyB] sorry, i was distracted and lost character
[lab_dude2] wait, i just wanna take your picture!
[hospital_dude] hey! there's a dude here!
[hospital_dude] hi dude! who are you ?
[hospital_dude] and where is everyone else?
[hospital_dude] I need pants.
[lab_dude2] here take mine
[hospital_dude] oooh pants.
[hospital_dude] :D
[lab_dude2] i'm looking for the sandy bullocks orgy. i won't need them there.
[hospital_dude] oooh....
[hospital_dude] wait...
[hospital_dude] is she like one of those things that want brains?
[hospital_dude] those things don't look to happy.
[lab_dude2] maybe. all i know is that she's hot.
* hospital_dude accidentally steps on broken glass...
[hospital_dude] damn!
[hospital_dude] I forgot shoes!
[lab_dude2] i think i hear moaning in that church over there. lets check it out.
[hospital_dude] and now I'm bleeding lots.
* hospital_dude limps to church...
* sandyB is now known as ClydeFrog
[ClydeFrog] sorry, i cant play anymore
[hospital_dude] I have lunh soon too.
* hospital_dude gets attacked by lab_dude2
[hospital_dude] ahhh!
[hospital_dude] you don't look like a zombie thing!
[hospital_dude] noooooo!
[lab_dude2] mmm le brains
* hospital_dude dies.
[hospital_dude] credits roll.
[hospital_dude] wow.
* lab_dude2 chokes on brain bits
[hospital_dude] that was a great movie!
lab_dude2 dies
* FillerBunny wakes up
* lab_dude2 is now known as Pablo
[FillerBunny] [clap][clap][clap]
[FillerBunny] good stuff guys
* hospital_dude is now known as monkeyboy
[monkeyboy] lunch...
[monkeyboy] bbiab

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