Thursday, October 6, 2011
Robot Wars...FIGHT!
[09:40] *** eppy has joined #chataus
[09:41] [_bmr_] and then eppy paid the hooker and we WERE OUTTA THERE
[09:41] [eppy] cant take bmr anywhere
[09:42] [_bmr_] it's her fault dude. she made fun of my friend's gundam suit
[09:42] [_bmr_] my new clydefrogger-nominated-best-friend
[09:43] [eppy] voltron really let himself go
[09:44] [@ClydeFrogger] ITS A GUNDAM COSTUME, NOT VOLTRON!
[09:44] [_bmr_] it's like I don't even know eppy
[09:44] [@ClydeFrogger] geez...what? do you need him to wear a shirt that says what hes dressed as?
[09:44] * _bmr_ shakes his head
[09:45] [knarf] haha...voltron
[09:46] [knarf] eppy made a funny
[09:46] * _bmr_ bets eppy is all quiet now because he's off googling "why isn't voltran a gundam"
[09:47] [_bmr_] aaaaaand the internet doesn't disappoint.
[09:47] [_bmr_]
[09:48] [knarf] MS06JZaku nailed it...voltron is NOT 1 robot. its unfair.
[09:49] [@ClydeFrogger] haha
[09:49] * _bmr_ tries to imagine that discussion happening loudly at a trendy starbucks
[09:49] [knarf] this needs to be animated
[09:49] [_bmr_] knarf: I was thinking the same thing
[09:49] [_bmr_] it reminded me of the something awful "how is babby formed"
[09:49] [_bmr_]
[09:49] [knarf] when anyone else reads this, do the voices in your head have lisps?
[09:50] [@ClydeFrogger] "Yep a sword that cuts through anything is pretty crappy"
[09:50] [_bmr_]
[09:50] [@ClydeFrogger] crappy? but it cuts through anything
[09:51] [knarf] doesnt matter. the Gundam's pilot has to figure out how to split voltron up or its no contest.
[09:51] [knarf] gosh
[09:51] [_bmr_] ClydeFrogger: does it cut through love?
[09:52] [@ClydeFrogger] ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[09:52] [_bmr_] whoa
[09:52] [_bmr_] poor love
[09:52] [_bmr_] getting cut up by voltron
[09:52] [@ClydeFrogger] hey...if love is asking for it
[09:52] [@ClydeFrogger] thats love's fault
[09:52] [knarf] better keep your love in your panz monkey
[09:52] [_bmr_] knarf: o_o
[09:53] [knarf] or not, whatev dude
[09:53] [knarf] but i'd keep it away from voltrons sword
[09:53] [@ClydeFrogger] id like to meet Lord_Satorious
[09:53] [eppy] twss
[09:53] [eppy] darn
[09:54] [knarf] i dont know why but i'd like to punch the face
[09:54] [@ClydeFrogger] do you think hes older than 20yrs
[09:54] [@ClydeFrogger] or younger?
[09:54] [knarf] ClydeFrogger: beat me to it
[09:54] [@ClydeFrogger] he is a im guessing older than 20yrs
[09:55] [knarf] ClydeFrogger; i'd say over 20
[09:55] * _bmr_ bets it's that super mario kid from the pic yesterday all grown up and on to more adult discussions
[09:56] [knarf] eh, his world-wide gundam informational network site is down
[09:56] * knarf just noticed the post is from 2001
[09:57] [_bmr_] knarf: ground-breaking internet posts are timeless
[09:58] [knarf] _bmr_: but geocities isnt
[09:58] [@ClydeFrogger] haha...geocites
[09:58] [@ClydeFrogger] thats like using altavista for searches
[10:00] [knarf] ClydeFrogger: LS is 30yrs old
[10:00] [knarf] he was 20 at the time of the post
[10:01] [knarf]
[10:01] [@ClydeFrogger] haha
[10:01] [@ClydeFrogger] former united states marine
[10:02] * @ClydeFrogger only understands like 2 words in the dudes biography
[10:03] [_bmr_] Interests
[10:03] [_bmr_] Weaponry, Anime, Computers
[10:03] [_bmr_] I am scared.
[10:04] [_bmr_] internet archive to the rescue:
[10:04] [_bmr_] if you guys wanna email him you can at
[10:05] [knarf] yup, its on his profile. already looked it up on facebook. nada
[10:05] [_bmr_] so anyone here gonna get an iPhoneS 4S with Siri more S and S?
[10:05] [@ClydeFrogger] eppy is
[10:06] [_bmr_] eppy is awesome
[10:06] [_bmr_] he gets all the cool toys
[10:06] [knarf] it comes with tom cruise's lil girl?
[10:06] [@ClydeFrogger] haha
[10:06] [@ClydeFrogger] saw a post on g+ that said "siri" in japanese means "ass"
[10:06] [knarf] i guess she didnt read the itunes terms of agreement
[10:07] [_bmr_] speaking of…isn't there a new South Park tonight?
[10:07] [knarf] _bmr_: that web archive page is best viewed at 640x480 or higher
[10:09] [_bmr_] knarf: good thing he thought ahead to the "or higher" part.
[10:09] [_bmr_] otherwise we'd never experience the awesomeness of that page
[10:09] [knarf] The World-Wide Gundam Informational Network is copyright of Ron Ferrara (Lord Satorious)
[10:10] [_bmr_] don't mess with copyright law
[10:10] [@ClydeFrogger] or gundams
[10:10] [knarf] ron ferrara
[10:10] [_bmr_] both
[10:10] [_bmr_] I AM A GUNDAM
[10:11] [@ClydeFrogger] hehe
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
This Ca-RAZY Heat is Fabulous!!!
[09:06] [helga_] eppy: we should have a party where we rent a margarita machine
[09:06] [helga_]
[09:06] [@ClydeFrogger] yeah
[09:14] [eppy] normally id shot down that idea immediately because margarita's are gay... but I've tried one and theyre tastee
[09:14] [@ClydeFrogger] eppy: does that mean you're gay?
[09:14] [eppy] especially on hot summer days
[09:15] * @ClydeFrogger doesnt know why hot summer days would make eppy more gay
[09:15] [eppy] lol
[09:15] [eppy] glad no ones here to laugh at me
[09:15] [@ClydeFrogger> eppy: oh, but they will
[09:15] [helga_] lol
[09:15] * @ClydeFrogger starts to create a #chataus blog entry
[09:16] [@ClydeFrogger] im gonna have to wait until lunch to create it...need to find just the right picture and dont want to search for it on my work laptop
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Dumb and Dumber Quiz
Based on a challenge, myself and knarf came up with a list of 25 questions on the movie, Dumb and Dumber... one of, if not THE best movie of all time.
If you fancy yourself a fan of the movie, please test your knowledge by trying to answer the questions below... "MOCK...YEAH...ING....YEAH...BIRD...YEAH...YEAH..."
Hint: Lloyd is Jim Carrey, Harry is the other dude
1. what is the name of Harry and LLoyds pet? and what kind of pet was it?
2. whats the name of the store lloyd and harry want to open?
3. how much money did lloyd spend to get the scooter?
4. what was the most expensive thing harry and lloyd buy with the ransom money?
5. what did harry do to piss of the trucker at the diner?
6. What is the "soup di jour"?
7. Where does lloyd see the newspaper which causes him to scream "We've landed on the moon!".
8. What are the locals drinking at one of the convenience stores on their roadtrip?
9. What does lloyd compliment the cop on when they get pulled over?
10. How does the kidnapper Harry and Lloyd pick up die?
11. What did harry and lloyd think Mary's last name was?
12. How many mpg can lloyd get on his hog? (closest answer wins)
13. Why was mary dropping off a suitcase at the airport?
14. What phrase did Lloyd repeat while trying to resuscitate the kidnapper in the diner.
15. Why did harry and lloyd run from their apartment when the kidnapper showed up?
16. Who ordered the footlong?
17. What does lloyd bet harry that he can get harry to do by the end of the day?
18. Whats not working in mary's colorado condo?
19. What do harry and lloyd finally use to help sooth their mouths after eating the atomic peppers?
20. Where again does lloyd run into the trucker from the diner?
21. What is the trucker's name?
22. What do Harry and LLoyd call their van?
23. What job do Harry and Lloyd pass up on at the end of the movie?
24. Is it Harry or Lloyd that drives a 6th of the way across the country in the wrong direction?
25. What is the name of the actress who plays the girl kidnapper? and bonus: what previous show did she come out on.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Candy, Lent, Peeps
[ClydeFrogger] worst Easter candy...GO!
[monkey_boy] black jelly beans
[monkey_boy] and/or chocolate that's melted into the fake plastic grass stuff
[debora] canbery (sp) egg
[monkey_boy] noooooooooooooooo
[monkey_boy] those rock x 1000
[ClydeFrogger] debora: yeah, those suck
[ClydeFrogger] so do peeps
[monkey_boy] you both are weird
[debora] i'm not a peeps fan either, but i don't think they're gross
[monkey_boy] peeps are ok if you have 1-2
[debora] agree black jelly beans are the worst of all jelly beans
[debora] my dad loves them
[debora] the peeps
[debora] monkey_boy: this weekend grant and i played a new game that you would probably love
[debora] "Last Day on Earth"
[debora] it's a board game
[debora] grant was the zombies, and i was the heros
[helga] the only awesome Easter Candy is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups that look like easter bunnies
[debora] the heros win by killing 15 zombies before the sun sets
[knarf] nice
[knarf] debora: how many peeps can play?
[ClydeFrogger] helga: mmmm, ive never seen those
[helga] debora: we played a pretty awesome game on friday night.
[debora] it's a board game
[helga] its called apples to apples.
[monkey_boy] yikes!
[knarf] helga: those are delish
[ClydeFrogger] helga: may have to get some for easter
[helga] ClydeFrogger: get with the "Walgreens Candy on Clearance After the Holiday" program!
[debora] knarf: min 2, not sure what the max is
[ClydeFrogger] but...that would be after easter
[debora] helga: apples to apples is fun
[ClydeFrogger] you cant eat easter candy after easter
[helga] ClydeFrogger: its on sale. its telling the man i don't follow your rules
[debora] helga: another game along those lines is "who knew"
[helga] my typing grammar is terrible. not sure i can blame chat
[helga] debora: now you "knew" :)
[monkey_boy] helga: blame obama.
[debora] ClydeFrogger: so you have to eat all the easter candy you get in one day?
[ClydeFrogger] debora: yup
[helga] debora: then you throw it up, so its like a calorie free holiday!
[debora] it takes a lot for me to throw up, it would backfire for sure
[ClydeFrogger] debora: its like eating those minnie mouse heart shaped lollipops after valentines day
[ClydeFrogger] its not legal
[debora] what about before the holiday?
[ClydeFrogger] only within 1 week
[monkey_boy] debora: (whisper)7 days!
[debora] ClydeFrogger: but what if you gave up candy for lent?
[debora] luckily i didn't, but hypothetically
[debora] do those people get a 1 week extension?
[ClydeFrogger] then you only have 1 day to eat easter candy
[debora] 40 days w/o candy...haven't they suffered enough??
[debora] i'm not looking forward to lent ending
[debora] grant gave up "getting angry" and i'm enjoying it
[knarf] haha
[knarf] i'd totally bomb that one
[debora] he's been doing really good
[debora] i'm sure people at work are wondering what is wrong with him
[helga] debora: that's awesome
* monkey_boy just realized his birthday is on 2pi.
[ClydeFrogger] YOU ARE A HUGE NERD!
[monkey_boy] black jelly beans
[monkey_boy] and/or chocolate that's melted into the fake plastic grass stuff
[debora] canbery (sp) egg
[monkey_boy] noooooooooooooooo
[monkey_boy] those rock x 1000
[ClydeFrogger] debora: yeah, those suck
[ClydeFrogger] so do peeps
[monkey_boy] you both are weird
[debora] i'm not a peeps fan either, but i don't think they're gross
[monkey_boy] peeps are ok if you have 1-2
[debora] agree black jelly beans are the worst of all jelly beans
[debora] my dad loves them
[debora] the peeps
[debora] monkey_boy: this weekend grant and i played a new game that you would probably love
[debora] "Last Day on Earth"
[debora] it's a board game
[debora] grant was the zombies, and i was the heros
[helga] the only awesome Easter Candy is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups that look like easter bunnies
[debora] the heros win by killing 15 zombies before the sun sets
[knarf] nice
[knarf] debora: how many peeps can play?
[ClydeFrogger] helga: mmmm, ive never seen those
[helga] debora: we played a pretty awesome game on friday night.
[debora] it's a board game
[helga] its called apples to apples.
[monkey_boy] yikes!
[knarf] helga: those are delish
[ClydeFrogger] helga: may have to get some for easter
[helga] ClydeFrogger: get with the "Walgreens Candy on Clearance After the Holiday" program!
[debora] knarf: min 2, not sure what the max is
[ClydeFrogger] but...that would be after easter
[debora] helga: apples to apples is fun
[ClydeFrogger] you cant eat easter candy after easter
[helga] ClydeFrogger: its on sale. its telling the man i don't follow your rules
[debora] helga: another game along those lines is "who knew"
[helga] my typing grammar is terrible. not sure i can blame chat
[helga] debora: now you "knew" :)
[monkey_boy] helga: blame obama.
[debora] ClydeFrogger: so you have to eat all the easter candy you get in one day?
[ClydeFrogger] debora: yup
[helga] debora: then you throw it up, so its like a calorie free holiday!
[debora] it takes a lot for me to throw up, it would backfire for sure
[ClydeFrogger] debora: its like eating those minnie mouse heart shaped lollipops after valentines day
[ClydeFrogger] its not legal
[debora] what about before the holiday?
[ClydeFrogger] only within 1 week
[monkey_boy] debora: (whisper)7 days!
[debora] ClydeFrogger: but what if you gave up candy for lent?
[debora] luckily i didn't, but hypothetically
[debora] do those people get a 1 week extension?
[ClydeFrogger] then you only have 1 day to eat easter candy
[debora] 40 days w/o candy...haven't they suffered enough??
[debora] i'm not looking forward to lent ending
[debora] grant gave up "getting angry" and i'm enjoying it
[knarf] haha
[knarf] i'd totally bomb that one
[debora] he's been doing really good
[debora] i'm sure people at work are wondering what is wrong with him
[helga] debora: that's awesome
* monkey_boy just realized his birthday is on 2pi.
[ClydeFrogger] YOU ARE A HUGE NERD!
easter candy,
Friday, March 25, 2011
Why You Shouldn't Miss a Friday
* eppy has joined #chataus
* knarf gives the signal to #chataus
[knarf] SWARM! SWARM!
* knarf puts a pillow case of eppy's head
* monkey_boy watches knarf try to take out eppy
[monkey_boy] oh. was that the signal?
[eppy] warriors did it.. the warriors did it
[monkey_boy] helga: wait...that's a girl?
[knarf] whats wrong with her shoulders?
[monkey_boy] why...what....why....
* monkey_boy shuts down
[helga] its a powerful message
[knarf] i dont know what the big deal is
[knarf] i dont pee-pee my bad...i dont go around bragging about it
[knarf] bad=bed
[helga] monkey_boy: its a boy
* monkey_boy is still broken
[helga] eppy: i win! monkey_boy is broken
[knarf] eek
* knarf takes the pillowcase off eppy's head and casually rolls him over behind the couch
[eppy] wow.. tell me this is foreign
[knarf] this is far grapes
[knarf] damn
[eppy] no uvas!
[knarf] on the brightside...i get to sing aint gonna pee-pee my bad instead of friday friday
[knarf] bad=bed (again)
[helga] knarf: again?
[helga] you should know better
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Hard Hitting Journalism
[15:29] [@ClydeFrogger] if you could ask Lady Gaga one questions, what would it be? GO!
[15:29] [knarf] seriously?
[15:29] [@ClydeFrogger] (thats right...questions)
[15:29] [@ClydeFrogger] haha
[15:30] [tzcheezyP] why?
[15:30] [@ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy, tzcheezyP: knarf's question is gonna be tough to beat
[15:30] [@ClydeFrogger] hmmm, kinda the same as seriously? but not as funny
[15:30] * knarf takes a pic of the leader board for his scrapbook
[15:30] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: Lady Gaga why are you so like famous and why do you wear dresses made of meat and like how did you learn to play the piano and are you really a boy?
[15:30] [tzcheezyP] yep, i realized too late he was talking to LG, not you
[15:30] [@ClydeFrogger] ouuu, monkey_boy passes knarf
[15:31] * knarf starts work on his scrapbook
[15:31] * @ClydeFrogger is still laughing at monkey_boys
[15:31] [knarf] the really a boy part really capped it off
[15:31] [@ClydeFrogger] yeah
Friday, March 11, 2011
where is monkey_boy?
[clydefrogger] whew...theres another tyler perry, madea movie coming out this spring
* helga can now sleep at night.
[clydefrogger] we doing rudys today?
[knarf] im out, team lead's birfday lunch today
[helga] i'm in
[helga] ups better arrive before or after lunch, otherwise... helga not happy.
[knarf] HELGA SMASH!!
[clydefrogger] wtf?! why is it cold in my office
[clydefrogger] dumb AC
[helga] knarf: haha
[knarf] helga_: can i go home now?
[clydefrogger] wheres monkey
[knarf] maybe he has the early shift at rudy's
[clydefrogger] ohhh
[helga] txt him, clydefrogger
[helga] remember last week he was super excited about his new phone
[clydefrogger] he prolly got a razr
[knarf] haha
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
[14:04] [clydefrogger] monkey_boy: if i buy you a shirt, will you wear it?
[14:05] [monkey_boy] no. next question.
[14:05] [clydefrogger] come on
[14:05] [monkey_boy] nope. I know this is a aset up for a poorly dressed link
[14:05] [clydefrogger]
[14:05] [clydefrogger] haha
[14:05] [monkey_boy] and I'm correct.
[14:05] [monkey_boy] that's not a shirt.
[14:05] [monkey_boy] and I would not wear that.
[14:05] [clydefrogger] the part most people will see is a shirt
[14:06] [monkey_boy] that's a...unitard?
[14:06] [monkey_boy] it's a somthing-a-tard that's for sure
[14:06] [clydefrogger] i think the appropriate term is "apparally challenged"
[14:07] [knarf] haha
[14:08] [clydefrogger] monkey_boy: sooo....yeah?
[14:08] * monkey_boy wonders if ClydeFrogger was even listening.
[14:08] [monkey_boy] no.
[14:08] [monkey_boy] no no no.
[14:08] [monkey_boy] NO.
[14:08] [monkey_boy] I WILL NOT WEAR THAT.
[14:08] [clydefrogger] no to the pink or no to the blue one?
[14:08] [knarf] ClydeFrogger: thats 6 negatives...that makes a positive
[14:08] * monkey_boy shakes his head
[14:09] [tzcheezyP] not by itself. you'd still need some leggings, a utility belt, and a cape
[14:09] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: let's put it this way. I'm not wearing anything you buy for me.
[14:09] * ClydeFrogger needs to find a way to NOT buy that shirt
[14:10] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: you need a hobby. one that doesn't involve me in any way.
[14:11] [tzcheezyP] that's hurtful
[14:11] * tzcheezyP can't believe monkey_boy's insensitivity
[14:11] [knarf] .msg ClydeFrogger find me a pic of monkey_boy looking slightly down and to the right
[14:12] [monkey_boy] oh boy
[14:05] [monkey_boy] no. next question.
[14:05] [clydefrogger] come on
[14:05] [monkey_boy] nope. I know this is a aset up for a poorly dressed link
[14:05] [clydefrogger]
[14:05] [clydefrogger] haha
[14:05] [monkey_boy] and I'm correct.
[14:05] [monkey_boy] that's not a shirt.
[14:05] [monkey_boy] and I would not wear that.
[14:05] [clydefrogger] the part most people will see is a shirt
[14:06] [monkey_boy] that's a...unitard?
[14:06] [monkey_boy] it's a somthing-a-tard that's for sure
[14:06] [clydefrogger] i think the appropriate term is "apparally challenged"
[14:07] [knarf] haha
[14:08] [clydefrogger] monkey_boy: sooo....yeah?
[14:08] * monkey_boy wonders if ClydeFrogger was even listening.
[14:08] [monkey_boy] no.
[14:08] [monkey_boy] no no no.
[14:08] [monkey_boy] NO.
[14:08] [monkey_boy] I WILL NOT WEAR THAT.
[14:08] [clydefrogger] no to the pink or no to the blue one?
[14:08] [knarf] ClydeFrogger: thats 6 negatives...that makes a positive
[14:08] * monkey_boy shakes his head
[14:09] [tzcheezyP] not by itself. you'd still need some leggings, a utility belt, and a cape
[14:09] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: let's put it this way. I'm not wearing anything you buy for me.
[14:09] * ClydeFrogger needs to find a way to NOT buy that shirt
[14:10] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: you need a hobby. one that doesn't involve me in any way.
[14:11] [tzcheezyP] that's hurtful
[14:11] * tzcheezyP can't believe monkey_boy's insensitivity
[14:11] [knarf] .msg ClydeFrogger find me a pic of monkey_boy looking slightly down and to the right
[14:12] [monkey_boy] oh boy
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The Mannah Hontana Like Pretty Cool Weather Alert app
[helga] PUT A BIRD ON IT!
[knarf] itt-t-tt-tt is cuh-cuh-cuh-cold out sss-sss-sss-ide
* knarf starts to defrost
[helga] knarf: find your fence?
[knarf] i think i have it stablized
[knarf] 2 fence posts its not fixed, but i think, i hope, i propped them up good enough.
[knarf] a panel was snapped in half
[noodleLeg] helga: don't the bldgs in austin have birds on them so birds won't fly into the windows?
[knarf] had patch that one up
[noodleLeg] helga: trying to watch the link, but it keeps freezing, i'll have to watch the episode on on demand
[knarf] another the cross beam was all rotted...had to replace it
[knarf] hopefully it holds for a least until i can do our taxes
[noodleLeg] helga: i've only seen the first portlandia many have they had?
[noodleLeg] knarf: did the wind blow down the fence?
[knarf] yeah, over night sometime...
[knarf] or do you mean since i fixed it?
[helga] noodleLeg: 2 episodes. new ones come out on fridays
[helga] noodleLeg: "birds" are super popular in the craft world. everyone puts birds on sh!t... i think its funny
[monkey_boy] knarf: someone's fence here in my condo complex had their fence blown down too
[noodleLeg] helga: grant hates birds, it will be funny to see his reaction to that skit
[noodleLeg] knarf: no, i meant what happened to it. i knew you were fixing it, but never heard why
[knarf] oh, its very windy here
[knarf] its like mother nature ate at taco bell
[knarf] at least it doesnt smell
[noodleLeg] ew
[knarf] like you dont toot after a lil taco bell?
[helga] noodleLeg: in our neighborhood yahoo mailing list, someone wrote:
[helga] This is for the residents at 7707 Gault or anyone who knows them and can make contact.
[helga] Last night's wind carried a good portion of your metal roofing into my back yard at 1206 Taulbee. I hope it's not from your main house. I am so glad my yard was there and empty enough to catch it! Actually, my huge chinaberry tree stopped it travels. If you haven't noticed that it is gone, I am sure you will discover it sometime soon.
[helga] i guess it was windy last night... i slept all night
[noodleLeg] wow
[ClydeFrogger] it was crazy
[noodleLeg] crazy
[ClydeFrogger] made me want to look for an emergency weather app so i can get a text if a tornado was spotted
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: you should write the app...then just sit on your roof and send out updates
[ClydeFrogger] haha
[ClydeFrogger] text: like, omg, like i just saw a big cloud, and i was all like this is crazy and im like high up and its kinda scary, and thats kinda cool. :)
[ClydeFrogger] kinda=pretty
[knarf] The Mannah Hontana Like Pretty Cool Weather Alert app
[knarf] (hannah montana is trade marked
[knarf] )
[ClydeFrogger] haha
[knarf] include updates that are just you smiling at the camera
* knarf would totally by that app
[ClydeFrogger] "okay, dad. :p
[knarf] haha
[helga] haha
[helga] PUT A BIRD ON IT!
[knarf] itt-t-tt-tt is cuh-cuh-cuh-cold out sss-sss-sss-ide
* knarf starts to defrost
[helga] knarf: find your fence?
[knarf] i think i have it stablized
[knarf] 2 fence posts its not fixed, but i think, i hope, i propped them up good enough.
[knarf] a panel was snapped in half
[noodleLeg] helga: don't the bldgs in austin have birds on them so birds won't fly into the windows?
[knarf] had patch that one up
[noodleLeg] helga: trying to watch the link, but it keeps freezing, i'll have to watch the episode on on demand
[knarf] another the cross beam was all rotted...had to replace it
[knarf] hopefully it holds for a least until i can do our taxes
[noodleLeg] helga: i've only seen the first portlandia many have they had?
[noodleLeg] knarf: did the wind blow down the fence?
[knarf] yeah, over night sometime...
[knarf] or do you mean since i fixed it?
[helga] noodleLeg: 2 episodes. new ones come out on fridays
[helga] noodleLeg: "birds" are super popular in the craft world. everyone puts birds on sh!t... i think its funny
[monkey_boy] knarf: someone's fence here in my condo complex had their fence blown down too
[noodleLeg] helga: grant hates birds, it will be funny to see his reaction to that skit
[noodleLeg] knarf: no, i meant what happened to it. i knew you were fixing it, but never heard why
[knarf] oh, its very windy here
[knarf] its like mother nature ate at taco bell
[knarf] at least it doesnt smell
[noodleLeg] ew
[knarf] like you dont toot after a lil taco bell?
[helga] noodleLeg: in our neighborhood yahoo mailing list, someone wrote:
[helga] This is for the residents at 7707 Gault or anyone who knows them and can make contact.
[helga] Last night's wind carried a good portion of your metal roofing into my back yard at 1206 Taulbee. I hope it's not from your main house. I am so glad my yard was there and empty enough to catch it! Actually, my huge chinaberry tree stopped it travels. If you haven't noticed that it is gone, I am sure you will discover it sometime soon.
[helga] i guess it was windy last night... i slept all night
[noodleLeg] wow
[ClydeFrogger] it was crazy
[noodleLeg] crazy
[ClydeFrogger] made me want to look for an emergency weather app so i can get a text if a tornado was spotted
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: you should write the app...then just sit on your roof and send out updates
[ClydeFrogger] haha
[ClydeFrogger] text: like, omg, like i just saw a big cloud, and i was all like this is crazy and im like high up and its kinda scary, and thats kinda cool. :)
[ClydeFrogger] kinda=pretty
[knarf] The Mannah Hontana Like Pretty Cool Weather Alert app
[knarf] (hannah montana is trade marked
[knarf] )
[ClydeFrogger] haha
[knarf] include updates that are just you smiling at the camera
* knarf would totally by that app
[ClydeFrogger] "okay, dad. :p
[knarf] haha
[helga] haha
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