[monkey_boy] black jelly beans
[monkey_boy] and/or chocolate that's melted into the fake plastic grass stuff
[debora] canbery (sp) egg
[monkey_boy] noooooooooooooooo
[monkey_boy] those rock x 1000
[ClydeFrogger] debora: yeah, those suck
[ClydeFrogger] so do peeps
[monkey_boy] you both are weird
[debora] i'm not a peeps fan either, but i don't think they're gross
[monkey_boy] peeps are ok if you have 1-2
[debora] agree black jelly beans are the worst of all jelly beans
[debora] my dad loves them
[debora] the peeps
[debora] monkey_boy: this weekend grant and i played a new game that you would probably love
[debora] "Last Day on Earth"
[debora] it's a board game
[debora] grant was the zombies, and i was the heros
[helga] the only awesome Easter Candy is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups that look like easter bunnies
[debora] the heros win by killing 15 zombies before the sun sets
[knarf] nice
[knarf] debora: how many peeps can play?
[ClydeFrogger] helga: mmmm, ive never seen those
[helga] debora: we played a pretty awesome game on friday night.
[debora] it's a board game
[helga] its called apples to apples.
[monkey_boy] yikes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOhgMAOrp0c#at=30
[knarf] helga: those are delish
[ClydeFrogger] helga: may have to get some for easter
[helga] ClydeFrogger: get with the "Walgreens Candy on Clearance After the Holiday" program!
[debora] knarf: min 2, not sure what the max is
[ClydeFrogger] but...that would be after easter
[debora] helga: apples to apples is fun
[ClydeFrogger] you cant eat easter candy after easter
[helga] ClydeFrogger: its on sale. its telling the man i don't follow your rules
[debora] helga: another game along those lines is "who knew"
[helga] my typing grammar is terrible. not sure i can blame chat
[helga] debora: now you "knew" :)
[monkey_boy] helga: blame obama.
[debora] ClydeFrogger: so you have to eat all the easter candy you get in one day?
[ClydeFrogger] debora: yup
[helga] debora: then you throw it up, so its like a calorie free holiday!
[debora] it takes a lot for me to throw up, it would backfire for sure
[ClydeFrogger] debora: its like eating those minnie mouse heart shaped lollipops after valentines day
[ClydeFrogger] its not legal
[debora] what about before the holiday?
[ClydeFrogger] only within 1 week
[monkey_boy] debora: (whisper)7 days!
[debora] ClydeFrogger: but what if you gave up candy for lent?
[debora] luckily i didn't, but hypothetically
[debora] do those people get a 1 week extension?
[ClydeFrogger] then you only have 1 day to eat easter candy
[debora] 40 days w/o candy...haven't they suffered enough??
[debora] i'm not looking forward to lent ending
[debora] grant gave up "getting angry" and i'm enjoying it
[knarf] haha
[knarf] i'd totally bomb that one
[debora] he's been doing really good
[debora] i'm sure people at work are wondering what is wrong with him
[helga] debora: that's awesome
* monkey_boy just realized his birthday is on 2pi.
[ClydeFrogger] YOU ARE A HUGE NERD!
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