[09:40] *** eppy has joined #chataus
[09:41] [_bmr_] and then eppy paid the hooker and we WERE OUTTA THERE
[09:41] [eppy] cant take bmr anywhere
[09:42] [_bmr_] it's her fault dude. she made fun of my friend's gundam suit
[09:42] [_bmr_] my new clydefrogger-nominated-best-friend http://poorlydressed.failblog.org/2011/10/05/fashion-fail-well-it-does-say-that-on-your-shirt-so-i-guess-i-cant-argue-with-you/
[09:43] [eppy] voltron really let himself go
[09:44] [@ClydeFrogger] ITS A GUNDAM COSTUME, NOT VOLTRON!
[09:44] [_bmr_] it's like I don't even know eppy
[09:44] [@ClydeFrogger] geez...what? do you need him to wear a shirt that says what hes dressed as?
[09:44] * _bmr_ shakes his head
[09:45] [knarf] haha...voltron
[09:46] [knarf] eppy made a funny
[09:46] * _bmr_ bets eppy is all quiet now because he's off googling "why isn't voltran a gundam"
[09:47] [_bmr_] aaaaaand the internet doesn't disappoint.
[09:47] [_bmr_] http://animeboards.com/archive/index.php/t-32333.html
[09:48] [knarf] MS06JZaku nailed it...voltron is NOT 1 robot. its unfair.
[09:49] [@ClydeFrogger] haha
[09:49] * _bmr_ tries to imagine that discussion happening loudly at a trendy starbucks
[09:49] [knarf] this needs to be animated
[09:49] [_bmr_] knarf: I was thinking the same thing
[09:49] [_bmr_] it reminded me of the something awful "how is babby formed"
[09:49] [_bmr_] http://www.somethingawful.com/flash/shmorky/babby.swf
[09:49] [knarf] when anyone else reads this, do the voices in your head have lisps?
[09:50] [@ClydeFrogger] "Yep a sword that cuts through anything is pretty crappy"
[09:50] [_bmr_] http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/how-is-babby-formed
[09:50] [@ClydeFrogger] crappy? but it cuts through anything
[09:51] [knarf] doesnt matter. the Gundam's pilot has to figure out how to split voltron up or its no contest.
[09:51] [knarf] gosh
[09:51] [_bmr_] ClydeFrogger: does it cut through love?
[09:52] [@ClydeFrogger] ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[09:52] [_bmr_] whoa
[09:52] [_bmr_] poor love
[09:52] [_bmr_] getting cut up by voltron
[09:52] [@ClydeFrogger] hey...if love is asking for it
[09:52] [@ClydeFrogger] thats love's fault
[09:52] [knarf] better keep your love in your panz monkey
[09:52] [_bmr_] knarf: o_o
[09:53] [knarf] or not, whatev dude
[09:53] [knarf] but i'd keep it away from voltrons sword
[09:53] [@ClydeFrogger] id like to meet Lord_Satorious
[09:53] [eppy] twss
[09:53] [eppy] darn
[09:54] [knarf] i dont know why but i'd like to punch Lord...haha...in the face
[09:54] [@ClydeFrogger] do you think hes older than 20yrs
[09:54] [@ClydeFrogger] or younger?
[09:54] [knarf] ClydeFrogger: beat me to it
[09:54] [@ClydeFrogger] he is a Knight...so im guessing older than 20yrs
[09:55] [knarf] ClydeFrogger; i'd say over 20
[09:55] * _bmr_ bets it's that super mario kid from the pic yesterday all grown up and on to more adult discussions
[09:56] [knarf] eh, his world-wide gundam informational network site is down
[09:56] * knarf just noticed the post is from 2001
[09:57] [_bmr_] knarf: ground-breaking internet posts are timeless
[09:58] [knarf] _bmr_: but geocities isnt
[09:58] [@ClydeFrogger] haha...geocites
[09:58] [@ClydeFrogger] thats like using altavista for searches
[10:00] [knarf] ClydeFrogger: LS is 30yrs old
[10:00] [knarf] he was 20 at the time of the post
[10:01] [knarf] http://animeboards.com/member.php?u=1386
[10:01] [@ClydeFrogger] haha
[10:01] [@ClydeFrogger] former united states marine
[10:02] * @ClydeFrogger only understands like 2 words in the dudes biography
[10:03] [_bmr_] Interests
[10:03] [_bmr_] Weaponry, Anime, Computers
[10:03] [_bmr_] I am scared.
[10:04] [_bmr_] internet archive to the rescue: http://web.archive.org/web/20090309014941/http://www.geocities.com/gundam_uc0079/
[10:04] [_bmr_] if you guys wanna email him you can at lordsatorious@hotmail.com
[10:05] [knarf] yup, its on his profile. already looked it up on facebook. nada
[10:05] [_bmr_] so anyone here gonna get an iPhoneS 4S with Siri more S and S?
[10:05] [@ClydeFrogger] eppy is
[10:06] [_bmr_] eppy is awesome
[10:06] [_bmr_] he gets all the cool toys
[10:06] [knarf] it comes with tom cruise's lil girl?
[10:06] [@ClydeFrogger] haha
[10:06] [@ClydeFrogger] saw a post on g+ that said "siri" in japanese means "ass"
[10:06] [knarf] i guess she didnt read the itunes terms of agreement
[10:07] [_bmr_] speaking of…isn't there a new South Park tonight?
[10:07] [knarf] _bmr_: that web archive page is best viewed at 640x480 or higher
[10:09] [_bmr_] knarf: good thing he thought ahead to the "or higher" part.
[10:09] [_bmr_] otherwise we'd never experience the awesomeness of that page
[10:09] [knarf] The World-Wide Gundam Informational Network is copyright of Ron Ferrara (Lord Satorious)
[10:10] [_bmr_] don't mess with copyright law
[10:10] [@ClydeFrogger] or gundams
[10:10] [knarf] ron ferrara
[10:10] [_bmr_] both
[10:10] [_bmr_] I AM A GUNDAM
[10:11] [@ClydeFrogger] hehe
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