[helga] PUT A BIRD ON IT!
[knarf] itt-t-tt-tt is cuh-cuh-cuh-cold out sss-sss-sss-ide
* knarf starts to defrost
[helga] knarf: find your fence?
[knarf] i think i have it stablized
[knarf] 2 fence posts snapped...so its not fixed, but i think, i hope, i propped them up good enough.
[knarf] a panel was snapped in half
[noodleLeg] helga: don't the bldgs in austin have birds on them so birds won't fly into the windows?
[knarf] had patch that one up
[noodleLeg] helga: trying to watch the link, but it keeps freezing, i'll have to watch the episode on on demand
[knarf] another the cross beam was all rotted...had to replace it
[knarf] hopefully it holds for a while...at least until i can do our taxes
[noodleLeg] helga: i've only seen the first portlandia episode...how many have they had?
[noodleLeg] knarf: did the wind blow down the fence?
[knarf] yeah, over night sometime...
[knarf] or do you mean since i fixed it?
[helga] noodleLeg: 2 episodes. new ones come out on fridays
[helga] noodleLeg: "birds" are super popular in the craft world. everyone puts birds on sh!t... i think its funny
[monkey_boy] knarf: someone's fence here in my condo complex had their fence blown down too
[noodleLeg] helga: grant hates birds, it will be funny to see his reaction to that skit
[noodleLeg] knarf: no, i meant what happened to it. i knew you were fixing it, but never heard why
[knarf] oh, its very windy here
[knarf] its like mother nature ate at taco bell
[knarf] at least it doesnt smell
[noodleLeg] ew
[knarf] like you dont toot after a lil taco bell?
[helga] noodleLeg: in our neighborhood yahoo mailing list, someone wrote:
[helga] This is for the residents at 7707 Gault or anyone who knows them and can make contact.
[helga] Last night's wind carried a good portion of your metal roofing into my back yard at 1206 Taulbee. I hope it's not from your main house. I am so glad my yard was there and empty enough to catch it! Actually, my huge chinaberry tree stopped it travels. If you haven't noticed that it is gone, I am sure you will discover it sometime soon.
[helga] i guess it was windy last night... i slept all night
[noodleLeg] wow
[ClydeFrogger] it was crazy
[noodleLeg] crazy
[ClydeFrogger] made me want to look for an emergency weather app so i can get a text if a tornado was spotted
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: you should write the app...then just sit on your roof and send out updates
[ClydeFrogger] haha
[ClydeFrogger] text: like, omg, like i just saw a big cloud, and i was all like this is crazy and im like high up and its kinda scary, and thats kinda cool. :)
[ClydeFrogger] kinda=pretty
[knarf] The Mannah Hontana Like Pretty Cool Weather Alert app
[knarf] (hannah montana is trade marked
[knarf] )
[ClydeFrogger] haha
[knarf] include updates that are just you smiling at the camera
* knarf would totally by that app
[ClydeFrogger] "okay, dad. :p
[knarf] haha
[helga] haha
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