Wednesday, January 4, 2006


*** monkey_boy has changed the topic on channel #chataus to Happy Bastielle Day!.
* knarf give monkey_boy a a happy bastille hug
[monkey_boy] yay!
[monkey_boy] aw-shawn-tay!
[glitta] Happy Honolulu!
* knarf giggles at the "kick me" sign on monkey_boy's back
[monkey_boy] :(
* monkey_boy realizes now why the french hate the filthy americans
[knarf] nobody appreciates a good joke anymore
* knarf kicks monkey_boy in the butt and runs away
* monkey_boy plots and schemes against knarf but in his heart knows nothing will ever really come of it.
* knarf lends monkey_boy his copy of The Anarchist's Cookbook
[monkey_boy] nevermind the bollocks!
[monkey_boy] I wanna be anarchy!
[ClydeFrogger] sandra bollocks?
[monkey_boy] maybe.
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: we kartin?
[ClydeFrogger] chure
[ClydeFrogger] wow....
[knarf] it was that long ago we were talking about this
[knarf] psychos
[monkey_boy] so does this mean you're not coming to my pumping party this weekend ClydeFrogger? I got the finest industrial grade floor wax to inject into you
[ClydeFrogger] i dont know
[ClydeFrogger] i wanna
[ClydeFrogger] but...
[monkey_boy] I double checked the label. I doesn't say ANYTHING about not injecting it.
[ClydeFrogger] well if the label doesnt say
[monkey_boy] yay!
[monkey_boy] party!
[monkey_boy] pumping party!
[monkey_boy] (sung to the tune of pizza party, the board game)
[knarf] i bet hes already pre-order DK Pumpin Party
[monkey_boy] yay!
[eppy] dumb firefox wont come up...i bet windows is blocking it somehow
* monkey_boy stares at eppy in mute amazement
* knarf opens and closes firefox repeatedly
[eppy] came up
[eppy] yesterday it wouldnt
* eppy winks at monkey
[glitta] for all you fatties out there..
[glitta] its actually kinda sad
[knarf] wow
[knarf] i cant enter the site
[knarf] i dont have an eating disorder and im not in recovery
* knarf wonders what eating disorder glitta is hiding
[glitta] it was a link off of cnn..
[knarf] uh-huh
[glitta] well
[glitta] you know how they have links at the bottom
[ClydeFrogger] video killed the radio star
[ClydeFrogger] what exactly is "unauthorized use of a vehicle"
[monkey_boy] that's when you ask the car, "Mr. car can I use you?"
[glitta] prob like if you were a go kart place worker adn you took a go cart to the exxon down the block for some snack..
[monkey_boy] and it says, "posh and poppycock! I think not you ruffian!"
[ClydeFrogger] "look, im writing profanity on the wall"
* ClydeFrogger write "poppycock" on the wall
[eppy] haha...poppycock?
[sistersuds] wow monkey is really getting into the spirit of bastielle day
[ClydeFrogger] write=writes
[eppy] 1. poppycock v. to eat the last of someone's food without asking and in typical cases, without admitting to it upon questioning afterward. Originated in New Haven, CT. Can also be used as an noun. See poppycocker.
* monkey_boy starts constructing a guillotine to cleanse the french government
[monkey_boy] The OED is silent on its origin, but most modern dictionaries know well where it comes from: the Dutch word pappekak for soft faeces.
[monkey_boy] (OED is oxford english dict)
[eppy] other defs agree with its basically b.s.
[monkey_boy] this sir is insubordination!
* monkey_boy pulls off one of his riding gloves and slaps eppy accross the face with it
*** sistersuds has left #chataus.
*** sistersuds has joined #chataus.
[sistersuds] man i hate when i hit the escape key by mistake
[knarf] yatr
[knarf] yar
[knarf] sistersuds: tell ray thx for the mp3 site
[knarf] i finally checked it out last nite
[sistersuds] knarf: sure. i think he still uses it too
[sistersuds] works out pretty well
[knarf] yeah
[knarf] cheap too
[sistersuds] yup
* eppy pulls off his glove...fills it with bricks and slaps monkey_boy across the face

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