Monday, January 16, 2006

helga likes pooh

[helga_] why's it so quiet?
[monkey_boy] helga_: because ClydeFrogger is a major downer.
* chellers shrugs
[monkey_boy] I was all pumped when I came into chat and HomieKnarf told me he's grumpy
[helga_] "pumped"?? like, you were pumping your arms in the air?
[monkey_boy] oh yeah
[monkey_boy] I had my morning yogurt
[monkey_boy] I did my jazzercise
[monkey_boy] and eeyore over there just placed a mini stormcloud over me
[chellers] eeyore is cool
[helga_] eeyore is a downer
[helga_] i like pooh... he's into sweets, like me
[HomieKnarf] makes sense with filler too...he likes you...and if you are like just works out
[helga_] LOL
* helga_ is still laughing at that one
* HomieKnarf gets up out of his chair with his hands up...
[HomieKnarf] thanks you! g'nite!!
[chellers] hahahahaha
[chellers] nice

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