Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Volleyball Theory

[eppy] the day will come when you will feel the wrath...the wrath of
[Glitta] chaka kahn?
[knarf] let me rock you?
[eppy] i still dont get how...i think monkey...or mebby you were like...yeah...i finished SC over the weekend
[Glitta] eppy: did you get my sheck]
[Glitta] ]=?
[knarf] uh, no one fished it over the weekend
[eppy] Glitta: yes...thx
[Glitta] great!
[eppy] i still dont get why you just didnt hand it to me
[Glitta] cause you still wouldnt have it
[knarf] you dont get alot of things huh?
[Glitta] and i always feel bad when someone puts up there own cash
[eppy] oh...well i wont cash it for prolly another week
[Glitta] well now i dont have to worry about it..
[knarf] did ou guys win last week?
[knarf] you
[knarf] you
[knarf] you
[knarf] you
[eppy] got cancelled
[knarf] oh yeah
[Glitta] eppy so did the shirt idea bust
* eppy crosses fingers
[ClydeFrogger] yes
[Glitta] i kinda dont think i want a new shirt?
[eppy] Glitta: too many haters
[ClydeFrogger] i didnt see any patterns, or designs
[ClydeFrogger] it was all words, no visual
[eppy] you made the pattern
[eppy] you know what it looks like
[Glitta] maybe we can get socks instead?
[ClydeFrogger] shorts
[ClydeFrogger] or hats
[ClydeFrogger] oh oh oh, team bags
[Glitta] yeah team bags
[Glitta] thats cool
[eppy] bags hold?
[helgaTHEgreat] i just came back from Ulta and i tried a sample of perfume on and i can smell its a bit strong... i bet my OM hates me
[Glitta] no Water Bottles!!!!!
[Glitta] we shoudl get water bottles with our team logo on them!!!!!
[ClydeFrogger] oh, and a team bus
[ClydeFrogger] to take us to the games to make sure everyone is on time
[Glitta] so people can get there ON TIME
* ClydeFrogger looks at eppy
[Glitta] ha ha
[Glitta] ClydeFrogger: in eppys defense i did have a missed call on my cell from dave at 7:24 eppy images glitta and clydefrogger as two small annoying chicuacuas
[Glitta] im sure it was to let us know he was gonna be late
[Glitta] chihuahuas
[knarf] whoa
[ClydeFrogger] no, chicuacuas
[ClydeFrogger] they are new
[knarf] are those like chiclets?
[Glitta] eppy probably new in advance that the game was gonna be canceled
[Glitta] eppy: so why were you late?? clyde has a theory..
[eppy] late?
[Glitta] to the vb game last week
[eppy] haha
Signoff: chelle (
[eppy] oh...i hadta go by helga's to get her comp
[helgaTHEgreat] Glitta: what was clyde's theory?
[knarf] you guys should of told him beforehand what time the
game was at
[eppy] welp...trey's back on...bbl
[ClydeFrogger] knarf: figured he would have known, since he is the coach and all
[Glitta] clyde: you can explain your theory if you want
[ClydeFrogger] well
[knarf] and can you hear the sound of hysteria
[knarf] the subliminal mind fook america
* helgaTHEgreat patiently listens
[ClydeFrogger] i heard from a one ms. wendy korn that the two of them had just finished eating at an establishment called Thundercloud subs
[helgaTHEgreat] yeah, and wendy got there before him?
[knarf] is that the theory?
[ClydeFrogger] since ms. korn was already at the gym, and it had been about 15 minutes, i concluded that he must have taken a detour to either his or your house
[knarf] ahhh
[helgaTHEgreat] he DID take a detour. your theory was right
[ClydeFrogger] for the purpose of pooping, since we all known eppy has a phobia of using public restrooms
[knarf] hahahahahha
[Glitta] ha ha ha
[helgaTHEgreat] NO, he had to pick up my computer
[Glitta] ha ha ha ha
[Glitta] im sure he got a poop in there too
[knarf] oh man
* helgaTHEgreat secretly laughs so eppy doesn't see
[knarf] ah man...i couldnt keep it in
[knarf] my om wants to know whats fnuny
[knarf] funny*
[knarf] eppy: can you swing by so he knows who you are?
* ClydeFrogger takes off his sherlock holmes hat
[ClydeFrogger] and that is my theory

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