Monday, November 11, 2002


[ClydeFrog] i saw the movie Signs on friday
[knarf] oh, we saw it was freaky
[ClydeFrog] yeah
[ClydeFrog] i was wondering how it was going to end (making sure not ruin it for those that have not seen it )
[monkeyboy] I HAVN'T SEEN IT!
[monkeyboy] DON'T RUIN IT!
[ClydeFrog] man, in the theater, there was this one guy that was ruining the experience of it though
[ClydeFrog] he had the mos annoying laugh
[ClydeFrog] the whole time i was thinking how can his girlfriend/wife put up with it
[ClydeFrog] it was horrible
[knarf] how about when the aliens bit mel gibson and poisoned him....crazy!!!
[ClydeFrog] knarf: and then he started to turn into one, i got scared
[knarf] crap dude....use /msg, monkeyboy hasnt seen it yet
[ClydeFrog] knarf: good thing for his dog who saved him by tricking him to drink the antidote that he made himself out of dog biscuits and snausages
[ClydeFrog] oh sorry
[knarf] /mgs ClydeFrog yeah, that was gross when you thought he was making the snausages outta alien poo.
[knarf] opps...damn typos.
[ClydeFrog] /msg knarf i almost threw up
[ClydeFrog] monkeyboy: i can save you 750 and just tell you what happens
[monkeyboy] blah blah blah.
[ClydeFrog] infact, me and knarf can act it out
[monkeyboy] I'm not eppy.
[ClydeFrog] i want to be mel gibson though
[knarf] [music starts....credits start to roll]
[monkeyboy] so you're saying knarf is a gay-looking roman emperor?
* ClydeFrog clears throat and gets into character
[knarf] ClydeFrog as the guy played by mel gibson
[ClydeFrog] [camerca pans in]
* ClydeFrog looks off into the distance
[knarf] starring knarf as the guy who played the gay looking roman dude
[knarf] [ahem]
[ClydeFrog] [camera swishes by]
[knarf] [then silence]
[ClydeFrog] "Hi there, what are we going to do today"
[ClydeFrog] wait
* ClydeFrog is now known as MGibsonDude
[MGibsonDude] "Hi there, what are we going to do today"
* knarf is now known as gay-looking
[gay-looking] well, i was just about done picking the corn. was gonna start...what the!?
[monkeyboy] you guys are amazing... ;)
[gay-looking] look, up int the sky!!!
[MGibsonDude] "did you do that to the crops, draw some circles and stuff
* MGibsonDude looks up
[MGibsonDude] what?
[gay-looking] uh...never mind...thought i saw something. circles? what circles?
[MGibsonDude] you know circles, those four sided geometry figures
[gay-looking] [camera pans left to open crop field]
[gay-looking] [dum da dummmmm]
[MGibsonDude] theres some cut into the field
[MGibsonDude] do you know where they came from
[gay-looking] [gasp]
[gay-looking] sorry hoss....those werent there a few minutes ago!
[gay-looking] [dum da dummmmm]
[MGibsonDude] oh no, look
* gay-looking looks
* MGibsonDude points finger at barn
[MGibsonDude] there is somehting over there
[gay-looking] you reckon its a coon?
[MGibsonDude] i hope so, then we can eat good tonight
[gay-looking] yummy
[gay-looking] wait!
[MGibsonDude] what?
[gay-looking] i forgot my chew.
* gay-looking runs back to the tractor for his chew
[gay-looking] ok, lets go check it out
[MGibsonDude] damn it, how many times do i have to tell you never forget your chew
* MGibsonDude walks towards barn
* gay-looking follws MGibsonDude
* MGibsonDude jumps back
[MGibsonDude] oh no, its an alien
[gay-looking] no way!
[MGibsonDude] and not the illegal mexican kind
[MGibsonDude] what should we do?
[gay-looking] maybe we should carelessly investigate a little closer....even though we might die or become infected by a dangerous alien virus
[MGibsonDude] good idea
[MGibsonDude] i wont even take this gun with me
* MGibsonDude puts down gun
[gay-looking] good idea
* gay-looking puts down his sickle
[gay-looking] oh no!!!
[MGibsonDude] whats wrong
[gay-looking] that there alien dude is taking all our chew!
[MGibsonDude] get'em
[gay-looking] i cant....cant....m-m-m-ove....
[MGibsonDude] oh no, i got stabbed through the heart with his claw like hand which is also dipped in some unknown poison
[MGibsonDude] i think im going to die
[gay-looking] alien dude has mind control over me
* MGibsonDude looks at gay-looking
[monkeyboy] if any of this crap is in the movie, I'm gonna be pissed that the movie sucks that bad and that you guys revealed it.
[gay-looking] i cant stop eating all my chew
[MGibsonDude] i will always love you, please remember that
[gay-looking] i cant take it anymore...
[monkeyboy] never knew the plot was sponsored by red man.
[gay-looking]!!! dont say that!
* MGibsonDude coughs......
[gay-looking] [ugh]
* MGibsonDude eyes close
[gay-looking] NOOOOOooooooooo!!!!
[gay-looking] [roll credits]
[gay-looking] [applause]
[MGibsonDude] [whistles]
* gay-looking takes bow
* MGibsonDude curtsies
* MGibsonDude is now known as ClydeFrog
* gay-looking is now known as knarf
[ClydeFrog] yeah, monkey, thats pretty much it
[knarf] no you can see Croc Hunter's Collision Course
[ClydeFrog] or country bears
* eppy ( has joined channel #chat
[ClydeFrog] monkeyboy: uh, so when are you going to pay me and knarf our 750 for practically showing you the movie
[ClydeFrog] monkeyboy: you better not try and get out of it either

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