[ClydeFrogger] helga: you see the SATC2 movie?
[helga] ClydeFrogger: no, but i was thinking maybe some ladies would want to go on sunday
[helga] or saturday night ....
[monkey_boy] paper wasps are buildig a big nest in the back of my condo
[helga] eppy's friends are in town for The Melvins and i want to kidnap eppy's bff's girlfriend and take her to see SATC2 instead of the show
[monkey_boy] I need to get that sucker down.
[helga] monkey_boy: wasp spray!
[monkey_boy] yep.
[monkey_boy] it's high up
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: flamethrower
[monkey_boy] it's pretty big too
[helga] if its high up and you can't reach it without getting on a ladder, call the HOA and have them take care of it
[helga] no need for you to get stung on a ladder when the HOA will do it
[helga] and its a hazard for them to leave it there
[ClydeFrogger] or, throw rocks at it
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: you're so smart.
[helga] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger's condo might have a wasp nest, you should go throw rocks and find out
[monkey_boy] helga: I had a scare last week
[monkey_boy] I went out my back door to the closest dumpster
[monkey_boy] on the way back
[monkey_boy] I was at the door and I felt something in my hair
[monkey_boy] so I brushed it out
[monkey_boy] and looked up
[monkey_boy] I looked into the eyes of about 5 wasps bulding a nest on the top of my door frame
[monkey_boy] it was about 4 inches from my face
[monkey_boy] they were....irritated.
[monkey_boy] so yeah, I ran inside
[monkey_boy] and got a broom, cracked the door and knocked it down.
* monkey_boy **hates** paper wasps. they stung me so many times in Canutillo. We had them around our house from march to september.
* eppy now knows what to get monkey for his bday
[helga] the gift that keeps on giving
* eppy makes note to make sure monkey_boy shakes his bday gift before he opens it
[ClydeFrogger] like a salt shaker or polaroid?
[eppy] like one of those arm exercise shake contraptions
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: more like a box full of paper wasps
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