[15:43] [eppy] monkey: did helga tell you that tebow tried to eat chauncey?
[15:44] [eppy] i wont elaborate if you already heard this
[15:44] [helga_] i didn't say anything
[15:44] [helga_] but tebow is nice to people, but doesn't know how to hold back when playing with dogs
[15:45] [tzcheezy_poof] what breed is tebow?
[15:45] [eppy] american bulldog
[15:46] [monkey_boy] eppy: jon told me chauncey didn't like playing with big ol' tebow
[15:47] [monkey_boy] interesting how you both saw the same event
[15:47] [monkey_boy] tebow thinks he's a 30 lbs playdog
[15:47] [monkey_boy] not a 110lbs beefy dog
[15:48] [tzcheezy_poof] 30 lbs is too small to play. 110+ is better.
[15:49] [@ClydeFrogger] margatiaville, anyone? http://tinyurl.com/266ht39
[15:50] [helga_] monkey_boy: tebow played aggressive. chauncey got scared... he doesn't usually get scared at all around other dogs and he showed teeth.
[15:50] [helga_] ClydeFrogger: oh, buy it for beach weekend
[15:50] [monkey_boy] I told you tebow used to bite phil and ben's dog on the weiner
[15:50] [helga_] and future boat parties
[15:50] [helga_] don't remember that
[15:50] [monkey_boy] helga_: tebow is a unique dog.
[15:50] [knarf] dag nabbit
[15:51] [@ClydeFrogger] the dog bit phil's weiner?
[15:51] [knarf] vm line is working again...but i dont remember my passcode
[15:51] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: If I bought that could I return it to sur la taaaaaaaaabulh?
[15:51] [eppy] monkey: what kinda dog was phil and bens?
[15:51] [monkey_boy] chocolate lab
[15:51] [monkey_boy] about 85-95 lbs
[15:51] [knarf] ClydeFrogger: haha...poor ben's dog and phil
[15:51] [eppy] think tebow needs to be better intergrated with other dogs
[15:52] [monkey_boy] tebow peed on my foot
[15:52] [@ClydeFrogger] and phil's wiener
[15:52] [knarf] haha
[15:52] * monkey_boy has given up on correcting chat.
[15:52] [helga_] chauncey plays with stranger danger dog "avy" who is a south african mastiff and 125 pounds three times a week. he plays well with big dogs... but i think it helps avy is female and chauncey is male
[15:53] [@ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: phil's weiner
[15:53] [monkey_boy] diet 7up + OJ is tasty
[15:53] [monkey_boy] it's refreshing and bubbly
[15:53] [helga_] monkey_boy: you can make diet 7up margaritas in the margarita machine
[15:53] [helga_] buy it!
[15:54] [knarf] just make sure the machine cant bite
[15:54] * @ClydeFrogger plays dumb
[15:54] [@ClydeFrogger] knarf: what ever shall the machine bit?
[15:54] [@ClydeFrogger] bit=bite
[15:54] [knarf] phil's weiner
[15:54] * monkey_boy already bought everyone but ClydeFrogger a cordless margarita machine
[15:54] [@ClydeFrogger] hahahaha
[15:55] [knarf] monkey_boy: dont stop talking, please
[15:56] * monkey_boy doesn't get it
[15:56] [@ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy thought he could change the subject with his diet 7 up statement
[15:56] [monkey_boy] no, it's what I'm drinking right now
[15:56] [monkey_boy] it's tasty
[15:56] [knarf] monkey_boy: you try Barq's root beer....its got BITE!
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