[knarf] when starting kde with: xinit -- -T, whats the -T for?
[eppy] do a X -help
[eppy] -T disable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace key sequence
[knarf] i see that, thank you sir
[eppy] i like to be able to kill it like that
[knarf] me too...i wont be using that
[eppy] geez...ive been drinking my Code Red drink and i still dont have super coding powers
[knarf] code red is fo suckas
[eppy] no its snot
[knarf] shudda gone with the regular dew
[eppy] dude...code red is hardcore...you just dont know
[knarf] oh i know...
[knarf] i konw its fo suckas
[knarf] on=no
[eppy] i aint no sucka...fool
[knarf] man...clyde spli early today huh?
[knarf] li=lit
[knarf] hes probably napping or playing video games
[knarf] bastard
[eppy] ahhh...the good life
[knarf] or getting ready for bed
[knarf] he prolly just got home from denny's early bird special
[eppy] he's kicking off his snickers and putting on his apartment loafers
[knarf] hes feet must be covered with chocoalte and nugit(sp?).
[eppy] whistling as a toy train makes its way around
[knarf] is lil ricky schroeder driving the train?
[eppy] nah...but silver spoons is on the tube
[knarf] ah yeah
[knarf] he prolly just thru in a chicken marsela(sp) in white wine sauce frozen dinner in the micro.
[eppy] anyday now...clydefrog is gonna change back to his 12 year old identity
[eppy] ...like in big
[knarf] poor lori...what will she do?
[eppy] hmmm...nothing....she's been defeating time for many years now...she's still 12 herself...thats why theyre such a great couple
[knarf] hes prolly just jumping around on his bed watching silver spoons and waiting for his dinner to defrost.
[eppy] jumping on his trampoline
[knarf] he probably has his 12 year old buddy over there jumpin around with him.
Friday, June 27, 2003
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