[08:46] [eppy] im having a tough time lately.. garabage dispose busted, microwave busted, front headlight out, and now lights wont turn on in half the house [08:46] [eppy] pinchi mouse [08:47] [@ClydeFrogger] sounds like you really pissed off the mouse [08:47] [knarf] did you only pay half your electric bill? [08:47] [eppy] tink so [08:49] [knarf] ive only done one, but if you want backup when you swap out the disposal, just let me know [08:49] [knarf] i could also kick out the other headlight so it doesnt look weird that only one works [08:50] [@ClydeFrogger] eppy: you trying to be like me with one headlight? [08:50] [knarf] oh, and theres a micro here on the 4th flr. i dont use it much, so you can take it if you want. [08:50] [@ClydeFrogger] or you just really like the song...
[08:51] * knarf is pretty sure he took care of all of eppy's probs [08:51] [knarf]
[08:51] [eppy] knarf: good looking out. i did buy a new disposal yesterday. still need to replace it
[08:52] [eppy] damn electrician folks better call back or im gonna try someone else ... [09:43] [eppy] yikes.. tough finding an electrician [09:43] [knarf] mouse got him, too? crafty lil bugga [09:43] [@ClydeFrogger] eppy: you at home? [09:43] [eppy] he's always one step ahead of me [09:44] [eppy] clyde: yeah [09:44] [@ClydeFrogger] how "convenient" [09:44] * @ClydeFrogger bets this is all an elaborate plan just so eppy can wfh [09:44] [eppy] you havent been over in a while.. the place is a wreck ... [11:24] [ClydeFrogger] eppy: you find an electrician yet? [11:35] *** noodleLeg has joined #chataus [11:41] [ClydeFrogger] i would wear this shirt around _bmr_ all the time...
[11:47] [tzcheezyP] ClydeFrogger: that's horrible... and awesome [11:47] [tzcheezyP] noodleLeg: howdy [11:50] [noodleLeg] hi tzcheezyP [11:52] [noodleLeg] so how was sxsw? [11:58] [eppy] clyde: yeah.. electrician just came by a sec ago. Said the city isnt providing power to one of my "phases". Called the city and they are sending someone out [11:59] [eppy] he was cool to not charge me for that info [11:59] [ClydeFrogger] weird [11:59] [eppy] it did go out after the storm, but I agree its odd that I get some power but not to my lights [12:00] [tzcheezyP] eppy: so does that leave you with low voltage or low amps? [12:00] * ClydeFrogger bet the electrician was the mouse dressed as an electrician [12:00] [eppy] lol [12:00] [eppy] some alarms did go off in my head when I noticed he was only 4 inches tall [12:00] [ClydeFrogger] hahaha [12:00] [eppy] but that uniform looked legit [12:01] [ClydeFrogger] haha [12:01] [ClydeFrogger] i like how this "mouse" is a recurring character in #chataus [12:01] [eppy] tz: sorry i dont speak electrician [12:01] * tzcheezyP pictures stuart little slapping a fake magnet sign on the side of his little red convertible [12:02] [ClydeFrogger] haha [12:02] [eppy] if I had to bet.. I would say low voltage [12:02] [tzcheezyP] eppy: that makes the most sense if the lights are working right [12:02] [eppy] he put a device to the two main circuit breakers and showed that only one was showing a circuit [12:03] [eppy] its the lights that arent working.. the other stuff seems fine [12:03] [eppy] fridge.. no problem... my labtop and several other devices [12:04] [tzcheezyP] huh... half your breaker box is dead. definitely sounds like a weird deal [12:04] [eppy] clyde: ive noticed I have several recurring themes.. iron lonja, syrup residue, and the mouse [12:04] [eppy] prolly others I cant think of now [12:04] [ClydeFrogger] oh, and how youre late to new things [12:05] [ClydeFrogger] and that you dont check your email [12:05] [ClydeFrogger] white van [12:05] [eppy] that one is pretty true [12:05] [eppy] oh.. white van.. I had a tough time buying stuff in instanbul since no one was using a white van [12:05] [ClydeFrogger] xbox/craigslist ... [12:20] *** _bmr_ has joined #chataus [12:22] [ClydeFrogger] _bmr_: eppys mouse is up to some shenanigans again [12:25] [tzcheezyP] eppy: serious question... are turbans fairly common in modern-day turkey? [12:40] [knarf] [mouse] um, yes sir...you see, the problem *SQUEEK* seems to be that one of you *SQUEEK* circuits isn't getting any power. Best you *SQUEEK* call the city about it. [12:40] [knarf]
[14:13] [ClydeFrogger] eppy: WHOA! [14:13] [ClydeFrogger] i just thought of something [14:14] [eppy] stop the presses! [14:14] [ClydeFrogger] eppy: what if Bobbi is the mouse in girls clothes?! [14:14] [eppy] chetballs! [14:14] [knarf] hahaha [14:14] [eppy] that would explain all the cheese laying around the house [14:15] [eppy] and Ive never seen the mouse and helga in the same room at the same time [14:15] [knarf] that would help explain her latest fb profile pic:
[14:16] [ClydeFrogger] haha [14:16] [knarf] eppy: you should suggest buying a cat and see how she reacts [14:16] [ClydeFrogger] haha [14:17] [eppy] also explains why she wanted a dog as a pet [14:17] [knarf] the way a vampire keeps warewolves around? [14:17] [ClydeFrogger] im laughing at the fb pic [14:18] [ClydeFrogger] im=im sill [14:18] [eppy] helga's nose is a bit pointy
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