* ClydeFrogger raises hand
[ClydeFrogger] and for todays racist piece of news...
http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/alleged_remarksget_teacher_takenout_of_classroom_93530409.html?showFullArticle=y* tzcheezy_poof has joined #chataus
* tzcheezy_poof changes topic to 'will smart-ace topics be the end of topics as we know it? '
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger:
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/05/14/nz_spider/[tzcheezy_poof] monkey_boy: nice how they have bootnotes instead of footnotes
[knarf] so whats the new law exactly? police or immigration can just ask anyone brown to have to show their "papers?" papers being what? DL? SS?
[knarf] haha...the related story headline is funny: Taiwanese rat snake bites Taiwanese trouser snake (12 May 2009)
[knarf] A Taiwanese man is recovering in hospital after a snake sank its fangs into his todger as he sat down on the toilet at his rural home, Reuters reports.
[knarf] so todger is a wee-wee?
[tzcheezy_poof] roger roger
[knarf] never heard that word before
[knarf] The unnamed 51-year-old Nantou County victim suffered "minor injuries" to his wedding tackle during the attack.
[knarf] wedding tackle?
[tzcheezy_poof] that, i've heard
[tzcheezy_poof] austin powers used it, i think
[ClydeFrogger] knarf: i think the az law...cops cant just stop random people and ask them for proof of citizenship (or at least i dont think they can)
[ClydeFrogger] they had to have stopped for other 'activity"
[knarf] ah
[knarf] and then ask for to see what?
[helga] proof of immigration status
[ClydeFrogger] proof...thats where lots of peeps are confused
[helga] either a green card or proof of american citizenship... but no one knows
[knarf] uh, what if youre not an immigrant?
[ClydeFrogger] how do you prove your a citizen
[ClydeFrogger] DL isnt proof
[ClydeFrogger] maybe ssn?
[helga] passport is proof
[monkey_boy] knarf: only if you're british
[ClydeFrogger] it is
[tzcheezy_poof] most americans don't have passports
[monkey_boy] whoa, sorry about that...didn't realize I was scrolled back a ways
[ClydeFrogger] but not everyone is required by law to have a passport
* knarf hopes he doesnt get into any fistacuffs when he goes to the Raider game in AZ
[helga] knarf: better bring your passport or pass-card (the card version of the passport for travel to canada and mexico)
[chellers] AZ law was amended to say that they could only check if they were stopped for other reasons
[knarf] monkey_boy: sad news...corey haim is dead
[ClydeFrogger] haha
[tzcheezy_poof] long as you know that houston is the capital of tx, they won't go all red dawn on ya
[helga] chellers: but that's bs. a cop can pull over anyone for "suspicious" activity
[chellers] originally the law said they could stop if they thought you were illigeal
[knarf] i dont have a passport
[chellers] helga_: oh i agree
[knarf] i may be getting one though, but if i do, i wont be taking it to AZ
[chellers] i 'm just saying the original law allowed cops to pull you over because they thought you were illegal
[helga] that makes no sense, knarf
[helga] chellers: right :)
[ClydeFrogger] to make it "fair" (at least fair in terms of following the law) they should ask everyone for citizenship
[knarf] not sure how to clear it up
[ClydeFrogger] no matter what
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: it wouldnt be done even if that was the law
[tzcheezy_poof] helga_: i wouldn't take a passport just to cross state lines, no reason knarf should
[ClydeFrogger] knarf: true, but its an attempt
[helga] ClydeFrogger: and that's why my uncle said 5 years ago, he was afraid az was turning into east germany
[ClydeFrogger] or an idea
[knarf] itd be there in writing, but still only happen to those who look illegal
[monkey_boy] I heard on NPR they can't stop anyone
[helga] ClydeFrogger: five years ago with the beef-up of homeland security the number of border patrol agents in az like quadrupled
[monkey_boy] the way it works is if they already have someone stopped for anything
[helga] ClydeFrogger : is your bro a border patrol agent?
[monkey_boy] and they think the person might not be legal, they are now required by law to question them for proof of citizenship
[ClydeFrogger] yup
* tzcheezy_poof starts building a high voltage fence around the border of his apartment
[knarf] tzcheezy_poof: in addition to the one the neighbors put up?
[ClydeFrogger] helga_: hes stationed/works south of tuscon
[helga] is he in fort. whatever?
[tzcheezy_poof] knarf: i don't care what they do, i have no trade agreements with them
[ClydeFrogger] helga_: i dont think so...but not entirely sure
[helga] or in nogales?
[ClydeFrogger] i wanna say nogales
[knarf] i wanna say nalgas
[knarf] NALGAS!!
[ClydeFrogger] haha
[helga] nogales is the border town. there is a nogales, az and nogales, Sonora (i think that's the mex. state)
[ClydeFrogger] helga_: i made a joke to him that hes gonna get kicked out of the US by his own peeps
[ClydeFrogger] but in a funny/joking way
[helga] how did he take it
[ClydeFrogger] good
[ClydeFrogger] knarf: lets paint monkey_boy brown and send him to az
[ClydeFrogger] you know...as a test
* tzcheezy_poof wonders if MN is going to start profiling folks that look too frenchy
[helga] how does this law affect the border patrol work? just curious ... they are us agents, not az officers
[ClydeFrogger] i dont think aything changes for them
[monkey_boy] how am I getting roped into this crap?
[helga] tzcheezy_poof: we're more worried about letting those canadians and wisconsins into our state
[knarf] monkey_boy: thats exactly what an illegal would say
[knarf] ClydeFrogger: get a rope
[helga] luckily iowa won't migrate north and north/south dakota doesn't have the population to cause any havoc
[helga] minnesota is safe
* tzcheezy_poof begins to wonder if bullwinkle was an illegal
[ClydeFrogger] tzcheezy_poof: maybe that will be how we get rid of celine dion
[monkey_boy] I'm kind of torn by the law
* tzcheezy_poof offers monkey_boy some tape
* ClydeFrogger hopes its brown tape
[monkey_boy] tzcheezy_poof: is it a casette single of celine dion?
[tzcheezy_poof] oui
* monkey_boy hopes ClydeFrogger chokes on a fishbone
[tzcheezy_poof] \msg ClydeFrogger cassette tape is brown
[ClydeFrogger] thats not nice
[ClydeFrogger] .msg tzcheezy_poof bobby brown...nice
[tzcheezy_poof] ClydeFrogger: by "chokes on a fishbone", monkey_boy means wins the lotteryand buys sonic HH drinks for all
[monkey_boy] tzcheezy_poof: no. I meant tries to eat some fish and a bone in the fish gets stuck in his throat and his eyes get watery and he coughs for 2-3 mins
[monkey_boy] it doesn't kill him
[monkey_boy] it's just uncomfortable for a while
[knarf] so angry

[tzcheezy_poof] that's less than cordial
[knarf] its these damn angry immigrants that need to go
[knarf] .msg ClydeFrogger we could swap out monkey_boy's oil of olay with some bronzer...that should do the trick
[monkey_boy] you're just jealous we do a better job than you do for 1/3 the price
[monkey_boy] oh crap, did I say we?
[tzcheezy_poof] yep, them brown polack peanut-butter-molestin' foreignors is ruinin' this great land
[monkey_boy] I meant they.
* monkey_boy is really an albino mexican
[knarf] LOL
[knarf] monkey_boy isnt really funny, i just like to here the LOL sound on trillian
[helga] make your own paper robot:
http://botropolis.com/2010/05/50-awesome-papercraft-robots/[monkey_boy] haha
[knarf] forget paper R.O.B. - i still got the real one
[tzcheezy_poof] helga_: cool!! that's my second favorite site in the whole interweb: "This Operation Failed! The requested site is blocked by JID. "
[helga] tzcheezy_poof: bullwinkle is from my hometown! he's from the border... he just made it.
[tzcheezy_poof] helga_: did you see his papers?
* tzcheezy_poof wonders if mooses can be trained to go on papers
[tzcheezy_poof] dag. hate it when work interrupts my fridays... brb
[ClydeFrogger] who stole from who
[ClydeFrogger] c.s. lewis from tolkien
[ClydeFrogger] or the other way around
* helga_ goes to wikipedia to find out
[knarf] werent they buddies?
[helga] lewis from tolkien
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tolkien#Religion[knarf] ClydeFrogger: so no kart then?
[eppy] why not?
[knarf] moms in town
[knarf] he said he was gonna try and lock her in the room
[helga] she wanted to play with you guys and he said "girls can't play" and he got grounded
[tzcheezy_poof] can she ground him before lori ungrounds him? is that legal?
[knarf] yes
[eppy] i thought if we left early we could kart.. two champ karts cancelled in a row
[eppy] que lastima
[knarf] hed just carry out consecutive terms
[knarf] who keeps cancelling??
[knarf] well too late now, just got sucked into a meeting. not sure how long it'll last but i can go after
[eppy] dang it
* tzcheezy_poof just had a scary thought... what if the folks knarf met with earlier this week weren't really east-germans? what if they were arizonans? tzcheezy_poof hopes knarf isn't being waterboarded
[eppy] dang.. just realized that not only that we not get to kart.. but ill instead be working
[tzcheezy_poof] :O
[tzcheezy_poof] say it ain't so, eppy!
[eppy] total bullcrap
[knarf] i can kart at 12
[eppy] boo
[tzcheezy_poof] nazi friggin germany, i tell ya
[knarf] fine, if you dont want to kart, then no kart
[eppy] first arizona... now kart
[eppy] ill still wanna kart at 12.. but i doubt clyde can then
[ClydeFrogger] yeah, i cant kart
[ClydeFrogger] weve got gone with the wind playing
* knarf ships ClydeFrogger and monkey_boy to AZ
* tzcheezy_poof wonders if ClydeFrogger will charge monkey_boy $5k in coyote fees to keep him from being deported to Poland
* tzcheezy_poof bets monkey_boy has no documentation that can prove he's here legally from Poland
* monkey_boy ignores this entire conversation
* tzcheezy_poof speaks slowly and loudly in fake polish to monkey_boy
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: call up your cousin, mariuz and tell'em tzcheezy_poof is making fun of polish peeps
[knarf] i thought he died in a light bulb changing accident
* monkey_boy continues to ignore this fun conversation
[knarf] it was pretty tragic...he tried to do it with only one other person
[knarf] monkey_boy: promise me you'll call me and ClydeFrogger over when a light bulb goes out
[monkey_boy] knarf: I have a couple of bulbs at my condo in Arizona that need changing. can you two go there and replace them? Just let me know when you're there so I can call the condo security to let you in and know you're not there unauthorized.
[knarf] roger roger
[knarf] .msg ClydeFrogger party at monkey_boy's AZ condo!!
* monkey_boy realizes knarf just fooled him again. How could he ever get back at those two? In Arizona? At a condo that's not theirs?
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy is mean
* monkey_boy isn't the one that started the talk of deportation
[knarf] .msg ClydeFrogger here we go with the blamestorming
[ClydeFrogger] blamestorming...nice