[helga] is it wrong that i hate when couples make a facebook page of the two of them?
[helga] its not called "Facesbook"
[knarf] in my heeaaaaad...in my heaaEEEAAAead...
[knarf] zombie
[knarf] zombie
[le_mac] helga: sounds like an issue
[knarf] so angry
* knarf wont invite helga_ to be friends with knarf and monkey_boy's facesbook page
[monkey_boy] yeah
[monkey_boy] and we worked so hard on it together
[eppy] i bet you did
[eppy] sickos
[knarf] .msg monkey_boy see, i told you we shouldve invited him...now hes gonna get all pissy
[eppy] i aint into that, knarf kelly
[le_mac] anyone register their name in facebook?
[le_mac] last week?
[knarf] just me and monkey_boy
[knarf] monknarf
[le_mac] I keep hearing it's a big deal
[monkey_boy] maybe we'll be accepted one day
[le_mac] nasty
[knarf] le_mac: whats a big deal?
[le_mac] that everyone on facebook can register their name
[noodleLeg] helga_: in interview w/ the vampire, vampires hair always grew back to the length it was when they were turned
[knarf] oh, a user name?
[le_mac] knarf: yea
[helga] le_mac: that is so june 18th 2000-late
[le_mac] apparently if you register your name like Frank
[noodleLeg] helga_: there's a scene where the girl claudia cut her hair and a couple mins later it was back to how it was
[helga] noodleLeg: oh yeah, thanks
[le_mac] you then have http://facebook.com/frank
[le_mac] instead of a number
[helga] le_mac: i am facebook/helga
[knarf] yeah, i forgot...bu the time i got there knarf_rules was taken
[le_mac] helga: you registered?
[knarf] i stuck with knarf
[helga] le_mac: yeah, i didn't want to lose my name
[helga] why wouldn't i?
[le_mac] apparently they are offering it again on June 28th
[helga] you can't do it now?
[le_mac] right not now
[le_mac] next run is June 28th
[le_mac] they had like 1200 users in the first minute :)
[helga] i did it later in the afternoon or the next day after they offered it
[le_mac] ppl are registering their names, kids names.. it's sort of crazy
[helga] i think i saw knarf register and then i remembered
[noodleLeg] what do you have to do to be registered?
[helga] le_mac: are you saying facesbook users broke facesbook?
[helga] noodleLeg: wait till june 28th to find out :)
[noodleLeg] ok
[knarf] i didnt know it was a big deal...i just wanted knarf
[le_mac] well, new to facebook, I don't really understand the big deal other than you can have the url with your registerd name at the end
instead of a number.. is that the big deal?
[helga] le_mac: yes
[helga] and its not a big deal
[le_mac] ok.. I see
[helga] le_mac: i don't see the big deal unless you have a public profile
[helga] and want to share with non-facebook-friends
[helga] like... for hooking up. like what vanessa does for myspace
[le_mac] helga: ppl in tech world are saying this facebook thing will be almost as important to have as your own domain
[le_mac] I don't see the big deal either now that I've joined
[le_mac] not sure how long I'll have it, but try it for a while
[helga] i lubs facesbook
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: wtf? i thought we were gonna make a facesbook together?
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: you always leave me hanging
[monkey_boy] knarf already had a layout when we talked
[ClydeFrogger] f-you
[ClydeFrogger] i hate you
* monkey_boy beams
[helga] ClydeFrogger: make it a threesome and you can get a better deal on the data plan
[monkey_boy] facesesbook.com
[glitta] helga_ does having a pic of you and your man count as a "couple" page?
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: sorry, i cant hear you over the sound of my heart breaking
[monkey_boy] ha! go listen to some evanescense
[monkey_boy] ya pansy
* glitta really wants to upgrade to a couples page
[helga] glitta: good one. but no. I would have to change my profile name to "eppy helga"
[helga] so when people go to MY page, they see updates from "eppy" and then helga really confuses them
[helga] glitta: what happens when a couple breaks up? who gets the couples facebook page?
[monkey_boy] the court decides
[knarf] monkey_boy: ill dig up some pics for our facesbook if you want to update the current status
[helga] that would make for interesting "relationship status" updates
[monkey_boy] judge judy 2009
[glitta] ha ha
[monkey_boy] knarf: be sure to put up the pic of us having sushi together
[monkey_boy] it was so cute
[glitta] we got invited to dogbook
[knarf] monkey_boy: but i didnt like my hair in that one
[knarf] can we use the one we took with the bluebonnets?
* ClydeFrogger is so over monkey_boy
[monkey_boy] knarf: I look fat in those pics, but ok
[ClydeFrogger] i already have 10 facesbooks with better people
* monkey_boy only vaguely remembers someone named ClydeFrogger
[knarf] haha
[monkey_boy] as bobby's mom would say, "Facebook is the devil's tool."
[knarf] its the debil!
[knarf] im running
[knarf] runnin with the debil
* knarf Quit ("whats this button do?")
[monkey_boy] 5 minutes of awesome
[monkey_boy] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiIO_gp92js
[glitta] le_mac beweare of facebook.. you will fill so exposed at first!!
[glitta] Everyone can see everything
[glitta] and its recursive!
[glitta] fix your settings if you dont want it that way
[glitta] oops... feel instead of fill
[glitta] and dont use the wall like email
[glitta] see my wall for examples of what NOT to do
[monkey_boy] lol
[chellers] hahahaha
[glitta] everyone can read it!! U R EXPOSED!!!!
[monkey_boy] I don't get facebook
[monkey_boy] I just don't get it
[monkey_boy] no one wants to read about what I'm doing
[monkey_boy] no one would care I ripped CDs on sunday
[chellers] they might
[chellers] you'd be surprised
[monkey_boy] that's kinda sad
[chellers] well i liked it for our trip to DC
[chellers] it was kind of nice to tell peeps what we were doing
[monkey_boy] yep helga_ said she knew everything that you did
[monkey_boy] she even gave us a pre-game show
[chellers] oh and when we were at the high school baseball game
[chellers] i was keeping peeps updated on the score
[monkey_boy] see, I'd just go to enjoy the game
[monkey_boy] and if someone asked me "how was the game", I'd say "it was alright"
[monkey_boy] but I guess I just suck at social networking
[chellers] well this was on friday afternoon where some people were still at work
[monkey_boy] haha
[monkey_boy] you're a-ok chellers
[monkey_boy] I'm glad peeps like your status
[chellers] hahahaha
[chellers] sometimes they do
[chellers] sometimes they don't
[chellers] :D
* monkey_boy wonders if sometimes she puts "Mad at Ray...he'll learn why later"
[chellers] hahahaha nope
[chellers] i don't think i need to post that on facebook
[monkey_boy] haha
[chellers] esp since he is one of my "friends"
[monkey_boy] ouuuuu
[chellers] if i were mad at him i would just tell him :)
[chellers] or he's juts KNOW
[monkey_boy] you should get a facesbook.com like me and knarf (and definitely not NOT me and ClydeFrogger )
[ClydeFrogger] bye everyone 'cept for the stupid face monkey_boy and his stupid facesbook cheating face
[chellers] lalalala
[monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: you'll never be ready for this jelly
* monkey_boy really hates modern pop
* ClydeFrogger Quit
* glitta Quit