[eppy] dang it.. i missed lunch
[monkey_boy] eppy: crazy thought -- you could go now and get food
[monkey_boy] and it becomes lunch
[eppy] you just blew my mind
[ClydeFrogger] gross
[eppy] well thx poopferbrains.. but id hafta leave ibm campus
[chellers] and that is difficult because...?
[chellers] the man won't let you leave? you don't have a car?
[eppy] its way over there
[eppy] no.. must work
[chellers] you are afraid of going outside and dying?
[eppy] mebby
[eppy] there's sunlight and stuff
[ClydeFrogger] .msg eppy best watch...chellers is gunning for you
[eppy] i know.. she doesnt say anything.. ever.. and im a lil ticked about missing lunch and she's on me like.. monkey on chuck premier night
[ClydeFrogger] haha
[ClydeFrogger] eppy: nice...two burns in one statement
[eppy] i think that deserves some freebird
[chellers] i do say stuff
[chellers] :P
[eppy] helga: put my calls on hold
[chellers] it was just a question sheesh
[knarf] chellers: see what happens when you try to make chataus insteresting?
[knarf] thatll learn ya
[chellers] knarf: i know right..sheesh
[knarf] sheesh-ka-bobs
[chellers] i can't wait for chuck next week, it's gonna be good!!
[monkey_boy] chellers: yep, I hope Morgan does more crazy stuff. he cracks me up
[chellers] monkey_boy: si all good stuff
[monkey_boy] knarf: I miss K-Bob's on Mesa
[monkey_boy] home of the $4.99 chicken fried steak
[chellers] monkey_boy: u know there's a k-bob in brenham right?
[monkey_boy] but that's far for real
[chellers] monkey_boy: and its not 4.99 anymore :(
[monkey_boy] :(
[monkey_boy] http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/09/24/spider_man_musical/
[monkey_boy] why lord why?
[chellers] monkey_boy: not too far
[chellers] under 2 hours probably :D
[monkey_boy] yeah, that's 1h50mins too far for grub
[chellers] hehehehe
[chellers] buy into the franchise monkey_boy
[monkey_boy] never!
[monkey_boy] broadway shows are evil
[chellers] i'm still talking k-bob's :D
[monkey_boy] oh
[monkey_boy] then I'll see if they can fedex me a CFS
[chellers] hahahahaha
[chellers] ray and i stopped at the k-bob's in brenham once on our way back from houston. it was delish!!
[ClydeFrogger] more chinese gymnast age drama... http://sports.espn.go.com/oly/gymnastics/news/story?id=3606837
[monkey_boy] why do cable channels have commercials?
[helga] monkey_boy: eggs
[monkey_boy] it's like the commercials before a movie in the theater
[monkey_boy] that's crazy
* monkey_boy thinks MTV will buy his "Pimp my grill" TV show idea
[helga] .msg eppy careful, burns can hurt. monkey_boy might start going on and on again about how he doesn't care if others don't watch the same tv shows as him
[helga] wow, i forgot to scroll down
[monkey_boy] that's it. mantadory viewing of Chuck after school today.
[monkey_boy] you're all required to go or you fail the semester
[monkey_boy] and if I catch anyone sleeping or eye rolling they're getting detention for a month
[ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: shhhhh, this is a good song
[eppy] monkey: eat my shorts
[monkey_boy] .msg knarf I'll pay ya $50 if you go pee in eppy's coke
[eppy] im not scared of your cronies
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