Thursday, February 5, 2015


11:19 ClydeFrogger: hmmm, i dont know about this...

11:32 knarf: ClydeFrogger: nice
11:33 Disconnected
11:33 You have joined the channel
11:33 knarf_ has joined (
11:33 Topic: It sure feels like a Thursday
11:33 monkey_boy set the topic at: Feb 5, 2015, 9:25 AM
11:33 knarf has left IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:33 Mode: +ns
11:33 Created at: Feb 5, 2015, 7:29 AM
11:37 tzcheezyP: ClydeFrogger: looks pretty good
11:39 ClydeFrogger: looks like they took a lot of liberty from the original
11:39 ClydeFrogger: the little short lady is now a tall dude
11:40 tzcheezyP: didn't watch the whole thing, but i didn't see a tennis ball toss, either
11:41 tzcheezyP wonders if sam will be contractually obligated to make a coaching show afterward
11:42 eppy: Maddy instead of Mary Ann
11:43 ClydeFrogger: carol anne
11:43 tzcheezyP: yeah
11:43 ClydeFrogger: that was the name of the orignal girl
11:43 ClydeFrogger: eppy: but good catch still
11:43 eppy: Thx my bad
11:43 tzcheezyP: and she was blonde
11:43 tzcheezyP: and died
11:43 ClydeFrogger: yeah
11:43 tzcheezyP wonders if the new girl knows she has to die now
11:43 ClydeFrogger: there's a thing that the Poltergiest movie was cursed
11:44 ClydeFrogger: i think the older sister in the original committed suicide or something like that
11:44 tzcheezyP: prolly cuz she didn't matter
11:45 eppy: Ouch. The original Meg?
11:45 tzcheezyP: makes sense
11:46 ClydeFrogger: and doesnt look like the dad is a real estate / builder seller guy
11:46 ClydeFrogger: wonder if they will have the pool scenes
11:47 monkey_boy has left IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
11:58 knarf_: its gotta be different
11:58 knarf_: cant just be the exact same movie
11:58 knarf_ is now known as knarf
11:59 knarf: i hope the tree scene is there, that and the clown were tops
11:59 knarf: this clown didn't seem as scary from the part they showed
12:03 ClydeFrogger: i saw a pic of the clown... they made it look scary
12:03 ClydeFrogger: instead of it being creepy's purposely scary

12:05 ClydeFrogger: no little kid would have that clown in their room on purpose
12:23 knarf: the new guy still has to say, "this house is clear now" or im not watching
12:25 eppy has left IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
12:26 knarf: eppys was talking to the tv again
12:37 ClydeFrogger: the poltergeist would shun eppy... they'd be like "really, dude?!  where did you buy this surround sound system?  a white van?"
12:39 knarf: haha
12:47 knarf: "you only have one kitchen chair?? wtf?"
12:47 ClydeFrogger: hahaha
12:47 ClydeFrogger: that actually made me laugh
12:47 ClydeFrogger: i just pictured the ghosts moving it back and forth and then just sliding back to where it was
12:47 knarf: haha
12:48 knarf: oh, man...its even funnier now
12:48 knarf: didnt have a visual before
12:48 ClydeFrogger: "dude... this room is mess!  it would probably be scarier if we cleaned it up cause it's not like we can mess it up any more!"
12:49 ClydeFrogger: oh man this is good stuff
12:50 ClydeFrogger: haha... they leave syrup behind instead of ectoplasm
12:53 ClydeFrogger: haha...still laughing about the kitchen chair
12:53 knarf: ah man...just realized eppy and monkey missed it
12:54 tzcheezyP: if the ghosts leave syrup, how will you know it was them?
12:55 ClydeFrogger: yeah, i guess a better joke would have been that their ectoplasm just blends in with the syrup everywhere
12:56 tzcheezyP pictures eppy realizing the syrup is from the ghosts, then leaving out a plate of eggos
12:56 knarf: or that they tried to leave ghost goo, but everything was already covered in syrup so they gave up and left defeated
12:57 knarf: but left behind a 2nd chair on the way out
12:58 ClydeFrogger: haha
13:10 monkey_boy has joined (
13:13 knarf: you missed it monkey
13:15 knarf: a poltergeist came into chat and said, "chat me the best chat convo in the world, or i'll eat your soul"
13:15 knarf: well, me and ClydeFrogger, we looked at each other and we each said
13:15 knarf: "ok"
13:16 knarf: needless to say, the beast was stunned
13:16 tzcheezyP: by how yummy those souls were?
13:16 knarf: the beast was done
13:16 knarf: he asked us, "be you angels?"
13:17 monkey_boy: we be but nerds!
13:17 knarf: as we said, "nay, we are but men." CHAT!
13:17 knarf: this is not, the greatest chat archive in the world
13:17 knarf: this is just a tribute
13:17 monkey_boy: so, uh, how about them Raiders?
13:17 monkey_boy: their owner has bad hair
13:17 knarf: couldn't remember, the greatest chat in the world
13:18 knarf: this is just a tribute, to the greatest chat in the world
13:20 eppy has joined (
13:21 monkey_boy: it'll get better now that eppy is here, knarf.
13:22 tzcheezyP: knarf: gotta show him
13:23 tzcheezyP: eppy: you could be the star of the next poltergeist remake
13:23 knarf: eppy would've appreciated my tribute
13:23 knarf: to the greatest chat in the wh-horld
13:27 monkey_boy: knarf: it was a good tribute
13:28 tzcheezyP: .msg knarf was monkey_boy the ghost?
13:30 eppy: Was clydefrog the cheerleader this time?
13:30 monkey_boy: for you knarf