[ClydeFrogger] tzcheezyP: oh, got a limo driver question for ya
[eppy] uhm.. do you always wear black.. and are those windows bullet proof and have you ever had to drive other limo drivers.. and whats the longest stretch limo?
[tzcheezyP] ok
[ClydeFrogger] if you drove around 8 ladies to a couple wineries and it was about 4 hours total time, what sort of tip would you expect?
[ClydeFrogger] eppy: nice
[tzcheezyP] ClydeFrogger: 20% is the target. if you get close to that, you're doing good
[eppy] clyde: dont forget they brought their own snack and you take good pics
[knarf] haha
[ClydeFrogger] tzcheezyP: k. yeah, the limo dude who drove around lori and them wanted a $200 tip
[ClydeFrogger] tzcheezyP: when lori asked what does he do to deserve a $200 tip
[tzcheezyP] how much was the total price??
[ClydeFrogger] tzcheezyP: he said "i make sure you all have a good time...and ill open the door for you all...and when i take pics, ill make sure everyone is in them"
[ClydeFrogger] tzcheezyP: think it was around $300 or $400
[tzcheezyP] this dude sounds pretty damn greedy
[eppy] clyde: but thats the groupon value
[eppy] wasnt that?
* ClydeFrogger shrugs
[ClydeFrogger] i thought the groupon was less
[tzcheezyP] $400 for 4 hours isn't that much of a bargain
[ClydeFrogger] tzcheezyP: but are you accounting for door opening and solid picture taking skills?
[tzcheezyP] the really long stretch SUVs can go a lot higher, though
[tzcheezyP] door opening is the job, not a bonus
[eppy] you guys dont get it.. EVERYONE is in the pictures
[ClydeFrogger] haha
[ClydeFrogger] even random people
[knarf] haha
[eppy] waldo.. that hiding japanese panda dude.. winery dude.. everyone
[ClydeFrogger] hhahahaha
[eppy] himself!
[ClydeFrogger] you wont see them...but they are there
[knarf] lol
[knarf] he photobombs every pic
[ClydeFrogger] haha
[ClydeFrogger] i think we should send this guy some more tip money for making us laugh this morning
[eppy] youre really paying to hang out with him.. going to wineries is just part of the experience
[tzcheezyP] literally a paid escort service
[ClydeFrogger] i think they said he was a creepy dude too
[ClydeFrogger] like he would kinda hang around them when they were kickin it at the wineries
[ClydeFrogger] lori was scared to take out her camera to take pics
[eppy] haha
[tzcheezyP] she should have gotten at least one shot of him, in case the police needed it
[ClydeFrogger] haha