[09:14] [eppy] bmr: do you have lunch plans?
[09:14] [tzcheezyP] eppy: for the Raleigh trip, is the date fixed and the go/no-go is in the air, or is it all in the air?
[09:15] [eppy] i forget if youre even capable of having lunch with us
[09:15] [eppy] tz: all in the air
[09:16] [tzcheezyP] _bmr_: are you past your 6-months mandatory joining on Fri lunch, yet? or do you just like your new friends more gooder?
[09:17] * tzcheezyP is totally whipped on lunch cuz his gf gets pissy if he doesn't go with her every single day
[09:17] [ClydeFrogger] tzcheezyP: seriously?
[09:17] [ClydeFrogger] scary
[09:17] [tzcheezyP] si
[09:18] [tzcheezyP] i'm immune to it, as long as i don't think about it
[09:18] [tzcheezyP] we don't live together, so most weekdays it's our only significant time
[09:19] [eppy] is not living together a new thing or its been like that?
[09:19] [tzcheezyP] always that way
[09:19] [tzcheezyP] i spend weekends there plus 1 weekday
[09:19] [tzcheezyP] unless morgan is out of town
[09:20] [tzcheezyP] ... like spring break, starting tomorrow
[09:20] [ClydeFrogger] eppy: thanks for bringing up tzcheezyP's sleeping arrangements
[09:20] * ClydeFrogger tries to wash his brain
[09:21] [eppy] dont forget behind the ears
[09:21] [tzcheezyP] brainwashing... oh, oh... laurie gave me some stuff for that
[09:22] [ClydeFrogger] ./msg eppy who's "laurie"?
[09:22] [eppy] i think i messed up asking bmr. He's prolly squirreled away in the closet now for the thought of interacting with others
[09:22] [tzcheezyP] nah, he's just busy, ever and always
[09:23] [eppy] dunno.. im gonna get a raw hide for him to chew anyways.. always helps chaunce with anxiety