Based on a challenge, myself and knarf came up with a list of 25 questions on the movie, Dumb and Dumber... one of, if not THE best movie of all time.
If you fancy yourself a fan of the movie, please test your knowledge by trying to answer the questions below... "MOCK...YEAH...ING....YEAH...BIRD...YEAH...YEAH..."
Hint: Lloyd is Jim Carrey, Harry is the other dude
1. what is the name of Harry and LLoyds pet? and what kind of pet was it?
2. whats the name of the store lloyd and harry want to open?
3. how much money did lloyd spend to get the scooter?
4. what was the most expensive thing harry and lloyd buy with the ransom money?
5. what did harry do to piss of the trucker at the diner?
6. What is the "soup di jour"?
7. Where does lloyd see the newspaper which causes him to scream "We've landed on the moon!".
8. What are the locals drinking at one of the convenience stores on their roadtrip?
9. What does lloyd compliment the cop on when they get pulled over?
10. How does the kidnapper Harry and Lloyd pick up die?
11. What did harry and lloyd think Mary's last name was?
12. How many mpg can lloyd get on his hog? (closest answer wins)
13. Why was mary dropping off a suitcase at the airport?
14. What phrase did Lloyd repeat while trying to resuscitate the kidnapper in the diner.
15. Why did harry and lloyd run from their apartment when the kidnapper showed up?
16. Who ordered the footlong?
17. What does lloyd bet harry that he can get harry to do by the end of the day?
18. Whats not working in mary's colorado condo?
19. What do harry and lloyd finally use to help sooth their mouths after eating the atomic peppers?
20. Where again does lloyd run into the trucker from the diner?
21. What is the trucker's name?
22. What do Harry and LLoyd call their van?
23. What job do Harry and Lloyd pass up on at the end of the movie?
24. Is it Harry or Lloyd that drives a 6th of the way across the country in the wrong direction?
25. What is the name of the actress who plays the girl kidnapper? and bonus: what previous show did she come out on.