[10:47] *** monkey_boy has changed the topic on channel #chataus to Happy perfect square day!.
[10:50] helga_: 3-3-9
[10:51] monkey_boy: next one is 4-4-16 then 5-5-25
[10:51] monkey_boy: so enjoy it!
[10:51] * knarf kicks square day in the nads
[10:51] knarf: and dont come back!
[10:52] * monkey_boy wonders why he even bothers
[10:52] knarf: cause your OCD?
[10:53] monkey_boy: good point
[10:53] * knarf kicks OCD in the nads
[10:55] monkey_boy: can you kick it exactly 10 times in the nads?
[10:55] monkey_boy: 1 time is a grumpy number
[10:55] * knarf kicks OCD in the nads 9 more times
[11:00] helga_: 1 is the lonliest number
[11:00] * knarf kicks OCD in the nads for the 11th time when monkey_boy isnt looking
[11:02] monkey_boy: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[11:02] monkey_boy: it's too many
[11:02] monkey_boy: now it needs 9 more
[11:02] * knarf empties his pockets
[11:02] knarf: sorry monkey_boy, no more kicks left
[11:02] knarf: ive got 9 piece of lint
[11:02] * monkey_boy kicks OCD 9 times in the nads
[11:02] monkey_boy: it's not the same
[11:02] monkey_boy: it's 11 knarf and 9 monkey_boy
[11:03] monkey_boy: :(
[11:04] helga_: monkey_boy needs to go on True Life: I Have OCD (part 2)
[11:04] monkey_boy: you think you know, but you don't know
[11:08] * monkey_boy wonders where clyde is
[11:09] monkey_boy: I bet he's talking to his OM about how dumb his utep chat friends are
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Low Water Mark
[14:48] [eppy] helga: didyou already share our story to chat about our visit to monkey's to get the ps2 going?
[14:52] [knarf] helga_: i joined NF about an hour or 2 ago
[14:52] [SweetSue] oh...is it sharing time
[14:56] [noodleLeg] time for physical therapy, bbl
[14:58] [eppy] oh.. well here it goes..thx sue
[14:59] [eppy] so we bugged monkey about fixing our ps2 that we got about 2 years ago
[14:59] [eppy] went to his house.. turns out that it was just that the hard drive in the ps2 was disconnected
[14:59] [eppy] moral of the story is im a moron
[15:01] [monkey_boy] nah
[15:01] [monkey_boy] you're not a moron
[15:01] [monkey_boy] you just didn't know they could come loose so easily
[15:02] [SweetSue] we new that when you told us about the water leak
[15:04] [eppy] the water leak was a low water mark
[14:52] [knarf] helga_: i joined NF about an hour or 2 ago
[14:52] [SweetSue] oh...is it sharing time
[14:56] [noodleLeg] time for physical therapy, bbl
[14:58] [eppy] oh.. well here it goes..thx sue
[14:59] [eppy] so we bugged monkey about fixing our ps2 that we got about 2 years ago
[14:59] [eppy] went to his house.. turns out that it was just that the hard drive in the ps2 was disconnected
[14:59] [eppy] moral of the story is im a moron
[15:01] [monkey_boy] nah
[15:01] [monkey_boy] you're not a moron
[15:01] [monkey_boy] you just didn't know they could come loose so easily
[15:02] [SweetSue] we new that when you told us about the water leak
[15:04] [eppy] the water leak was a low water mark
The $400 Water Bill
[09:47] eppy: i got a 400 dollar utility bill yesterday
[09:48] monkey_boy: :O
[09:48] monkey_boy: did the mouse leave the water running or something??
[09:48] NoClydeFrogger: eppy: thats what happens when the party never stops at eppys
[09:48] eppy: apparently my water usage was 5 times what it normally is
[09:48] eppy: i dont know whats wrong
[09:50] eppy: i got a plumber coming out.. which prolly just mean more of an expense
[09:51] *** ClydeFrogger has signed off IRC (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
[09:51] monkey_boy: damn, that's crazy dude
[09:51] monkey_boy: maybe a neighbor is stealing water?
[09:51] NoClydeFrogger: eppy: ah, suck. you think maybe a running toilet or something?
[09:51] eppy: i called the utility company.. and they have someone coming out in the next 3-5 days
[09:51] monkey_boy: clyde has a good point
[09:51] eppy: im guessing the toilet.. i dont know what else would do it
[09:51] NoClydeFrogger: i wouldnt disregard monkey_boy's "mouse" reasoning
[09:51] monkey_boy: it's possible too
[09:51] monkey_boy: that mouse has it out for you
[09:51] monkey_boy: first it was cold water
[09:51] monkey_boy: now it's just using water
[09:51] monkey_boy: that's what you get for installing "mouse accessible" faucet handles.
[09:51] * eppy pictures a mouse in his kiddie pool
[09:51] helga_: we turned the toilet water valve off last night and you can hear water running underthe house. i'm guessing there is a leak in the house plumping
[09:51] monkey_boy: erf
[09:51] monkey_boy: oof
[09:51] NoClydeFrogger: eppy: you should go home during the day and see if you catch him having a water-fiesta with all the neighborhood vermin
[09:51] * monkey_boy imagines mice mariachis
[09:51] * monkey_boy loves the idea of mouse mariachis
[09:51] eppy: disneys ruined you
[09:51] NoClydeFrogger: or has it made him smarter
[09:51] eppy: fine line
[09:52] monkey_boy: http://www.photoshoppix.com/modules/coppermine/albums/userpics/10008/normal_mariachi_kat_3.jpg
[09:52] NoClydeFrogger: eppy: that does suck though if its a leak
[09:52] eppy: im just hoping they can figure something out
[09:52] chellers: hopefully so
[09:52] eppy: id hate for them to be like. welp.. who knows
[09:52] chellers: that sucks eppy
[09:53] eppy: and then charge me for something that doesnt figure it out
[09:53] eppy: i called a place named plumb quick
[09:53] eppy: the archieves of my neighborhood mailing list mentioned them
[09:54] eppy: finding a plumber is not easy
[09:54] chellers: christianson is who we use
[09:54] * eppy hisses
Later that day...
[12:45] eppy: well that was embarassing
[12:46] eppy: the mouse left the water hose on in the backyard
[12:47] NoClydeFrogger: ouuu
[12:47] chellers: eppy: uh-oh
[12:47] chellers: did you get a ticket?
[12:49] eppy: ticket?
[12:49] chellers: or a fine
[12:49] eppy: oh no
[12:49] chellers: for wasting water?
[12:49] chellers: ah k
[12:49] eppy: i had a plumber come over.. he's the one that found it
[12:50] chellers: ahhh
[12:50] chellers: well at least you know what it was
[12:51] eppy: and it was cheap
[12:51] chellers: tru dat
[12:51] chellers: how long had the hose been running?
[12:52] eppy: weeks
[12:52] monkey_boy: 37days 22hours 14mins
[12:52] monkey_boy: that's one mean mouse
[12:52] NoClydeFrogger: eppy: how does monkey_boy know how long the hose has been running?
[12:52] monkey_boy: I subscribed to the mouse's twitter page
[12:53] chellers: bbl..meeting
[12:53] * NoClydeFrogger bets the stupid mouse even has an iphone
[12:54] monkey_boy: NoClydeFrogger: that
[12:55] monkey_boy: that's what he uses to tweet with
[12:57] noodleLeg: eppy: you thought you had a plumbing problem and the problem was just that the hose was on?
[12:57] * noodleLeg wonders if eppy's grass is super green
[13:01] * SweetSue hands eppy the "Checklist Before Calling A Plumber" brochure
[13:02] monkey_boy: poor eppy. Look on the bright side, at least it wasn't a leaky pipe in the house. That's considerably more expensive to fix.
[13:03] eppy: just when i think i cant top my last stoopid thing i pull through
[13:04] eppy: si se puede
[13:04] eppy: im afraid for my next blunder
[13:04] SweetSue: welcome to my world
[13:20] *** glitta has signed off IRC ().
[13:34] knarf: lol
[13:34] knarf: you didnt check all your faucets first?
[13:35] knarf: ok, so w.wheaton IS the stand by me guy...wasnt sure
[13:35] knarf: imbd is slacking...they are the 5th hit on google
[13:36] knarf: 6th
[13:36] knarf: eppy: did the plumber charge you for turning off your faucet
[13:36] knarf: hehe
[13:41] knarf: http://www.theansweris12.net/photogallery/SMORKING%20AREA.jpg
[13:45] eppy: knarf: no.. luckily
[13:45] eppy: i assumed the backyard faucet wasnt running
[13:48] knarf: i was going to ask you when you first posted if there were any nice green patches in your yard
[13:48] knarf: but i thought, "eh, screw'em"
[13:49] eppy: nothing unusual... springs com'in round so it seems pretty typical out there
[13:54] knarf: i wasnt thinking running faucet though...i was thinking it could have been a pipe in the yard that busted
[14:06] NoClydeFrogger: eppy: do you remember when you left the hose on? im waiting for the day i forget to turn off the hose after doing something in the yard.
[14:08] eppy: it might have been the time i was cleaning off some paint brushes.. friends came over to visit.. i think i may have not turned it all the way off that time
[14:09] NoClydeFrogger: suck
[14:10] eppy: i hope it doesnt cause any structual problems
[14:18] NoClydeFrogger: wtf (what the heck), mila kunis is going out with macaulay culkin?
[14:18] monkey_boy: o o
[14:19] monkey_boy: \o/
[14:19] * NoClydeFrogger gives monkey_boy 1000 chataus pts for hs ascii art
[14:19] monkey_boy: yay
[14:20] NoClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: hot homegirls who supposedly game... http://www.pwnordie.com/blog/posts/14059
[14:20] monkey_boy: nice
[14:27] SweetSue: hey chatters - if there's somebody that is interested in starting a nonprofit, point them to this link: http://www.riseaustin.org/Session.aspx?Session=06814ac0-a28d-4dcb-b9a0-9ba20096be05
[14:27] SweetSue: that woman is awesome - saw her talk on Friday
[14:47] SweetSue: can anybody get to auschron.com?
[14:52] helga_: yes
[14:52] SweetSue: thanks
[14:52] noodleLeg: monkey_boy: cuz of your topic, i haven't had to look up the date all day
[14:54] noodleLeg: i still don't understand what eppy was observing that caused him to call a plumber?
[14:55] noodleLeg: eppy: did you have lots of standing water in the yard?
[14:55] SweetSue: water pressure lowered?
[14:55] noodleLeg: eppy: why are you worried about structural issues?
[14:55] eppy: a 400 dollar utility bill
[14:55] noodleLeg: oh
[14:55] noodleLeg: that sucks
[14:55] eppy: no.. there's not a lot of standing water
[14:55] chellers: noodleLeg: watering unevenly can cause foundation issues
[14:56] noodleLeg: wow
[14:56] chellers: noodleLeg: esp if its around the house structure
[14:56] noodleLeg: good thing we rely on rain to water our yard
[14:56] eppy: its wet obviously.. but not something you can see right away
[14:56] eppy: i rely on the rain to water my yard too
[09:48] monkey_boy: :O
[09:48] monkey_boy: did the mouse leave the water running or something??
[09:48] NoClydeFrogger: eppy: thats what happens when the party never stops at eppys
[09:48] eppy: apparently my water usage was 5 times what it normally is
[09:48] eppy: i dont know whats wrong
[09:50] eppy: i got a plumber coming out.. which prolly just mean more of an expense
[09:51] *** ClydeFrogger has signed off IRC (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
[09:51] monkey_boy: damn, that's crazy dude
[09:51] monkey_boy: maybe a neighbor is stealing water?
[09:51] NoClydeFrogger: eppy: ah, suck. you think maybe a running toilet or something?
[09:51] eppy: i called the utility company.. and they have someone coming out in the next 3-5 days
[09:51] monkey_boy: clyde has a good point
[09:51] eppy: im guessing the toilet.. i dont know what else would do it
[09:51] NoClydeFrogger: i wouldnt disregard monkey_boy's "mouse" reasoning
[09:51] monkey_boy: that mouse has it out for you
[09:51] monkey_boy: first it was cold water
[09:51] monkey_boy: now it's just using water
[09:51] monkey_boy: that's what you get for installing "mouse accessible" faucet handles.
[09:51] * eppy pictures a mouse in his kiddie pool
[09:51] helga_: we turned the toilet water valve off last night and you can hear water running underthe house. i'm guessing there is a leak in the house plumping
[09:51] monkey_boy: erf
[09:51] monkey_boy: oof
[09:51] NoClydeFrogger: eppy: you should go home during the day and see if you catch him having a water-fiesta with all the neighborhood vermin
[09:51] * monkey_boy imagines mice mariachis
[09:51] * monkey_boy loves the idea of mouse mariachis
[09:51] eppy: disneys ruined you
[09:51] NoClydeFrogger: or has it made him smarter
[09:51] eppy: fine line
[09:52] monkey_boy: http://www.photoshoppix.com/modules/coppermine/albums/userpics/10008/normal_mariachi_kat_3.jpg
[09:52] NoClydeFrogger: eppy: that does suck though if its a leak
[09:52] eppy: im just hoping they can figure something out
[09:52] chellers: hopefully so
[09:52] eppy: id hate for them to be like. welp.. who knows
[09:52] chellers: that sucks eppy
[09:53] eppy: and then charge me for something that doesnt figure it out
[09:53] eppy: i called a place named plumb quick
[09:53] eppy: the archieves of my neighborhood mailing list mentioned them
[09:54] eppy: finding a plumber is not easy
[09:54] chellers: christianson is who we use
[09:54] * eppy hisses
Later that day...
[12:45] eppy: well that was embarassing
[12:46] eppy: the mouse left the water hose on in the backyard
[12:47] chellers: eppy: uh-oh
[12:47] chellers: did you get a ticket?
[12:49] eppy: ticket?
[12:49] chellers: or a fine
[12:49] eppy: oh no
[12:49] chellers: for wasting water?
[12:49] chellers: ah k
[12:49] eppy: i had a plumber come over.. he's the one that found it
[12:50] chellers: ahhh
[12:50] chellers: well at least you know what it was
[12:51] eppy: and it was cheap
[12:51] chellers: tru dat
[12:51] chellers: how long had the hose been running?
[12:52] eppy: weeks
[12:52] monkey_boy: 37days 22hours 14mins
[12:52] monkey_boy: that's one mean mouse
[12:52] NoClydeFrogger: eppy: how does monkey_boy know how long the hose has been running?
[12:52] monkey_boy: I subscribed to the mouse's twitter page
[12:53] chellers: bbl..meeting
[12:53] * NoClydeFrogger bets the stupid mouse even has an iphone
[12:54] monkey_boy: NoClydeFrogger: that
[12:55] monkey_boy: that's what he uses to tweet with
[12:57] noodleLeg: eppy: you thought you had a plumbing problem and the problem was just that the hose was on?
[12:57] * noodleLeg wonders if eppy's grass is super green
[13:01] * SweetSue hands eppy the "Checklist Before Calling A Plumber" brochure
[13:02] monkey_boy: poor eppy. Look on the bright side, at least it wasn't a leaky pipe in the house. That's considerably more expensive to fix.
[13:03] eppy: just when i think i cant top my last stoopid thing i pull through
[13:04] eppy: si se puede
[13:04] eppy: im afraid for my next blunder
[13:04] SweetSue: welcome to my world
[13:20] *** glitta has signed off IRC ().
[13:34] knarf: lol
[13:34] knarf: you didnt check all your faucets first?
[13:35] knarf: ok, so w.wheaton IS the stand by me guy...wasnt sure
[13:35] knarf: imbd is slacking...they are the 5th hit on google
[13:36] knarf: 6th
[13:36] knarf: eppy: did the plumber charge you for turning off your faucet
[13:36] knarf: hehe
[13:41] knarf: http://www.theansweris12.net/photogallery/SMORKING%20AREA.jpg
[13:45] eppy: knarf: no.. luckily
[13:45] eppy: i assumed the backyard faucet wasnt running
[13:48] knarf: i was going to ask you when you first posted if there were any nice green patches in your yard
[13:48] knarf: but i thought, "eh, screw'em"
[13:49] eppy: nothing unusual... springs com'in round so it seems pretty typical out there
[13:54] knarf: i wasnt thinking running faucet though...i was thinking it could have been a pipe in the yard that busted
[14:06] NoClydeFrogger: eppy: do you remember when you left the hose on? im waiting for the day i forget to turn off the hose after doing something in the yard.
[14:08] eppy: it might have been the time i was cleaning off some paint brushes.. friends came over to visit.. i think i may have not turned it all the way off that time
[14:09] NoClydeFrogger: suck
[14:10] eppy: i hope it doesnt cause any structual problems
[14:18] NoClydeFrogger: wtf (what the heck), mila kunis is going out with macaulay culkin?
[14:18] monkey_boy: o o
[14:19] monkey_boy: \o/
[14:19] * NoClydeFrogger gives monkey_boy 1000 chataus pts for hs ascii art
[14:19] monkey_boy: yay
[14:20] NoClydeFrogger: monkey_boy: hot homegirls who supposedly game... http://www.pwnordie.com/blog/posts/14059
[14:20] monkey_boy: nice
[14:27] SweetSue: hey chatters - if there's somebody that is interested in starting a nonprofit, point them to this link: http://www.riseaustin.org/Session.aspx?Session=06814ac0-a28d-4dcb-b9a0-9ba20096be05
[14:27] SweetSue: that woman is awesome - saw her talk on Friday
[14:47] SweetSue: can anybody get to auschron.com?
[14:52] helga_: yes
[14:52] SweetSue: thanks
[14:52] noodleLeg: monkey_boy: cuz of your topic, i haven't had to look up the date all day
[14:54] noodleLeg: i still don't understand what eppy was observing that caused him to call a plumber?
[14:55] noodleLeg: eppy: did you have lots of standing water in the yard?
[14:55] SweetSue: water pressure lowered?
[14:55] noodleLeg: eppy: why are you worried about structural issues?
[14:55] eppy: a 400 dollar utility bill
[14:55] noodleLeg: oh
[14:55] noodleLeg: that sucks
[14:55] eppy: no.. there's not a lot of standing water
[14:55] chellers: noodleLeg: watering unevenly can cause foundation issues
[14:56] noodleLeg: wow
[14:56] chellers: noodleLeg: esp if its around the house structure
[14:56] noodleLeg: good thing we rely on rain to water our yard
[14:56] eppy: its wet obviously.. but not something you can see right away
[14:56] eppy: i rely on the rain to water my yard too
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