[09:48] [ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: you wanna go see Human Centipede with knarf, eppy, and myself?
[09:52] * tzcheezy_poof bets that human centipedes could do some hella cool rollerblading
[09:52] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: what the heck is human centipede?
[09:52] [tzcheezy_poof] don't look
[09:52] [tzcheezy_poof] ever heard of "hoof and mouth" disease? it's worse
[09:53] [knarf] monkey_boy: dont look into it at all...go see a movie having no idea at all what your about to see. that would be cool.
[09:54] [ClydeFrogger] yeah
[09:54] [ClydeFrogger] you know whats difficult...eating almost 4 servings of white rice
[09:55] [knarf] blend it up and chug horchata
[09:55] *** helga_ has quit IRC: Quit: meeting
[09:57] [monkey_boy] from roget ebert on the human centipede:
[09:57] [monkey_boy] "I am required to award stars to movies I review. This time, I refuse to do it. The star rating system is unsuited to this film. Is the movie good? Is it bad? Does it matter? It is what it is and occupies a world where the stars don't shine."
[09:57] [monkey_boy] that sounds like a winner
[09:57] [ClydeFrogger] ahhh, whyd you look
[09:58] [ClydeFrogger] what the...
[09:58] [ClydeFrogger] why is there an iphone 4 on my desk
[09:58] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: I think I'll be busy when that airs
[09:58] [ClydeFrogger] airs? what are you...from the 50s?
[09:59] [knarf] ClydeFrogger: you probably upgraded to OS4
[10:00] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: if I want to watch a disgusting movie I'll just watch the leave britney alone guy for 5 mins and get my fill for months
[10:00] [monkey_boy] and that doesn't cost me a penny
[10:00] [knarf] monkey_boy: im really disappointed you looked it up
[10:01] [monkey_boy] knarf: I'm really diappointed you tried to drag me to that garbage
[10:01] [tzcheezy_poof] knarf: do you suppose that hurts our chances to make it sound interesting?
[10:01] [knarf] im really disappointed you feel that way
[10:02] [knarf] tzcheezy_poof: it doesnt need us to build it up...HUMAN...CENTIPEDE.
[10:02] [monkey_boy] I just had to read "faces sewn to anuses"
[10:02] [monkey_boy] and I knew it wasn't for me
[10:02] [tzcheezy_poof] monkey_boy: it's done artistically
[10:02] [knarf] monkey_boy: think of it as survivor training incase you end up in a mad doctor's house
[10:03] [monkey_boy] knarf: this is why I don't go to far places on vacation
[10:03] [knarf] in this case you'll be a step ahead of everyone and call shotgun!
[10:03] [monkey_boy] if calling shotgun means I have a shotgun then ok
[10:03] [monkey_boy] if it means I want to enter his house sooner, then no.
[10:04] [ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: you so wouldnt last in a mad doctors house
[10:04] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: that is correct
[10:04] [monkey_boy] my goal would be to not enter his house
[10:04] [ClydeFrogger] uh, its never anyone's goal to enter a mad doctors house, 'cept for the mad doctor
[10:04] [ClydeFrogger] but those things just happen
[10:04] [ClydeFrogger] and you have to be prepared
[10:04] [monkey_boy] no. no they don't
[10:05] [monkey_boy] tzcheezy_poof: http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2010/07/no-sighting-of-higgs-but-fermila.html?rss=1
[10:05] [ClydeFrogger] yeah, they do. saw, hostel, human centipede...need i say more
[10:05] [knarf] monkey_boy: dont get mad at me when your end up sewn to someone's uranus and i say "told you so"
[10:06] [monkey_boy] knarf: I promise I won't get mad at you when that doesn't happen
[10:07] * tzcheezy_poof bets monkey_boy WILL get mad, even if he can't possibly blame knarf, just cuz he'll have this conversation to remember
[10:07] [monkey_boy] tzcheezy_poof: I'm really skeptical about the higgs boson. it's a "virtual" particle and no scientist can accurately describe?
[10:07] [tzcheezy_poof] it's a probability thing
[10:07] [ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: what about a mad scientist who has a goal of making a human centipede?
[10:08] [tzcheezy_poof] seriously, our capacity to detect subatomic particles using instruments made of ordinary matter have to have limits
[10:08] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: 1. it's a dumb idea. 2. he should be focusing that craziness on making zombie warriors
[10:08] [knarf] right?
[10:09] [monkey_boy] what can you do with a human centipede
[10:09] [tzcheezy_poof] rollerblade
[10:09] [monkey_boy] it's just dumb
[10:09] [ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: i bet everyone thought columbus had a dumb idea when he thought the world was round
[10:09] [ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: guess history will decide on HC
[10:09] [tzcheezy_poof] History Channel?
[10:09] [monkey_boy] yes. let's let history decide if it's a good idea
[10:10] * monkey_boy can't believe he has to defend the 'human centipede is a dumb idea' position
[10:10] [knarf] monkey_boy: with 10 people, you only have one mouth to feed...good bye world hunger
[10:11] [tzcheezy_poof] plus, twister would be super easy
[10:11] [monkey_boy] well done you two
[10:11] [monkey_boy] if you're mad though wouldn't kill 9 people be a simpler and more effective way of curbing world hunger?
[10:12] * tzcheezy_poof can't believe how sick and twisted monkey_boy's mind is
[10:12] [tzcheezy_poof] ... and it would do nothing to make twister easier
[10:13] [monkey_boy] yes it would
[10:13] [ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: killing peeps is just jerkface
[10:13] [monkey_boy] fewer people playing twister makes it easy
[10:14] [monkey_boy] "Hi It`s Clarence again. Will you ever contact me? I made those nude pictures especially for you and I wont write to you again! If you wanna see them just drop me a line at: nonononnonooooo@no.com"
[10:14] [monkey_boy] that's a good spam
[10:14] [monkey_boy] he talks just like the clarence I know
[10:16] [ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: did you and clarence have a fight. why you not talking to him?
[10:16] [monkey_boy] because he won't return my shrubbery clippers
[10:17] [tzcheezy_poof] cuz he was busy in the editing room, making vidyas just for you
[10:17] [monkey_boy] wait, what? http://www.livescience.com/animals/animal-warfare-could-the-taliban-train-monkeys-to-shoot-100725.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+Livesciencecom+(LiveScience.com+Science+Headline+Feed)
[10:19] [tzcheezy_poof] old news
[10:19] * tzcheezy_poof remembers stories about gorilla warfare in honduras and nicaragua decades ago
[10:19] * monkey_boy groans
[10:19] [ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: i bet you wish tzcheezy_poof was part of a human centipede right now, huh?
[10:20] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: no. as bad as that was, no.
[10:20] [tzcheezy_poof] i think i'd rather be one of the 9 dead ones in monkey_boy'
[10:20] [tzcheezy_poof] monkey_boy's alternative
[10:22] * monkey_boy wonders when knarf, tzcheezy_poof, and ClydeFrogger are gonna get bored of the stupid human centipede conversation
[10:24] * tzcheezy_poof wonders... if phil had been part of the HC, would they have "circled the wagons" to defend him from inappropriate biting by tebow?
[10:24] [ClydeFrogger] you think the doctor alternates boy - girl, so you know...it wont be a gay human centipede?
[10:24] [tzcheezy_poof] ClydeFrogger: of course. he's not a monster.
[10:25] [ClydeFrogger] i mean, i bet a human centipede will already have a tough enough time trying to integrate into society...but imagine how difficult it would be for a gay HC?
[10:25] [tzcheezy_poof] what if it's only... 25% gay?
[10:25] [tzcheezy_poof] ... and what if they're hot chicks?
[10:26] * monkey_boy goes into his garage to build an IRC stupid-o-meter
[10:27] [tzcheezy_poof] ... and what if they're wearing rollerblades?
[10:27] [tzcheezy_poof] ... and clarence sends us pictures of them rollerblading down by the beach?
[10:28] [ClydeFrogger] tzcheezy_poof: wed never get the pics cause he wont be talking to monkey_boy
[10:28] [tzcheezy_poof] dag
[10:29] [tzcheezy_poof] monkey_boy: forgive and forget, dude
[10:29] * monkey_boy isn't trusting his IRC stupid-o-meter. it's reading 15 on a scale of 10
[10:30] * monkey_boy goes back to redesign the sensing circuit
[10:30] [eppy] so.. we going to see HC?
[10:30] [eppy] is that tonight or weds?
[10:30] [eppy] i dont know squat about the movie
[10:30] [ClydeFrogger] my vote is for weds
[10:30] [ClydeFrogger] eppy: great
[10:30] [ClydeFrogger] knarf: wed work for you?
[10:30] [ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy?
[10:30] [tzcheezy_poof] knarf: you've gotta record eppy watching the movie
[10:30] [eppy] well.. i did see that monkey posted some quote about it.. but i didnt read it
[10:31] [monkey_boy] eppy: spoiler - it's dumb.
[10:31] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: oh yeah, wed is perfect. I'll be there.
[10:32] [knarf] wed is cool
[10:32] [tzcheezy_poof] eppy: don't listen to monkey_boy. he's just mad that his little gadget is defective
[10:32] [ClydeFrogger] monkey_boy: you should prolly buy your ticket ahead of time cause it may sell out
[10:32] [monkey_boy] ClydeFrogger: I'm on fandango right now
[10:32] [monkey_boy] I'm buying 3 in case I lose 2 of them
[10:32] * ClydeFrogger cant stop laughing
[12:23] [tzcheezy_poof] hiya, noodleLeg. how's olive?
[12:26] [noodleLeg] at daycare :-(
[12:27] [tzcheezy_poof] noodleLeg: i'll bet you haven't heard the cool news... monkey_boy was contacted by a local publisher about being the illustrator for a new children's book: "The Human Centipede"
[12:27] [tzcheezy_poof] he's thinking it over
[12:27] [noodleLeg] monkey_boy: really?
[12:28] [tzcheezy_poof] ah, lunchtime. bbl
[12:44] [monkey_boy] noodleLeg: ignore him. none of that happened
[13:03] [noodleLeg] thanks monkey_boy, but just so you know i would of bought a copy of your children's book for Olive
[13:03] [knarf] hehe