[15:28] ClydeFrogger: has it been 30mins
[15:28] helga_: yes
[15:28] helga_: its been 30 mins since it was 30 mins ago
[15:29] * ClydeFrogger doesnt like helga_'s witch logic
[15:33] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: grab a torch!
[15:33] * ClydeFrogger grabs the one he threw at the cake
[15:33] monkey_boy: you showed that cake
[15:33] ClydeFrogger: totally
[15:35] * helga_ missed cake?
[15:36] ClydeFrogger: did anyone see the second transformers movie?
[15:39] monkey_boy: helga_: http://blog.makezine.com/2717513321_ce5cbe445c_b.jpg
[15:39] monkey_boy: ClydeFrogger: I totally saw it.
[15:39] monkey_boy: my favorite part was when the robot transformmed
[15:39] monkey_boy: and then they faught
[15:39] monkey_boy: and it was all like
[15:39] monkey_boy: pew pew!
[15:39] monkey_boy: pew pew pew!
[15:39] ClydeFrogger: crazy
[15:40] monkey_boy: oh wait.
[15:40] monkey_boy: I saw this http://spe.fotolog.com/photo/14/16/1/v_ib/1243937742863_f.jpg
[15:40] monkey_boy: it's so easy to get them confused
[15:40] ClydeFrogger: hahahahaha
[15:40] ClydeFrogger: oh, man, thats going with the "DEEZ NUTS" pic
[15:40] monkey_boy: haha