Sunday at 10:16pm
[noodleLeg & grant] Hope I'm not too excited/nervous to sleep.
* april and iliese like this.
[helga] What time do you go in?
[jay] Good luck!! You'll do fine!
[jeanne] Good luck. Can't wait to see the pictures!!
[chellers] Good luck Debbie!
[vick] Good Luck Debbie, my prayers are with you :)
Monday at 9:44am
[noodleLeg & grant] Waiting to start induction, but we just had our first real contraction.
* emma likes this.
[helga] Exciting! Keep us posted!
[pat] Yeah!
[diana] How exciting :) Estas en mis pensamientos
[helga] Debbie, chat wants to know if Grant is doing the updates or if you are?
[noodleLeg & grant]Grant is doing the updates.
[helga] Grant, thanks for the updates! Facebook rocks. :)
Monday at 10:09am
[noodleLeg & grant] Contractions are about 25 minutes apart -- Grant better get his nanotech homework done now.
[pat] If you need anything let me know. I can't do nanotechnology homework though ;-)
[jeanne] thinking of you and remembering what it is like to bring my first baby home.
Monday at 10:28am
[noodleLeg & grant] anesthesiology intake right now -- we have answered the same questions like two or three times now. so far so good :)
[ruby] Good luck! I'm praying for a healthy delivery. I'm so excited for you guys! Please post pictures as soon as you're able.
[bryan] Good luck!
Monday at 11:40am
[noodleLeg & grant] Doing the exam now, will start the medicine soon. Baby is moving fine, good heartbeat.
* pat likes this.
[pat] Sounds very good. Thanks for posting often!
[christina] Good luck and thanks for the updates!
Monday at 1:59pm
[noodleLeg & grant] Pitocin is locked and loaded. We are finally getting started.
*helga likes this.
[knarf] ah push it! push-push-push it real good!
Monday at 4:25pm
[noodleLeg & grant] Contractions are regular, about 3 minutes apart. Debbie is starting to feel some real ones.
[jeanne] won't be long now!!!
[glitta] Yay!!!!
Monday at 5:13pm
[grandma B] we're thrilled..............we love you. God bless.
Monday at 5:58pm
[noodleLeg & grant] The contractions are still regular, slowly picking up in intensity. Baby's heart rate is great. Mike and Pat came by, going to try and get some rest now.
[knarf] Hang in there deb! Praying y'all :)
[liz] Exciting!!!!!!
Monday at 8:09pm
[noodleLeg & grant] Doctor says that active labor won't start until around midnight. Baby's b-day will be Sept 29.
[bryan] Sept 29 is great!
[helga] Way to go Debbie, way to go!
[tia cynthia] Well Good Luck to all 3 of you! Just try to rest when you can.
[pat] 9/29/09 - awesome birthday!
[aunt suzanne] Can't wait to be an aunt...AGAIN! :)
Monday at 9:25pm
[noodleLeg & grant] 4 cm now, it's moving along, at last. We are in "late early", will be proceeding faster after that.
[ruby] Oh my goodness. It took me nearly 10 hours to go from 4 to 10cm. I hope it moves along much faster for you. Once your water breaks, it speeds up after that. I'll anxiously be looking out for more updates.
[liz] Woo! She will be here soon :)
[pat] 4 cms! Call someone in with smaller hands ;-). That's very good that things are progressing.
[pat] Going to bed now and I can't wait to check fb on the morning and see how things progress. I may have to check if I wake up in the middle of the night.
Monday at 11:19pm
[noodleLeg & grant] Called for the anesthesiologist: time for an epidural.
[ruby] What a trooper for lasting this long. The epidural is a Godsend. Now she can relax and labor without the pain and it might speed things up too.
[pat] Good plan.
[jay] Hang in there Debbie!! You're doing great!
[jeanne] You're almost there!!!
[lahari] So...what's the status??
Tuesday at 7:17am
[noodleLeg & grant] Just broke the bag of waters. We had a rough night with the epidural and finally got a little rest. Might be sometime around noon.
[pat] Sorry to hear you had a rough night. Very glad you all got some sleep. But hopefully it will go smooth from here on out. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the update. I was starting to worry.
[ruby] Aww, well all this stuff will be so worth it once the baby is born. Hang in there.
[bryan] Sorry you had a tough night - good luck
[jeanne] Sorry about the rough night. Hope it's soon.
[dany] You're good at multi-tasking :-). Updating your status...giving birth...you're awesome! :-)
[jeanne] Yes you are amazing. In between 3 minute contractions you type a facebook post.
Tuesday at 9:11am
[helga] Quick... Have that baby!! Because you guys need all the rest you can get before the three of you go see Zombieland on opening night! Her first zombie movie... que cute!
[noodleLeg & grant] Nothing "quick" about your first baby. :)
Tuesday at 10:11am
[noodleLeg & grant] We are at 6 cm. Things are looking good so far this morning.
* iliese likes this.
[iliese] Hang in there! :)
[djPoppinJ] how many more cm's to go?
[noodleLeg & grant] After 1 more cm it goes pretty fast, but that last 1 cm can take awhile. At 10cm, it's time to start pushing.
[tia cynthia] Poor Girl hang in there! Love you!
Tuesday at 10:50am
[aunt suzanne] THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ONNNNN BABY!
Tuesday at 12:09pm
[noodleLeg & grant] Not much happening right now -- contractions have slowed. Now everyone has time to get that card or postcard in the mail so it's marked with her B-day!
* iliese likes this.
Tuesday at 12:53pm
[noodleLeg & grant] at more than 7 cm now, and +1 -- baby is on its way.
* pat and iliese like this.
[iliese] C'mon lil Babby! ;)
[pat] Open open open
[ruby] On the edge of my seat! I can't wait for her to get here. Open up momma!
Tuesday at 1:20pm
[iliese] Seriously, Debbie, are you the one posting these updates? *puff*puff*AAArrrggnnhh* puff*puff* update facebook status *puff*puff*AAArrrggnnhh* puff*puff*
Tuesday at 1:54pm
[noodleLeg & grant] 8 cm now
* iliese likes this.
[glitta] omg I checked in cause I thought it woul be over by now noodleLeg u r my hero!!!!!!
[christina] I definitely thought it would be over by now!! You're my hero too!!!
[pat] I just wanna know if the sweetest, nicest mommy has cussed yet.
[jeanne] Been checking in all day. There's a reason they call it LABOR
[pat] Do you find yourself checking every 5 minutes? It's taking a lot of self control to not check more often.
[jeanne] Been checking aobut once an hour but it's taking self-control. You're right.
Tuesday at 5:50pm
[noodleLeg & grant] The doc was a little optimistic last time. We are actually at 8 cm now, moving into transitional labor. Doctor said about 3 hours for the last 2 cm, and then 2 more hours of pushing. Maybe 9-29, maybe 9-30.
[april] Getting close --- just think in a few hours you will be holding your precious daughter :)
[glitta] Wow. B strong Debbie u Can do it !!!
[pat] You guys are awesome. That fabulous little girl is already showing her personality- by taking her own sweet time! ;-)
Tuesday at 6:40pm
[noodleLeg & grant] We rode out some intense contractions. The anesthesiology doc came in with some different medicine. Debbie is sleeping right now.
[pat] Oh good. I'm sure she needs it. Do they do anything about food for her? Hopefully those strong contractions opened her up.
[ruby] I'm telling you, Debbie is totally my hero! What a trooper. I never could've lasted that long. You guys are in my thoughts.
[april] Thank you Grant for the updates it is greatly appreciated love ya guys :)
[iliese] Come on, Debbie, you can do it!
Tuesday at 10:00pm
[noodleLeg & grant] we are at 10cm. about to get started pushing! everyone cross your fingers ... starting now.
* april and knarf like this.
[knarf] Go Deb!!
[diana] I am excited :) I can't wait to see pictures
[christina] woo hoo! You can do it, Debbie!
[pat] Yeah! Fingers crossed!
[helga] Woohoo! 'Hang in there', says tio dave. :)
[ruby] Ok I'm not going to sleep until I know that the baby is here. So excited!
[liz] Go team Babb!!!!!!!! (from Mike, too)
[tia cynthia] Oh i hear you Ruby! Im so excited too!
[bryan] 10 cm is good! good luck!
[talya] I've been chatting with your sister and we are so very excited!!!!! It's 3 am and we are waiting patiently. Look out world here she comes:-)
Wednesday at 2:00am
[noodleLeg & grant] going in to the OR - had to do a c-section
[grandma B] We love you dearly. Mom
[iliese] Come on, Baby Babb! :)
[pat] Thinking of you guys
[talya] I'm so excited for you guys! 3 is the magic number and soon you'll be 3.
Wednesday at 6:00am
[noodleLeg & grant] 7 lbs 11 ounces - she is beautiful and healthy. Pictures and her name will be later.
* emma likes this
[jeanne] WOW!!!! Congratulations. You made it!!!!
[glitta] Congratulations!!! Yay
[ray] Congratulations!!
[pat] Congratulations!!!
[helga] Congrats!!!
[ruby] Congrats! That's awesome that she finally arrived. Can't wait to see pics!!! :-) :-) :-)
[liz] Congratulations!!! Looking forward to meeting her. You guys did great!
[djPoppinJ] Awesome! Love you guys and I hope for a speedy recovery!
[diana] Congratulations! :)
[april] Congrats! :)
[corina] Felicidades!! We are all looking forward to pictures!
[bryan] Congratulations!!
[avantika] Congratulations!!
[iliese] Yay! Congratulations, Mommy & Daddy!!!
[ali] Congratulations!!!!
[chellers]Congratulations Debbie and Grant!! Can't wait to see pictures and know her name :)